Priority Accounts in Microsoft 365

Priority Accounts in Microsoft 365

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Timely email is critical for certain people within an organization, such as the CEO and other leaders and managers. These people are often considered to be priority accounts, as they are essential to running your organization and often have access to sensitive and high priority information.


We are thrilled to announce that organizations that meet both these requirements can now monitor failed or delayed email messages sent to priority accounts:

  • Office 365 E3 or Microsoft 365 E3, or Office 365 E5 or Microsoft 365 E5; and
  • At least 10,000 licenses and at least 50 monthly active Exchange Online users.

Setting up priority accounts is quick and easy, and you can enable the feature in the Microsoft 365 admin center.




Once enabled, you can designate specific users as priority accounts in Active users area of the Microsoft 365 admin center.




Once you have designated your priority accounts, they are monitored for mail flow issues. When an issue occurs, an alert will be generated to notify the admin. You can then view detailed information about the issue in the Exchange admin center.




In a brand new video, titled “Improve IT efficiency and agility and stay informed as you enable self-service tasks,” Karissa Larson, a Senior Program Manager on the Microsoft 365 admin center team, demonstrates how to use this feature.



Details on monitoring mail flow for priority accounts starts here (37:42), but sure to check out the whole video, as it’s packed with strategies that Microsoft 365 admins can use to speed through everyday management tasks, and demos that include new and improved global fuzzy search, how to empower users to reset their own passwords, how admins can use Microsoft Planner and the Message Center for change management in Microsoft 365, how to deal with ownerless Groups, how to use instant-on PowerShell on the web, and more.


Be sure to review the documentation for priority accounts, and then let us know what you think. We look forward to your feedback!

Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI: deliver Storage Spaces Direct to containers

Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI: deliver Storage Spaces Direct to containers

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Written by Cosmos Darwin, Senior PM on the Azure Edge & Platform team at Microsoft. Follow him on Twitter @cosmosdarwin.


The biggest news for Azure Stack HCI at Microsoft Ignite 2020 is the surprise announcement of the Azure Kubernetes Service coming to Azure Stack HCI. You can download the Preview right now. This new service dramatically expands the possibilities for IT and Ops teams, empowering you to easily run modern container-based applications on-premises, including stateful containers that require fast, fault tolerant persistent storage.


In this blog post, I’m going to explain how it works. I’ll describe the experience of setting up a Kubernetes cluster on Azure Stack HCI, present the storage architecture, and then containerize and deploy a sample app to demonstrate basics like dynamic provisioning and scale-out. I’ll introduce some Kubernetes concepts along the way, but that’s not the focus. If you’re interested in how you can use Storage Spaces Direct in the exciting new world of containers, read on!




Before we start, it helps to understand the backstory: Kubernetes is hard to set up.


In recent years, containers have become the normal way to package and distribute new applications. Many organizations want to use Kubernetes to orchestrate their containers. Unfortunately, the only straightforward way to get Kubernetes has historically been to use a managed service in the public cloud, like Azure Kubernetes Service. But what if you need to deploy the app on your own servers, that you manage, on your premises? At Microsoft, we’re committed to helping you innovate anywhere with Azure. That’s why we build common tools that work across the cloud and the edge, and it’s why the Azure Kubernetes Service is coming to Azure Stack HCI.


OK, let’s get into it.


My lab environment


You don’t need a large hardware footprint to run the Azure Kubernetes Service. For this blog, I’m using an Azure Stack HCI cluster pretty close to the minimum spec: 2 nodes with 4 cores, 64 GiB of memory, and 4 x SSD drives each. If you watched my recent appearance on Azure Friday with Scott Hanselman, this configuration should sound familiar. Each node is running the latest Azure Stack HCI (Preview) operating system. (Missed that announcement? Watch my session from Microsoft Inspire in July.) There’s also a Windows 10 client machine with Windows Admin Center, and an Active Directory domain controller providing DNS and DHCP, on the same network.




Getting started: deploy the Azure Kubernetes Service


Before we can deploy a Kubernetes cluster, we first need to deploy the Azure Kubernetes Service itself. This step is only necessary on-premises: we are deploying our own instance of the control plane, running completely local to Azure Stack HCI. There’s no equivalent step in the public cloud because the control plane is already set up, years ago, by Microsoft.


Luckily, there’s a Windows Admin Center extension included with the Preview to make this easy. With the extension installed, navigate to your Azure Stack HCI cluster and select the “Azure Kubernetes Service” tool in the left menu. Provide the administrator credential, a cluster shared volume, and (implicitly) a range of IP addresses from your DHCP server, and it handles everything else. The installation takes about 30 minutes.




With the installation complete, we can poke around the cluster and observe what’s new:


  • There’s an agent, visible in Get-Process, running on every host node
  • There’s a clustered service, visible in Get-ClusterResource, running on the host cluster
  • There are two virtual machines, visible in Get-VM or Windows Admin Center
  • Many files have been dropped into our cluster shared volume





Ready-made Kubernetes infrastructure


With the infrastructure in place, we’re ready to deploy our first Kubernetes cluster.


In Kubernetes, a cluster comprises at least one controller node and additional worker nodes. When you deploy a Kubernetes cluster in Azure public cloud, these nodes are simply virtual machines deployed in Azure. The Azure Kubernetes Service handles provisioning them for you and setting them up with a container runtime (e.g. Docker) and the kubelet agentry. Inside, the worker nodes run either Linux or Windows, depending on the container images you want to run.


This all works the same way on Azure Stack HCI: when you deploy a Kubernetes cluster, the on-premises Azure Kubernetes Service provisions on-premises virtual machines with either Linux or Windows inside. Just like in Azure public cloud, these virtual “container host” nodes are completely managed for you, even though they’re on-premises. Let’s try it.


This PowerShell cmdlet creates a new Kubernetes cluster:



New-AksHciCluster -clusterName demo -linuxNodeCount 2



(Alternatively, you can use Windows Admin Center if you prefer.)


Our new Kubernetes cluster named “demo” will have 2 worker nodes running Linux. We can create Windows worker nodes (to run Windows containers) with the -windowsNodeCount parameter. Notice that we didn’t need to provide an ISO or VHD, nor credentials, nor… any inputs at all. After a few short minutes, our new Kubernetes nodes are created and visible in Windows Admin Center:




This push-button simplicity is the major benefit of Azure Kubernetes Service.


The first time you experience it on Azure Stack HCI, it’s honestly startling. Where did these virtual machines come from?! Closer inspection reveals that they’re running an operating system called “Common Base Linux – Mariner” that Microsoft quietly revealed last week on GitHub. Azure Kubernetes Service downloaded it for us. It’s an open-source Linux distribution that, like the rest of Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI, is supported and secured top-to-bottom by Microsoft. Very mysterious.




More important than the nodes themselves is what’s going on inside them. Azure Kubernetes Service has configured an impressive amount of infrastructure to assemble these nodes into a robust, managed Kubernetes cluster. And it helpfully installed kubectl.exe, the Kubernetes CLI, on every node in the Azure Stack HCI host cluster.


We can use kubectl to explore Kubernetes. In PowerShell, run:



PS C:> kubectl get pod -A



We see more than a dozen pods!



NAMESPACE     NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   coredns-868d587f84-dws2x                           1/1     Running   0          21m
kube-system   coredns-868d587f84-kr8sw                           1/1     Running   0          21m
kube-system   csi-msk8scsi-controller-5bb99d6f5b-x9rxm           5/5     Running   0          21m
kube-system   csi-msk8scsi-node-jfl9p                            3/3     Running   0          20m
kube-system   csi-msk8scsi-node-npqxm                            3/3     Running   0          12m
kube-system   etcd-demo-control-plane-v44qg                      1/1     Running   0          22m
kube-system   kube-apiserver-demo-control-plane-v44qg            1/1     Running   0          22m
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-demo-control-plane-v44qg   1/1     Running   0          22m
kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-amd64-9pxwn                        1/1     Running   0          21m
kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-amd64-brxz9                        1/1     Running   0          12m
kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-amd64-tjffx                        1/1     Running   0          20m
kube-system   kube-proxy-5s8kw                                   1/1     Running   0          12m
kube-system   kube-proxy-p9nbd                                   1/1     Running   0          20m
kube-system   kube-proxy-wfxfw                                   1/1     Running   0          21m
kube-system   kube-scheduler-demo-control-plane-v44qg            1/1     Running   0          22m
kube-system   moc-cloud-controller-manager-644b8d8688-4n84j      1/1     Running   0          21m



If you’ve used Kubernetes before, then you recognize many of these. Spot the four core components of the Kubernetes control plane: etcd, apiserver, controller, and scheduler; the Flannel plugin that fulfills the Container Network Interface (CNI); something with CSI in its name (hint: Container Storage Interface); and a few others.


On the other hand, if you’re new to Kubernetes, don’t feel overwhelmed. You don’t need to know any of this to succeed with Kubernetes on Azure Stack HCI. That’s the whole point: Azure Kubernetes Service handles it for you. I won’t get into Kubernetes infrastructure in this blog, but if you’re interested to learn more, consider reading one of the many excellent explainers out there, like this one.


Connecting the dots with Storage Spaces Direct


For our purposes, suffice to say that in Kubernetes, pods are the basic unit of compute and persistent volumes are the basic unit of storage. Pods comprise one or more containerized apps and consume resources like processor cycles and memory from worker nodes. They can also claim (request) access to one or more persistent volumes. Where do the persistent volumes come from?


Storage in Kubernetes depends on your environment. The Container Storage Interface (CSI) defines how storage providers can extend the core Kubernetes platform to offer convenient provisioning from an external storage system. For example, when you deploy Kubernetes in Azure public cloud, requests for storage are fulfilled by Azure Disks or Azure Files, depending on the specifics of your request. This works because Microsoft implemented two CSI drivers, azureDisk and azureFile, that Azure Kubernetes Service automatically installs for you.


To bring Kubernetes to Azure Stack HCI, our team implemented a new CSI driver.


The simplest way to try it out is what’s called static provisioning. In plain terms, this means to pre-create a Kubernetes persistent volume claim using administrator tools, even before deploying any pods. We can do this by authoring a short YAML file:



apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "PersistentVolumeClaim"
  name: "bigvolume"
      storage: 100Gi
    - "ReadWriteOnce



The primary way that administrators interact with Kubernetes is by applying YAML files to describe the desired state of the cluster. Kubernetes compares your YAML with the current reality, figures out what changes to make, and implements them. The YAML format is human-readable: ours defines an object of kind PersistentVolumeClaim named “bigvolume” with storage capacity up to 100 GiB and read/write access for one consumer at a time.


Save the YAML and use kubectl to apply it:



PS C:> kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml



To fulfill our claim, Kubernetes will provision a new persistent volume, or “pv” for short. We can see it with kubectl:



PS C:> kubectl get pv



Here’s the output:



pvc-e11dbfa2-3fc1...   100Gi      RWO            Bound    default/bigvolume   default        1s



Moreover, we see it in Windows Admin Center – look at the Azure Stack HCI volume where we deployed Azure Kubernetes Service, before and after:




Clearly, the provisioning worked: it’s consuming real capacity from our Azure Stack HCI storage pool.


But how! What sorcery made this happen?


Review: Azure Stack HCI storage architecture


As the baseline, let’s review the Azure Stack HCI storage architecture for traditional virtual machines:


(Tip: the numbers in this list correspond to the numbers in the diagram.)


1. An Azure Stack HCI cluster is comprised of physical OEM servers running our operating system

2. The servers are connected by high-speed Ethernet for the storage bus layer “back-end”

3. Every server contributes local SSD, HDD, and NVMe drives into a software-defined pool of storage

4. From the pool, virtualized data volumes are created with built-in resiliency (like RAID implemented in software)

5. Virtual machines running on the cluster store their virtual hard disk files in the data volumes

6. With like-local access to their files from any host, they can move around the cluster in response to failures or maintenance




There’s more to it – caching, striping, deduplication, etc. – but that’s the basic picture.


Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI builds on the same architecture, with just a few additions. That’s good news: if you understand Storage Spaces Direct, you’re already halfway to being an expert with Kubernetes on Azure Stack HCI, because steps 1-6 don’t change at all. Here’s the additional orchestration Azure Kubernetes Service provides:


7. Kubernetes, running inside the virtual nodes, receives a request for storage (e.g. from a newly scheduled pod)

8. It forwards the request to the new msvhd CSI driver, automatically installed by Azure Kubernetes Service

9. Our CSI driver makes the requests to the clustered Agent Service and the Node Agent on the volume owner node

10. The Node Agent creates a new VHDX file and attaches it to the worker node (virtual machine) that needs the storage

11. Inside the worker node, the new disk is discovered and formatted using EXT4 (Linux) or NTFS (Windows)

12. Kubernetes mounts the storage into the requesting pod’s container filesystem




Again, notice that this architecture is strictly additive: it builds on how Azure Stack HCI already works. This means that containerized apps benefit from all the beloved features of Storage Spaces Direct: RDMA-accelerated storage, server-side read/write caching, nested resiliency, mirror-accelerated parity, encryption at rest, deduplication and compression, self-balancing scale-out… it all just works.


To return to our example, using timestamps and file sizes, we can dig around and locate the VHD file that must correspond to “bigvolume” in Kubernetes. It’s tucked away here:






So, that’s the sorcery. :)


Dynamic storage provisioning


Our first example used static provisioning, one of two ways to get persistent storage in Kubernetes. The more common way is dynamic provisioning, where storage is created just-in-time as pods are scheduled. To facilitate dynamic provisioning, Kubernetes uses storage classes to represent and templatize different options (e.g. different media, or different resiliency, etc.) offered by the underlying storage.


For example, in Azure public cloud, Azure Kubernetes Service conveniently provides these out of the box:



PS C:> kubectl get sc
azurefile    Immediate           true                   1h
azurefile-premium   Immediate           true                   1h
default (default)   Immediate           true                   1h
managed-premium   Immediate           true                   1h



Notice the “default” storage class, which enables someone to request storage without specific knowledge of the local environment.


On Azure Stack HCI, there’s a convenient default storage class too:



PS C:> kubectl get sc

default (default)   msvhd         Immediate           true                   1h



With dynamic provisioning and default storage classes, Kubernetes can ensure that containers get the storage they expect (as described in their YAML file) regardless how they get scheduled, re-scheduled, scaled out, or otherwise moved. It even provides portability to/from the public cloud: when I apply pvc.yaml from earlier on Azure public cloud, I get 100 GiB of Standard SSD Azure Managed Disk. When I run the exact same YAML on Azure Stack HCI, I get 100 GiB of VHDX on my host cluster’s capacity media.


I don’t need to change my code at all.


Sample application


To exercise the basics, I’ve written a sample app that we can containerize and deploy to Kubernetes on Azure Stack HCI. My app is an extravagant 17 lines of Python code (on GitHub here) meaning it’s simplistic, for illustrative purposes only. All it does is query the time, query its own container ID, and then append how long it’s been running to /storage/log.txt once per minute. That’s it.


To containerize this app, I’ve taken three steps:


  1. On my local dev box, I authored a Dockerfile to package this app into a container image
  2. I pushed the container image into an Azure Container Registry in my subscription
  3. Finally, I authored several YAML files to describe how Kubernetes should run my container




These files –, the Dockerfile, and the demo1/2/3.yaml Kubernetes manifests are literally all the code in this project.


The important point is that my app requires persistent storage.


Specifically, when my code starts, it expects writeable storage mounted at /storage.


Deploy the app


Let’s start with the simplest thing: demo1.yaml simply defines one PersistentVolumeClaim “myvolumeclaim” and one Pod “demo1” which mounts the volume.




Let’s apply the YAML:



PS C:> kubectl apply -f demo1.yaml



Moments later, just like that, Kubernetes has started running my app!



PS C:> kubectl get pod

demo1   1/1     Running   0          27s



 More to the point, its requested storage was dynamically provisioned:



PS C:> kubectl get pv
NAME                    CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STATUS   CLAIM                   STORAGECLASS   AGE
pvc-d8781916-8d5b-...   1Gi        RWO            Bound    default/myvolumeclaim   default        27s



After a few minutes, we can get a shell to the container and get the content of the file it’s writing:



PS C:> kubectl exec demo1 -- cat ../storage/log.txt



As expected, we see one lonely container, writing hello once per minute:



[09:51:00 AM] Hello from container e5809e63...ca54e26e! I've been running for 0 minutes.
[09:52:00 AM] Hello from container e5809e63...ca54e26e! I've been running for 1 minutes.
[09:53:00 AM] Hello from container e5809e63...ca54e26e! I've been running for 2 minutes.
[09:54:00 AM] Hello from container e5809e63...ca54e26e! I've been running for 3 minutes.
[09:55:00 AM] Hello from container e5809e63...ca54e26e! I've been running for 4 minutes.



The app works – cool.


Can we scale it?


Scale out (run multiple container instances)


Kubernetes has convenient and powerful built-in mechanisms to scale apps. By far the most common is an abstraction called Deployment. Instead of describing each pod directly, you templatizes one or multiple pods and then specify how many identical replicas of each pod should be running. (There’s more to it, but that’s the gist.) You provide the target number of replicas in your YAML specification, and Kubernetes handles spinning up additional instances to meet your target.


demo2.yaml defines a Deployment of our sample app. We can start with:



  replicas: 1



With just 1 replica, this is equivalent to what we did before.


After verifying that it’s working, let’s make this edit to the YAML and re-apply:



  replicas: 5



Kubernetes detects our change and immediately starts creating 4 more instances of our app!



PS C:> kubectl get pod
NAME                    READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
demo2-bb9cb785b-4nrzt   1/1     Running             0          3m21s
demo2-bb9cb785b-8w76m   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5s
demo2-bb9cb785b-f4mw5   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5s
demo2-bb9cb785b-gsml2   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5s
demo2-bb9cb785b-s8stg   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          5s



Notice that my YAML is structured such that all instances reference the same PersistentVolumeClaim – here’s the picture:




Because all 5 instances of our containerized app are accessing (and writing to) the same underlying storage, we expect to see their messages intermingled together. After a few minutes, we can get the contents of the /storage/log.txt file to confirm. And indeed, it works! For the first few minutes, from 10:00 AM until 10:03 AM, there is one single container (with ID ending in 8d3f6a82) writing once per minute. Then we scale out. From 10:04 onward, we see 5 containers with different IDs. One is from earlier, but 4 are new (running for 0 minutes). Thereafter, every minute on the minute, all 5 containers write in lockstep to the file:



[10:00:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 0 minutes.

[10:01:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 1 minutes.

[10:02:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 2 minutes.

[10:03:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 3 minutes.

[10:04:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 4 minutes.
[10:04:00 AM] Hello from container 03e68cc2...9369d18d! I've been running for 0 minutes.
[10:04:00 AM] Hello from container 1c93a862...f8e23339! I've been running for 0 minutes.
[10:04:00 AM] Hello from container 4f94949b...f8eb2df5! I've been running for 0 minutes.
[10:04:00 AM] Hello from container 08c7f504...e0345af8! I've been running for 0 minutes.

[10:05:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 5 minutes.
[10:05:00 AM] Hello from container 1c93a862...f8e23339! I've been running for 1 minutes.
[10:05:00 AM] Hello from container 03e68cc2...9369d18d! I've been running for 1 minutes.
[10:05:00 AM] Hello from container 4f94949b...f8eb2df5! I've been running for 1 minutes.
[10:05:00 AM] Hello from container 08c7f504...e0345af8! I've been running for 1 minutes.

[10:06:00 AM] Hello from container 735613d8...8d3f6a82! I've been running for 6 minutes.
[10:06:00 AM] Hello from container 08c7f504...e0345af8! I've been running for 2 minutes.
[10:06:00 AM] Hello from container 03e68cc2...9369d18d! I've been running for 2 minutes.
[10:06:00 AM] Hello from container 1c93a862...f8e23339! I've been running for 2 minutes.
[10:06:00 AM] Hello from container 4f94949b...f8eb2df5! I've been running for 2 minutes.



We’ve scaled our app, but what if we need to scale storage? Can we orchestrate that too?


Scale persistent storage with Stateful Sets


It’s reasonably common that when you containerize a stateful application, like a database, each instance may require its own persistent storage. One way to accomplish this is with the Kubernetes abstraction called StatefulSet. By templatizing both the pod and its storage claim, demo3.yaml showcases the value of dynamic provisioning. Now, each instance will get its own persistent volume, while still providing the same push-button scalability as before:




After we apply the YAML with Replicas: 5, we can see our statefulset. It’s diligently tracking 5/5 instances for us:



PS C:> kubectl get statefulset
demo3   5/5     2m35s



Here are the 5 running pods, thoughtfully named and numbered by Kubernetes:



PS C:> kubectl get pod

demo3-0   1/1     Running   0          3m
demo3-1   1/1     Running   0          3m
demo3-2   1/1     Running   0          2m
demo3-3   1/1     Running   0          2m
demo3-4   1/1     Running   0          1m



More to the point, each pod requested its own exclusive storage, so 5 persistent volume claims were provisioned:



PS C:> kubectl get pvc

myvolume-demo3-0   Bound    pvc-09d32b8c-4373...   1Gi        RWO            default        3m
myvolume-demo3-1   Bound    pvc-09d32b8c-4373...   1Gi        RWO            default        3m
myvolume-demo3-2   Bound    pvc-09d32b8c-4373...   1Gi        RWO            default        2m
myvolume-demo3-3   Bound    pvc-09d32b8c-4373...   1Gi        RWO            default        2m
myvolume-demo3-4   Bound    pvc-09d32b8c-4373...   1Gi        RWO            default        1m



…and these claims were fulfilled concretely by creating 5 new VHDX files on Azure Stack HCI:






Whew, that was a lot to take in.


As you can see, Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI delivers the same push-button experience for deploying a robust, managed Kubernetes infrastructure as in Azure public cloud, but now running completely on your servers, on your premises. To empower you to innovate anywhere with Azure, this new service is supported and secured top-to-bottom by Microsoft, and includes everything you need to run modern container-based apps on Azure Stack HCI, like the new CSI storage driver that mounts capacity from Storage Spaces Direct into Kubernetes pods. With support for dynamic provisioning using storage classes, volume expansion, and more, containerized apps can get the storage they need on Azure Stack HCI with few or no code changes.


You can run containers and virtual machines side-by-side on the same Azure Stack HCI cluster, and if you have an existing deployment of Azure Stack HCI, you can add Azure Kubernetes Service without redeploying your environment or buying new hardware. It’s an exciting time for Azure edge infrastructure, and a great day to start learning Kubernetes.


Please try out the Preview and let us know what you think!


– Cosmos




Thanks to Dinesh Kumar Govindasamy, Benjamin Armstrong, and Nick Maliwacki for their support with this blog post. In the spirit of full transparency, let me acknowledge that this blog glosses over a few minor things: (1) For illustrative effect, we set the msvhd storage class to provision fixed VHDs although the default is dynamic; (2) For demo1, to pull our image from my private Azure Container Registry, we supplied imagePullSecrets in our YAML, not shown; (3) For demo2, we used a NodeSelector to keep all 5 replicas on the same node, because ReadWriteMany access isn’t in the current Preview.

Announcing  Attack Simulation Training in Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Announcing Attack Simulation Training in Microsoft Defender for Office 365

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

We are excited to announce Attack Simulation Training in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 enters public preview today, empowering our customers to detect, quantify and reduce social engineering risk across their users. To watch the announcement and see the product in action tune into our session at Ignite 2020. 



Users falling prey to phishing is still one of the most common, impactful risks facing our customers today. Good technology stops most phishing attacks before they ever reach inboxes, but no technology can stop 100% of phishing attacks. Your employees are a crucial line of defense.  

Attack Simulation Training in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is an intelligent social engineering risk management tool that empowers all your employees to be defenders. Using real phish to emulate the attacks your employees are most likely to see, it delivers security training tailored to each employee’s behavior in simulations. It automates the design and deployment of your security training program, saving the resource-strapped security teams time and resources. Innovative metrics like predicted compromise rate and training effectiveness quantify social engineering risk across the organization and enable strategic remediations. Engaging and context-aware security training, delivered through our partnership with Terranova Security reduces risky behavior. 



Today we are launching three capabilities in public preview: intelligent simulations, actionable insights, and impactful security training.  


Emulate real threats with intelligent simulations  

Intelligent simulations automate simulation and payload management, user targeting, schedule and cleanup. The security admin can launch a simulation with a click of a button in the Attack simulation Training tab in Microsoft 365 Security Center.  



Following the simple steps outlined in the workflow, the admin can pick from 4 different social engineering techniques and select the phish template from a list of real phish templates seen in their tenant. Optionally, if the admin prefers, they can upload their own template as well, and then select the users to whom the simulation will be sent.  





The admin can then assign training tailored to a user’s behavior in the simulation. Microsoft recommends training to assign based on learning pathways and our intelligence into which training is effective for which kinds of behavior. The admin can also choose to assign training themselves. For example, an admin may choose to assign 3 trainings to users who were compromised in the simulation but only 2 to those who clicked and 1 to all users. The landing page on which the end user will land to access this training are wholly customizable for the look and voice of your brand. Finally, the admin has the option to schedule the simulation to launch right away or at a later time, which can be customized by recipient timezone.  




Reinforce your human firewall with impactful training  

 Terranova Security’s huge library of phish training content enables personalized and highly specific training targeting based on susceptibility score or simulationperformance. Nanolearningsmicrolearnings, and interactivity cater to diverse learning styles and reinforce awareness. Additionally, all trainings are available in 12+ languages and accessible to the highest standards to meet the needs of Microsoft’s global customers.  



When an employee clicks on the phishing link in a simulation, or give up their credentials, they will be directed to the landing page set up by the administrator. The landing page walks through the indicators of phishing that the employee missed and assigns them training, which can be completed right then within the product or scheduled for later in Outlook calendar. Regular reminders will prompt employees to complete assigned training until it is due.  


RukmaSen_4-1600804255755.pngAnalyse social engineering risk across employees with actionable insights  

The impact of training can be measured by the training effectiveness metric, which plots your organization’s actual compromise rate in a simulation against Microsoft’s predicted compromise rate. Overlay the dates of training completion and simulations to correlate which trainings caused a drop in compromise rate and evaluate their effectiveness. Gain visibility over your organization’s training completion and simulation status through completeness and coverage metrics and track your organization’s progress against the baseline predicted compromise rateEvery reporting dashboard can be filtered in different ways and exported for reporting 



Attack Simulation training helps you empower your people to identify and report social engineering attacks. Enable Attack Simulation Training in Private Preview now. To learn more, watch our Microsoft Ignite 2020 session 


Boosting your in-tool productivity with Azure CLI

Boosting your in-tool productivity with Azure CLI

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Welcome to another release of the Azure CLI! In this release, we will be sharing with you the latest feature improvements that will help boost in tool productivity. This includes:

  1. A newly refined error messages that is more human readable and legible.
  2. A new in-tool upgrade mechanism so you no longer must leave the tool to keep every dependency in sync and intact.
  3. A way to remember contextual information between Az CLI commands. This helps reduce the command length by eliminating parameters that are repeated in sequential CLI commands.
  4. A new –query-examples option that provide you contextual JMES query recommendations to help you get started with command querying.

You can download the latest official release from the Azure CLI page or the dev build from the GitHub Azure CLI homepage


New human readable error outputs with AI powered recommendations:

When we talk to CLI customers, we often hear that understanding output errors is difficult.  

As our first approach, we looked at client-side syntactical errors. We found that these are primarily caused by misspelling commands or typing in commands which do not exist for a particular resource. In partnership with our User Experience and Design teams we landed on a new 3 line output model of:

  1. What happened?
  2. Try this…
  3. Learn more…

We think that the additional information provided by ‘Try this’ and ‘Learn more’ can effectively guide you towards the correct commands and parameters.


In the screenshots below, you can see that the new error output is much cleaner and simpler; most importantly, it’s now human readable. In the case where the error message alone doesn’t provide sufficient context to unblock you on the issue, we hope you can leverage the follow up in tool recommendations that are made readily available to you:



 Figure 1: Examples of new error output with contextual recommendations




 Figure 2: Coming Soon: Prototype with better colorization and templating design


Convenient in tool az upgrade:

Az upgrade is another new feature that further enhances your in-tool convenience. The command name itself elaborates on what it does — enabling you to upgrade to the latest CLI version without having to leave the tool. To try it out, simply type in az upgrade in your terminal and the tool will auto-upgrade your core CLI version and all of your installed extensions to the latest version on your behalf, while checking and maintaining all the package dependencies.


Under the hood, az upgrade uses the package manager commands to perform the updates. Currently there are different commands you need to remember depending upon your operating system and package manager, for instance, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install –only-upgrade -y azure-cli for deb packages on Ubuntu, sudo yum update azure-cli for RPM packages on CentOS,  and brew update && brew upgrade azure-cli for homebrew packages on macOS. Now you can simply use a single az upgrade command regardless of the platform you are using the Azure CLI.



 Figure 3: UX of the new in tool az upgrade


Once you are on the latest version of the Azure CLI, you can also enable automatic upgrade.  To enable it simply apply the single configuration option via az config auto-upgrade.enable = yes. That way you’ll never have to worry about keeping up with the latest version of the tool. The Azure CLI will check new versions and prompt you with an update after any command finishes running once the update is available.


The prompt message and output messages during upgrade may interrupt your command result if it is assigned to some variable or in an automated flow. To avoid interruption, you can use az config auto-upgrade.prompt = no to allow the update to happen automatically without confirmation and only show warnings and errors during the upgrade. By default, all installed extensions will also be updated. You can disable extension update via az config auto-upgrade.all = no.


Note: Please wait for az upgrade to complete before proceeding to the next set of commands, else the new versions of the CLI (+extensions) may have breaking changes.


Advanced contextual support with az config param-persist:

We recently released a new way to set configuration options so that it’d be simpler and more intuitive as you work with the tool. We further extended its capabilities with yet another experimental feature named az config param-persist. Similar to how one could use the basic config/configure commands to set global static defaults, az config param-persist is a specific configurable mode that implicitly sets defaults in your current working directory for which the values would persist – this eliminates the need for you to re-specify arguments in CLI commands once they’ve been declared. Below is a before vs. after feature comparison:



 Figure 4: before & after view of az config param-persist


With param-persist enabled on the right, we can see that once the values of resource group, location, and storage account have been specified in previous commands, they can now be omitted from subsequent commands, thereby reducing the number of potential error points when you interact with the tool. We currently support param-persist on a core set of parameters including resource group and vnet across all services as well as location, resource name, storage account support on functions and webapp. If you’re interested in helping us shape its future outlook – whether it be command naming, feature coverage, additional capabilities, and such; please do not hesitate to share your feedback here.


Helping you get started with JMES with –query-examples

The Azure CLI supports a mechanism to return specific fields out of the returned JSON object.  This uses JMESPath to specify the query.  While powerful, these queries can be complicated to write. Our last improvement is a new contextual –query-examples capabilities. This is a flag that could be appended to any az <resource> show or list commands for list of JMES query recommendations. This includes examples to query for a specific key, filter the output based on a set of conditions, and query for a set of commonly used functions. When you come across a specific query of interest, please be sure to wrap them in the double quotation marks (“ ”) and append them after the –query flag when performing the actual query. Below are some examples in action:



Figure 5: Example usage of –query-examples with az group list



Figure 6: Example of filtering/limiting recommendations that contain the texts ostype or resourcegroup


Once again, you can further config it with az config to i) limit the max num of inline recommendations with az config set query.max_examples; and ii) define the max length of help string and query string with az config set query.help_len and az config set query.examples_len.


One thing to note:  –query and –query-examples provide 2 distinct  functionalities. –query enables you to filter for specific info on the command output whereas –query-examples provide you contextual query recommendations. This is an experimental feature and we would love your feedback here.


Follow up with us

We’d love for you to try out these new experiences and share your feedback on their usability and applicability for your day-to-day use cases. All of the above features are here to lower your in tool friction and improve your productivity. If you’re interested, here is where you can learn more about new features in the ever improving Azure CLI.


Thank you

The CLI team


[Survey] VM auto-shutdown settings UI improvements

[Survey] VM auto-shutdown settings UI improvements

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Hi everyone,

We have identified a potential point of confusion in our recently shipped auto-shutdown settings UI. We want to make sure our UI design and text is crystal clear.

Screenshot 2020-09-23 111723.png

Please take this 5-minute survey to provide us with feedback on the auto-shutdown settings design. The survey is open to all users—IT, educators, new and existing users.


Any feedback here is much appreciated!


Thank you,

Ji Eun