Migrate HDInsight 3.6 Hive(2.1.0) to HDInsight 4.0 Hive(3.1.0)

Migrate HDInsight 3.6 Hive(2.1.0) to HDInsight 4.0 Hive(3.1.0)

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

HDInsight 4.0 brings upgraded versions for all Apache components , but for this lab we specifically focus on the Hive versions.


Component HDInsight 4.0 HDInsight 3.6
Hive 3.1.0 2.1.0 ; 1.2.1

Some key areas that Hive 3.x differs from earlier versions are.


  • Hive CLI support is deprecated in Hive 3.x and only the thin client Beeline is supported

Transaction Processing

  • ACID tables are the default table type in Hive 3.x with performance as good as non Acid
  • Automatic query cache


  • Spark and Hive use independent catalogues for Spark SQL or Hive tables in same or independent clusters
  • The Hive Warehouse connector is used to integrate between Spark and Hive workloads.

For an exhaustive overview of advancements in Hive 3.0 , listen to this presentation.



This lab is a simulation of a real migration and will consist of the following steps in sequence.

  1. Create an HDInsight Hadoop 3.6 cluster.
  2. Create test data in the HDInsight 3.6 cluster. We use TPCDS data here.
  3. Run TPCDS tests to simulate Hive workloads.
  4. Copy the Hive 2.1 Metastore and upgrade the Metastore copy to 3.1.
  5. Delete the older HDInsight Hadoop 3.6 cluster.
  6. Create a new HDInsight 4.0 cluster with the older storage account and new upgraded 3.1 Hive Metastore.

Run the same TPCDS tests to ensure everything is working as intended.

Create a Storage account

1. Create storage account and click create


2. Populate the Basics tab of Storage account with the below information.

  • Resource group: Create or use an existing resource group
  • Storage account name: Enter a unique name for your storage account( I used agstorage36 to represent an older cluster )
  • Location: Enter an Azure region( HDInsight cluster needs to be created in same the Azure region)
  • Performance: Standard
  • Account Kind: StorageV2(general purpose v2)
  • Replication: Locally-redundant storage(LRS)
  • Access Tier: Hot



3. Populate the Advanced tab of Storage account with the below information.

  • Security(Secure transfer required): Enabled
  • Virtual Network(Allow access from): All networks
  • Data Protection(Blob soft delete:( Disabled
  • Data Lake Storage Gen2(Hierarchical Namespace): Disabled



< Insert Image > 

4. Make no changes to the Tags Tab and post validation click Create on the Review + Create tab to create an Azure Blob storage account.


5. In the next section we would create the external metastore for the HDInsight Hadoop 3.6 cluster.

Create an External Metastore for the HDInsight Hadoop 3.6 cluster

1. On the Azure Portal Navigate to the SQL Database blade and click create




2. Populate the Basics tab of SQL Server with the below information.

  • Resource group: Use the same resource group used for storage

  • Database Details :

    • Database name: Choose any allowed name for the metastore ( I used aghive36db to represent a Hive 2.1 metastore on an HDInsight 3.6 cluster type

    • Server :- Click Create new

      • Server admin login: Create a username
      • Password/Confirm Password : Enter Metastore server password – Location : Choose same location as Storage Account
    • Want to use SQL Elastic Pool : N




3. Compute+Storage : Click on the Configure Database link to Navigate to the database configuration page



4. In the Database Configuration page select the Standard Tier with the below settings and click Apply

  • DTU: 200
  • Data Max Size : A few GBs


5. In the Networking tab ensure the following settings are met

  • Connectivity Method : Public endpoint
  • Firewall Rules:
    • Allow Azure Services and Resources to Access this Server : Yes
    • Add current IP address: Yes



6.Leave the Additional settings and Tags to their default state

7. In the Review+Create tab click Create


8. In this section we created an External Hive Metastore(aghive36db) which we will use subsequently in an HDInsight 3.6 cluster.


Provision HDInsight Hadoop 3.6(Hive 2.1.0) cluster from Azure Management Portal


To provision HDInsight LLAP with Azure Management Portal, perform the below steps.

  1. Go to the Azure Portal portal.azure.com. Login using your azure account credentials.

  2. Select Create a resource -> Azure HDInsight -> Create

  3. Click the Custom(size ,settings, apps) slider



2. In the Basics tab populate the following values.

  • Resource Group:Put the cluster in the same resource group as the Storage account and Metastore
  • Cluster Name: Enter the cluster name. A green tick will appear if the cluster name is available.
  • Region: Choose the same region as the storage account
  • Cluster Type : Cluster Type – Hadoop
  • Version: Hadoop 2.7.3 (HDI 3.6)


  • Cluster login username:Enter username for cluster administrator(default:admin)
  • Cluster login password:Enter password for cluster login(admin)
  • Confirm Cluster login password:Repeat the same password as used earlier
  • Secure Shell(SSH) username:_Enter the SSH username for the cluster(default:sshuser)
  • Use cluster login for SSH: Check this box(this makes your SSH password same as the cluster admin password)


5. In the Storage tab populate the following values.

  • Primary Storage Type: Azure Storage
  • Selection method: Select from list
  • Primary Storage account: Select the Azure storage blob account created earlier.
  • Container: Enter a name for the storage container

6. Metastore Settings: Enter the name for the SQL Database/SQL Server combination that was created in the last step



7. Click Authenticate to enter the username and password for the Metastore. Enter the username and password that was set for the SQL Server in the last exercise.


8. In the Configuration+Pricing tab select the node sizes for the cluster. There are no hard and fast rules and the recommendation is to select larger nodes for faster data processing. Note that choosing nodes that are too small may result in failures.



9. In the Review+Create tab , review the cluster specifics and click Create.




10. In this step we created an HDInsight 3.6 Hadoop cluster with preconfigured external metastore and storage account.




11. In the next step we will create some test data in the cluster to represent a production workload.



Create TPCDS test data on the HDInsight 3.6 Hadoop cluster with Beeline CLI

Goal of this step is to help generate TPCDS data with hive as a close representation of production data.

  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/hdinsight/tpcds-hdinsight && cd tpcds-hdinsight 
  1. Upload the resources to DFS
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal resources /tmp
  1. Run TPCDSDataGen.hql with settings.hql file and set the required config variables.( 1 GB of data)
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/;transportMode=http" -n "" -p "" -i settings.hql -f TPCDSDataGen.hql -hiveconf SCALE=1 -hiveconf PARTS=1 -hiveconf LOCATION=/HiveTPCDS/ -hiveconf TPCHBIN=`grep -A 1 "fs.defaultFS" /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml | grep -o "wasb[^<]*"`/tmp/resources

SCALE is a scale factor for TPCDS. Scale factor 10 roughly generates 10 GB data, Scale factor 1000 generates 1 TB of data and so on.

PARTS is a number of task to use for datagen (parrellelization). This should be set to the same value as SCALE.

LOCATION is the directory where the data will be stored on HDFS.

TPCHBIN is where the resources are found. You can specify specific settings in settings.hql file.

  1. Create tables on the generated data.
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/;transportMode=http" -n "" -p "" -i settings.hql -f ddl/createAllExternalTables.hql -hiveconf LOCATION=/HiveTPCDS/ -hiveconf DBNAME=tpcds
  1. Generate ORC tables and analyze
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/;transportMode=http" -n "" -p "" -i settings.hql -f ddl/createAllORCTables.hql -hiveconf ORCDBNAME=tpcds_orc -hiveconf SOURCE=tpcds
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/;transportMode=http" -n "" -p "" -i settings.hql -f ddl/analyze.hql -hiveconf ORCDBNAME=tpcds_orc
  1. Run a few queries to represent a production workload. Change the query number in the end to test various queries.
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/tpcds_orc;transportMode=http" -n "" -p "" -i settings.hql -f queries/query12.sql
  1. In this section we have created test data on the cluster and then tested a few queries representative of production datasets.

  2. In the next section we would upgrade the Hive Metastore from 2.1.1. to 3.1.

Upgrade the Hive Metastore from Hive 2.1.1 to Hive 3.1

Create a copy of the Hive Metastore in HDInsight 3.6

  1. From the HDInsight 3.6 cluster click on the External Metastores.



2. Click on the Metastore to open the SQL DB portal.



3. On the SQL DB portal click on Restore.




  1. In the restore blade choose the below values to get the most recent copy of the Hive Metastore
  • Select Source : Point-in-time
  • Database name: Assign a new db name*( I chose the name aghive40db)
  • Restore Point:
    • Date: Current date
    • Time: Current time
  • Target Server: Choose SQL server create earlier
  • Elastic Pool: None
  • Pricing Tier: Same tier as older metastore db

Click OK to continue with creation of a copy





5. After creation, the new SQL db(aghive40db) appears as an additional database in the same SQL Server.





Upgrade the Hive 2.1.1 Metastore

  1. On the HDInsight cluster click on Script Actions.




2. On the Script action page populated the parameters as described below and click Create



3. The script action starts on the cluster




4. The script comes back with a green check mark which indicates successful completion.




Validate the Hive Metastore version

After the script finishes , we would need to validate if the Hive Metastore is indeed upgraded

  1. Launch the new SQL db portal(aghive40db) and click on Query Editor.You could alternatively use SSMS or Azure Data Studio.






  1. Enter the below query in the query editor and click Run. Select * from [dbo].version

  2. Validate to see the if the schema version was upgraded to 3.1.0 . This would indicate that the Hive metastore was succesfully upgraded.



4. Post up-gradation , delete the older HDInsight 3.6 cluster.




  1. In this section we upgraded the new Hive Metastore aghive40db from version 2.1.2 to 3.1.0 post which we deleted the older HDInsight cluster.

  2. In the next section , we would create a new HDInsight 4.0( Hive 3.1) cluster with the new Hive Metastore and the older storage account.


Provision HDInsight Hadoop 4.0(Hive 3.1.0) cluster from Azure Management Portal

To provision HDInsight LLAP with Azure Management Portal, perform the below steps.

  1. Go to the Azure Portal portal.azure.com. Login using your azure account credentials.

  2. Select Create a resource -> Azure HDInsight -> Create

  3. Click the Custom(size ,settings, apps) slider

  4. In the Basics tab populate the following values.

  • Resource Group:Put the cluster in the same resource group as the Storage account and Metastore
  • Cluster Name: Enter the cluster name. A green tick will appear if the cluster name is available.
  • Region: Choose the same region as the storage account
  • Cluster Type : Cluster Type – Hadoop
  • Version: Hadoop 3.1.0(HDI 4.0)




  • Cluster login username:Enter username for cluster administrator(default:admin)
  • Cluster login password:Enter password for cluster login(admin)
  • Confirm Cluster login password:Repeat the same password as used earlier
  • Secure Shell(SSH) username:_Enter the SSH username for the cluster(default:sshuser)
  • Use cluster login for SSH: Check this box(this makes your SSH password same as the cluster admin password)






  1. In the Storage tab populate the following values.
  • Primary Storage Type: Azure Storage
  • Selection method: Select from list
  • Primary Storage account: Select the Azure storage blob account created earlier.
  • Container: Enter the same storage container that was used for the previous HDInsight 3.6 cluster



  • Metastore Settings: Enter the name for the new SQL Database/SQL Server(agclusterdbserver/aghive40db) combination that was upgraded in the last step



6. Click Authenticate to enter the username and password for the Metastore. Enter the username and password that was set for the SQL Server.





7. In the Configuration+Pricing tab select the node sizes for the cluster. There are no hard and fast rules and the recommendation is to select larger nodes for faster data processing. Note that choosing nodes that are too small may result in failures.




8. In the Review+Create tab , review the cluster specifics and click Create.




  1. In this step we created an HDInsight 4.0 Hadoop cluster with preconfigured upgraded external metastore and mapped its storage to a preexisting storage container.

  2. In the next step we will create some test data in the cluster to represent a production workload.


Run TPCDS test data on the HDInsight 4.0 Hadoop cluster with Beeline CLI

Goal of this step is to run TPCDS tests with an upgraded Hive Metastore to represent regression tests of Hive workloads.

  1. The TPCDS repo should already be cloned and TPCDS data should already exist from what we created earlier.

  2. SSH into the cluster using the ssh credentials provided durinng cluster creation.

  3. Run a few TPCDS queries to represent a production regression test . Change the query number in the end to test various queries.

beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://`hostname -f`:10001/tpcds_orc;transportMode=http" -n "" -p "" -i settings.hql -f queries/query12.sql
  1. In this lab we migrated multiple HDInsight 3.6 Hive workloads to HDInsight 4.0.


Further reference:

Lab: If I want to create schedule Job for a user restore point on SQL DW

Lab: If I want to create schedule Job for a user restore point on SQL DW

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

A few days ago I was discussing with a customer about backup and restore on the SQL DW so I made this lab: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-synapse-analytics/lab-how-to-restore-a-deleted-database-on-azure-sql-dw/ba-p/1589360


After some discussion, another doubt was raised about how to schedule a user restore point. Remember SQL DW will create 42 restore points and the user can additionally create more 42 restore points. Basically it is a point in time restore.


Between some possibilities, one of them is to use the run book to schedule a power shell restore point.

Public doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/automation/start-runbooks#:~:text=%20Start%20a%20runbook%20with%20the%20Azure%20portal,the%20status%20of%20the%20runbook%20job.%20More%20


Here it goes…Step by Step: 


Let’s start with the Run Book.

  1. Create an automation account by searching on the azure portal
  2. Add a new account – Fig 1:


   Fig 1 New Account


  1. Runbooks -> Create a runbook – Fig 2



Fig 2 Create a Run book


3. Our runbook will use power shell code as this is pretty much the example available on the public doc. Fig 3




Fig 3 Power Shell


4. Here is the power shell script for a customer restore point: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/synapse-analytics/sql-data-warehouse/sql-data-warehouse-restore-points





$ServerName="<YourServerNameWithoutURLSuffixSeeNote>"  # Without database.windows.net


$Label = "<YourRestorePointLabel>"



Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName

# Create a restore point of the original database

New-AzSqlDatabaseRestorePoint -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -RestorePointLabel $Label



5. Once you fill the gaps, open power shell and test the script

6. You can check the script’s result on the SSMS by running the following:



select * from sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs




You can confirm it worked by checking the label that you defined for the restore point on the power shell script. My label was portal_test – Fig 4:



Fig 4  check label


6. If everything is working as it should. Proceed in creating the Job, in other words, back to run book:


Here the public doc for runbooks:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/automation/learn/automation-tutorial-runbook-graphical



$SubscriptionName="Name of your Subscription"
$ResourceGroupName="Name of your resource group" 
$ServerName="Your Server Name "   # Without database.windows.net
$DatabaseName="Your Database Name"
$Label = "Any label you want - I defined as test as I do not have imagination"

	# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
	Disable-AzContextAutosave –Scope Process
	$Conn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name AzureRunAsConnection
	Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Tenant $Conn.TenantID -ApplicationId $Conn.ApplicationID -CertificateThumbprint $Conn.CertificateThumbprint
	New-AzSqlDatabaseRestorePoint -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ServerName $ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -RestorePointLabel $Label




Note:  If by any chance when you tried to use the notebook you experience the same errors as follows ( I did):


Error: The term ‘Connect-AzAccount’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if the path was included verify that the path is correct and try again.


This has been documented on the troubleshooting public doc:



The script to update the cmdlet is on the GitHub – run it on the runbook:



I Needed the Az Modules. Therefore, I created a runbook to run the GitHub script.

Note: [string] $AzureModuleClass = ‘Az’,



[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $ResourceGroupName,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $AutomationAccountName,

[int] $SimultaneousModuleImportJobCount = 10,

[string] $AzureModuleClass = 'Az',

[string] $AzureEnvironment = 'AzureCloud',

[bool] $Login = $true,
    [string] $ModuleVersionOverrides = $null,
    [string] $PsGalleryApiUrl = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2'




This one was importing the AzureRM, but I ran a second time to import the Az as well. Fig 5:


Fig 5 Update the modules


You also can check the modules available on the portal.


Automation accounts->name of your account->Shared Resources ->modules – Fig 6:



Fig 6 Check Modules


7. The next step would be linked to a schedule. This option is on the run book and allows you to add an existing schedule or create a new one. Fig 7

link_runbookto a scheduke.png

Fig 7 Schedule link


That is it!


UK Engineer

Deleting Actor is not freeing up the Disk space

Deleting Actor is not freeing up the Disk space

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.



With reference to article https://docs.microsoft.com/hi-in/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-reliable-actors-delete-actors , after Calling the DeleteActorMethod and enumerating the Actor list, the disk space is not getting cleaned up.


What can we analyze from our end:


We can check the snapshot of the partition size after RDP into the node. Below is an example of one the Partition folder (E.g.: a16a1c07-1468-4664-bf4f-483436dcbda0) size before Calling DeleteActorMethod:








After Calling DeleteActorMethod: Disk space remains same:





Points to Note:


  • Actual usage on disk depends on numerous factors from the underlying store and we don’t see immediate reduction of disk usage right after Actor deletion.


  • Deleting data does not shrink the physical size of the DB down; it only shrinks the logical size (the size of the data) of the DB. However, the remaining space is reused when more data is added.


For example, imagine the execution of the following operations:

  1. Inserting 10GB of data.
  2. Deleting 7GB of data.
  3. Inserting 3GB of data.


The physical size of the DB remains to be 10GB after the occurrence of all the above operations. This is because of physical size not going down after the data is deleted as stated above. However, during step 3, the existing available space is reused instead of creating additional physical space.


  • If we are interested in bringing the physical size of the db down, we can perform compaction. Shrinking of db file size is not supported proactively as it impacts write latency.

The recommended way is to test on workloads with real data which is having huge size. Disk space is rarely a bottleneck is general workloads.


  • For compacting the partitions, we have added settings under LocalEseStoreSettings:

CompactionThresholdInMB = set to the max_data_size that customer expects to add like 5 GB + delta

FreePageSizeThresholdInMB = some threshold for skipping compaction if bloating is less than this size.. e.g. 500 MB

CompactionProbabilityInPercent = 5 or 10 %


These settings will make sure that compaction of partitions happen at appropriate time to reduce bloating of db files.

These can be set in settings.xml under “<ActorName>LocalStoreConfig” like “GameActorServiceLocalStoreConfig”


  • Minimum db file size with 0 data is 4 MB. After that as we write data, file size will grow. Deletion information is shared by Hima above. Generally, file space is reused.


  • The current compaction steps are deprecated in favor of new automatic compaction feature that we are working on priority and will update the Release Notes when the same is public.


  • There may be a question where a node in the cluster fails for some reason and the cluster will automatically reconfigure the service replicas to the available node to maintain availability.

During this scenario, does the disk space reclaims?


The answer is No, because db file gets copied from some other node (which is in UP state) to new node.


For completeness, Replica folder and files get deleted on old node where replica is not needed anymore. New replica/node will get db files from current primary.

SQL Server Extents, PFS, GAM, SGAM and IAM and related corruptions-2

SQL Server Extents, PFS, GAM, SGAM and IAM and related corruptions-2

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

SQL Server Extents, PFS, GAM, SGAM and IAM and related corruptions-2

In previous post, we discussed the PFS, GAM and SGAM pages. Today, I’m going show you two related corruptions on these pages.


SQL Server checks the bit in PFS, GAM, SGAM and IAM are checked when new pages are allocated. It guarantees that it does not store data to a wrong page/extent.

These pages are crucial to SQL Server, SQL Server considers it as a corruption if they are messed up.

I’m going to use the same database I used in previous .


You may restore the backup file and give it a try. Please note, restoring database will consume some pages and change the PFS, GAM, SGAM and IAM. You may get a different view from my mine.


Let me show you some of the content of GAM and SGAM before the corruption samples.

Here are the GAM and SGAM page result:







3.We can tell that the extent of page(1:352) and extents greater than that have not been allocated.

4.Let’s take a dive into the GAM page.



5.‘00000000 00f0’ interpretation:



5)Pages and extents of heaptable1

select allocated_page_file_id as [FileID],allocated_page_page_id as [PageID],page_type_desc,extent_page_id/8 as ExtentID, is_mixed_page_allocation,extent_page_id as [First Page in Extent],extent_page_id+7 as [LastPage in Extent],is_allocated From  sys.dm_db_database_page_allocations(db_id(),object_id(‘dbo.heaptable1′),null,null,’detailed’)  order by allocated_page_page_id



You will find all the data in this backup file dbtest20200823.zip.


1.Now let’s discuss the first corruption scenario: error 8903

1)The page 245,246,247,328,329,330,331,332,333 belongs to the table heaptable1.

2)Extent 30 and 41 have these pages.

3)These two extents are marked as allocated in GAM. What happen if the extents are marked as ‘not allocated’?

The answer is : that extent will be consider as corrupted and DBCC Checkdb may report the 8903 error:

Msg 8903, Level 16, State 1, Line 22

Extent (xx:xx) in database ID xx is allocated in both GAM (xx:xx) and SGAM (xx:xx).

4)It usually happens when disks or other hardware run into issue…

5)Here is the result of DBCC PAGE after the GAM page in data file is messed up:



6)’00000000 00f2’ interpretation.



7)DBCC PAGE of GAM with parameter 3.



8)Here is the result of DBCC CHECKDB:





9)Why (1:312) is marked as corruption?

Because I messed up the ’00000000 00f0ffff’: I replaced it with ‘00000000 00f2ffff‘.

The extent(1:328) is actually allocated, but ‘00000000 00f2ffff‘ conflicts the fact.


Takeaway: When SQL Server set a bit of extent to 0 in GAM to allocate an extent, it also set the bits in other allocation pages, like SGAM, IAM etc, that’s the normal behavior.

If the bits in these allocation pages conflict each other, SQL Server considers it’s corruption scenario.


Question: is the command ‘dbcc checkdb(dbtest,repair_rebuild)’ able to fix the issue? Why?

Please download the dbtest20200823_error8903.zip and give it a try.


2.Now let’s discuss the second corruption scenario: error 8905

1).The extent id of page(1:352) is 44, it’s not allocated yet.  What if the extent 44(or the extent after 44) is marked as allocated only in GAM?

The answer is : that extent will be consider as corrupted and DBCC Checkdb may report the 8905 error:

Msg 8905, Level 16, State 1, Line 13

Extent (xxx:xxx) in database ID xx is marked allocated in the GAM, but no SGAM or IAM has allocated it.


2)It usually happens when disks or other hardware run into issue…

3)Here is the result of DBCC PAGE after the GAM page in data file is messed up:




4)’00000000 00f0ffff fe’ interpretation.



5)DBCC PAGE of GAM with parameter 3.



6)Here is the result of DBCC CHECKDB:



7)Why (1:512) is marked as corruption?

Because I messed up the ’00000000 00f0ffff ff’: I replaced it with ‘00000000 00f0ffff fe’.


Takeaway: When SQL Server set a bit of extent to 0 in GAM to allocate an extent, it also sets the bits in other allocation pages, like SGAM, IAM etc, that’s the normal behavior.

If the bit is only set in GAM, but not in SGAM or IAM, then there is erroneous info in the allocation pages, it’s a corruption! SQL Server detects it and raise an error.


Question: Is the command ‘dbcc checkdb(dbtest,repair_rebuild)’ able to fix the issue? Why?

Please download the dbtest20200823_error8905.bak and give it a try.

Accelerate the opening of SSIS package in SSDT

Accelerate the opening of SSIS package in SSDT

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

When opening SSIS package, SSDT loads the package, validates it and shows you the validation results by default. To accelerate the opening of SSIS package, we enable you to skip package validation when opening the package and validate it when you want to, since SQL Server Integration Services Projects version 3.9 and SSDT for VS2017 15.9.6. 


This tutorial walks you through the process on how to accelerate the opening of SSIS package by skipping package validation.  


Switch “Skip validation when opening a package” on/off 

To switch “Skip validation when opening a package” on/off, select the “Tools -> Options” item on SSDT menu and check/uncheck the “Business Intelligence Designers -> Integration Services Designers –> General -> Skip validation when opening a package” checkbox on “Options” window.  

When the checkbox is checked, package validation will be skipped when opening the package. When the checkbox is unchecked, package will be validated when opened. By default, the checkbox is unchecked. 



SSDT monitors SSIS package opening time and hint you to switch “Skip validation when opening a package” on 

SSDT monitors the time of opening SSIS package. If the time is too long, SSDT will pop up a dialog below to hint you to switch “Skip Validation when opening a package” on. If you select “Yes”, the checkbox “Skip validation when opening a package” in the window above will be checked and the package validation will be skipped when opening the package. If you check “Do not show this dialog again”, this dialog won’t show up again regardless you select “Yes” or “No”. 



Validate package proactively 

When “Skip validation when opening a package” is switched on, you can validate the package proactively by right clicking the package design panel and clicking the “Validate” button.  
