How to align your Analytics with time windows in Azure Sentinel using KQL (Kusto Query Language)

How to align your Analytics with time windows in Azure Sentinel using KQL (Kusto Query Language)

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.


Thanks to Ofer Shezaf, Kieran Bhardwaj and Younes Khaldi for the ideas and proof reading!

Many of the query examples you see in KQL (Kusto Query Language) Detections, Rules, Hunting and Workbooks use a time filter.  In fact, the first recommendation in the best practices section is:

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Now I will show you some hopefully simple but useful query examples (and I’ll use the demo data we provide for free so you can try these). 

Please click the links provided, all you need is a Microsoft account to grant you access to our extensive demo data.

You should also get familiar with the timespan literals:

Query Examples 

1. This first example looks back one day in time (looking back over the last 24hrs, from the moment you run the query); you can use 24h instead of 1d if you prefer. 
I prefer using 1d rather than 24hrs, typically I only use hours when I need a partial day i.e. 6h
This form of time span filter is one of the most common lines people add to a query.   

Please read on for an explanation on why this may not be what you intended, and ways to improve.

Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)


2. You can also look between a range.  Here I look back 7days from now (today at this current time).  
Notice in the last line, I show the oldest record and the latest that are returned – I’ll do this for many of the examples just so you can see how the query is working,  I wouldn’t normally expect you to use them in a real query – only to test or when you need to show that level of detail.
I’ll also have some more real life queries at the end of this article, but for now I’ll keep them basic and simple.


Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated between (ago(7d) .. now() )
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)


min_TimeGenerated max_TimeGenerated
2020-09-08T08:23:39.887Z 2020-09-15T08:23:29.323Z


The above is really just a longer way of writing the example in query 1 as it went to now() anyway.  It does allow you however to amend it to this, where we look between 7 and 5 days ago.

| where TimeGenerated between (ago(7d) .. ago(5d) ) 
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)

Read on, in example 4 we will make these results more accurate/predictable.

3. During investigations you may have a date and time range in mind, or you wish to reduce the data volume returned. 
Tip: You can use Top or Limit to help reduce the amount of returned data.  Please look at the supplied help links for examples.


You can amend the query (#2) to provide an actual date / time.

Notice, this gets data from 1st July through to 30th July, but only until 9am (I added this to show you can do both date and time in the one syntax).

This is especially useful for looking maybe at your online business day or a known period that you are particularly interested in.

Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated between ( datetime(2020-07-01) .. datetime(2020-07-30, 09:00) )
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)


4. Here is where I see issues with many queries, just like the queries above which are using now as a point in time to pivot on. i.e. Show the data from now until 1day ago. 
This will mean that the returned data will change each time you run the query, which may give unpredictable or undesirable results. 

I have seen many issues in the past due to this, questions are often asked on the forums, asking where the data has gone, as it “was there when I last ran the query” – this is often due to this form of syntax being used, now() or ago().

We can solve this with a powerful function called startofday(), and don’t worry there are other functions as well, read on for those!
Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d))
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)


min_TimeGenerated max_TimeGenerated
2020-09-14T00:00:00.103Z 2020-09-15T08:37:10.497Z


In this example using startofday, we are saying go from ‘the start of day’ (the first record found after mid-night) until the end time.  So in this query startofday(ago(1d)) is a fixed point in time close to midnight one day ago, until now() – so you are seeing more that one days worth of data.

Tip: This can also make your charts look better, as you get a full day of data at each end of the y-axis.


5. We can now combine startofday() and with another function called endofday().

This query guarantees you have data between two fixed points.  So you should always get the same results between query executions.
As you can see in the example it’s possible to mix and match hours and days, which may be useful in certain scenarios.


Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated between ( startofday(ago(48hrs)) .. endofday(ago(1d)) )
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)


min_TimeGenerated max_TimeGenerated
2020-09-13T00:00:00.043Z 2020-09-14T23:59:59.62Z


6. You can also use startofweek, startofmonth and startofyear in a similar way to the example in query #5. 

The following example uses startofmonth.  In this case no matter what entry you put in the ago(), the 1st day of the month is used.  Again, you get a fixed point in time, the first day of the month (more of this in the extended examples at the end of the blog)


Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated > startofmonth(ago(0d))
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)
Startofweek and startofmonth are great functions especially for reporting, as you can show the whole week or week to date easily.  Maybe you need a graph that shows this view?

Note: The first day of the week is Sunday (day 0).
To adjust to Monday please use:

| where TimeGenerated > startofweek(ago(1d))+1d
+2 for Tuesday etc…
7. you may need the oldest or latest records, in examples #1-6 I have shown queries using min and max.  You can also use arg_min and arg_max instead, please see the help link for examples.


Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d))
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *)


In this query we get just the latest record for the time range selected.  This is useful if you only need the latest (arg_max) or earliest (arg_min) records, and doesn’t retrieve a lot of unwanted data, the “*” in the second parameters returns us all the Columns, you could name a specific column(s) to return if you prefer, e.g: This example just show the Task and EventID column, rather than all available data.

| where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d))
| summarize  arg_max(TimeGenerated, Task, EventID)

TimeGenerated Task EventID
2020-09-15T16:12:58.907Z 12545 4634


8.  There is no startofhour option, but we can use the bin scalar to help us with that, as this example shows.


Go to Log Analytics and run query

let searchTime = 1h;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(searchTime)
| extend startOfHour = bin(TimeGenerated,1h)
| where startOfHour > ago(searchTime)
| summarize min(TimeGenerated), max(TimeGenerated)


min_TimeGenerated max_TimeGenerated
2020-09-15T16:00:00.39Z 2020-09-15T16:15:49.42Z


9. This is a common requested example, people often wish to show data between or outside a time range – maybe ‘business hours’.  I have used between to allow a certain range, but you can also use !between to exclude a time range.  This example will exclude rows of data between 22pm and 6am (as we set 07 .. 22) as the allowed hours in the query.

Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
| extend hour = datetime_part("hour", TimeGenerated)
| where hour between (07 .. 22)
| summarize LastCall = max(TimeGenerated) by Computer, ComputerEnvironment, hour
| where LastCall < ago(10m)
| order by hour asc


10. Now lets look at certain days of the week, in this case Monday (day 1) thru Friday (day 5)

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where dayofweek(TimeGenerated) in ('1.00:00:00','2.00:00:00','3.00:00:00','4.00:00:00','5.00:00:00')
| summarize count() by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| order by TimeGenerated asc

or, I think this is easier to read

 Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where dayofweek(TimeGenerated) between (1d .. 5d)
| summarize count(), make_set(dayofweek(TimeGenerated)) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| order by TimeGenerated asc


11. Lets now extend Query 10, we can also add a Column with the Name of the day, Monday, Tuesday etc… to make the report easier to read.


| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where dayofweek(TimeGenerated) between (1d .. 5d)
| extend theDay = case(
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '0.00:00:00', "Sunday",
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '1.00:00:00', "Monday",
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '2.00:00:00', "Tuesday",
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '3.00:00:00', "Wednesday",
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '4.00:00:00', "Thursday",
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '5.00:00:00', "Friday",
                        dayofweek(TimeGenerated) == '6.00:00:00', "Saturday",
                        strcat("error: ", dayofweek(TimeGenerated))
| summarize by theDay

Go to Log Analytics and run query



12. A common ask would be to remove the Weekend from the returned data, like this:

 Go to Log Analytics and run query

// 0 = Sunday
// 6 = Saturday etc...
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where Computer startswith "DC01"
| where dayofweek(TimeGenerated) between  (1d .. 5d)
| summarize count() by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| order by TimeGenerated asc
| render columnchart 


Result: You can see the gap for the Weekend we excluded (in red), this assumes your Weekend is Saturday to Sunday, please amend if it isn’t. 

Note: If desired you should amend the above query, removing this line (I used it to show the gap the weekend left):

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)

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Extended examples that you might really use.


Now we will use some of the above examples, in real queries:


1. Show unique counts of EventIds, per day over the last Week: Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated between ( startofday(ago(7d)) .. startofday(now()) )
| summarize dcount(EventID) by bin(TimeGenerated,1d)
| render timechart title = "The unique count of EventIds - past 7days"

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 2. Show unique EventIds so far during the current month: Go to Log Analytics and run query

| where TimeGenerated between ( startofmonth(now()) .. now() )
| summarize dcount(EventID) by bin(TimeGenerated,1d)
| render timechart title = "The unique count of EventIds - Monthly View: Day 1 thru to Today"

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3. Show unique EventIds so far this current month, excluding weekends (Saturday & Sunday). Go to Log Analytics and run query
You can adjust for a Friday to Saturday weekend,  swap 1d .. 5d to 0d .. 4d

| where TimeGenerated between ( startofmonth(now()) .. now() )
| where dayofweek(TimeGenerated) between (1d .. 5d)
| summarize dcount(EventID) by bin(TimeGenerated,1d)
| render columnchart title = "The unique count of EventIds - Monthly View: Day 1 thru to Today (excluding Weekends)"

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4. Show unique EventIds for the current Week, Week starting on Monday. Go to Log Analytics and run query 
I used +1d to make the week start on Monday, as the default is Sunday (0d).

| where TimeGenerated > startofweek(now()) + 1d
| summarize dcount(EventID) by bin(TimeGenerated,1d)
| order by TimeGenerated asc
| render columnchart
| render columnchart title = "The unique count of EventIds - Week View: Monday thru to Today"

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The above examples should give you some ideas on how to search (and visualize) your data using Time and Dates techniques.  Did I miss any you use?  

Microsoft Endpoint Manager evaluation lab kit now available as free download

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Microsoft Endpoint Manager is now an industry leader to manage and empower your users across all their devices.  One of the unique advantages it provides is that it does not matter where you are in your cloud management journey, Microsoft Endpoint Manager meets you where you are. In the last year, we saw many new IT management and security professionals discover Microsoft Endpoint Manager as part of their secure remote work initiatives and/or Zero Trust strategy. 


To help your learning goals, we are excited to announce the brand-new Microsoft Endpoint Manager Evaluation Lab Kit is now available for free download! Again, it doesn’t matter what background you come from, this guide will meet you where you are.


The Microsoft Endpoint Manager Evaluation Lab Kit provides a self-deploying Configuration Manager lab environment and self-guided instructions to get hands-on with both the on-premises and cloud aspects of the unified platform. At the end of this lab, you will become familiar with using certain key features of Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager to deploy Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 apps for enterprise using the Microsoft Endpoint Manager administration console.


What makes this innovation in Microsoft Endpoint Manager possible is the native integration with Configuration Manager to co-manage your Windows 10 devices. You can continue to use Configuration Manager for managing Windows 10, and seamlessly add Microsoft Intune cloud service for Zero Trust security without necessarily migrating. As a component of Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Configuration Manager becomes the intelligent edge within your organization, connected to the Microsoft 365 intelligent cloud.


The lab reuses the same environment as the Windows and Office Deployment Lab Kit. It complements the Windows and Office evaluation kit by going a bit deeper into the management and security aspects.


Lab environment

This lab guide is based on an automatically provisioned virtual lab environment, including domain controller, Internet gateway, and a fully configured ConfigMgr instance. The lab environment is free to download.


Download the lab environment here in the Evaluation Center


Then, help us improve the next revision by filling this quick survey


Lab guide scenarios

The Microsoft Endpoint Manager Evaluation Kit lab guide provides step-by-step guidance for the following scenarios:


Directory and Network Readiness          

  • Optimize Windows 10   
  • Cloud management gateway (CMG) & cloud distribution point (CDP)   
  • CMPivot for real-time data in Configuration Manager
  • Windows Autopilot        
  • Tenant Attach, co-management and switching workloads          
  • Outlook mobile app config and app protection 


Shaping devices to corporate standards

  • User file and settings migration
  • Security and Compliance            
  • Secure and deploy business applications            
  • Office and Windows as a Service


Next steps

The lab environment that runs with this lab kit contains evaluation software that is designed for IT professionals interested in evaluating Microsoft Endpoint Manager and related products on behalf of their organization. We do not recommend that you install this evaluation if you are not an IT professional or are not professionally managing corporate networks or devices. Additionally, the lab environment is intended for evaluation purposes only. It is a standalone virtual environment and should not be used or connected to your production environment. To learn more, please visit the product documentation


If you enjoyed this lab kit, please help us out by filling this quick survey. It will help us innovate further in future revisions of this guide and add more scenarios that you find useful.



Follow @Msintune on Twitter


(The lab guide is co-authored with Danny Guillory, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft 365)

Experiencing Data Gaps issue in Azure Portal for Many Data Types – 09/21 – Resolved

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Final Update: Monday, 21 September 2020 08:54 UTC

We’ve confirmed that all systems are back to normal with no customer impact as of 9/21, 08:54 UTC. Our logs show the incident started on 9/21, 08:00 UTC and that during the 54 minutes that it took to resolve the issue some customers may have experienced intermittent data latency, data gaps and incorrect alert activation in East Asia.
  • Root Cause: The failure was due to issues with one of our dependent service.
  • Incident Timeline: 54 minutes – 9/21, 08:00 UTC through 9/21, 08:54 UTC

We understand that customers rely on Application Insights as a critical service and apologize for any impact this incident caused.


Azure Arc Launch Service Providers

Azure Arc Launch Service Providers

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

We have worked with the following partners during the preview of Azure Arc. We have trained their engineers and collaborated with them to develop unique proof of concepts. We have found that these partners demonstrate expertise with Azure Arc and are well positioned to help their customers transform their digital infrastructure leveraging Azure Arc.           


Please reach out to the following partners if you need help with Azure Arc in your IT environment.

List in alphabetical order. 


Arc partners.PNG


Microsoft doesn’t accept any liability on behalf of these partners.

Azure Blob Versioning and AzCopy

Azure Blob Versioning and AzCopy

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Azure Blob Versioning when enabled is a feature that will automatically maintain previous versions of an object.  This allows you to restore an earlier version to recover your data if it was modified or deleted by mistake.   Which is a great feature to be able to have access to for organisations or even for home use.  Being able to quickly recover a previous version of a file without having to engage your whole backup/recovery process/tool will save a lot of pain and time.


You can enable blob versioning when you create an Azure Storage account in the portal or via an ARM template.


Azure PortalAzure PortalAzure PortalAzure Portal


I have an Azure Storage Account with a Blob Container and some files stores within it, just some simple text files.  I have versioning turned on that storage account.


You can see with my music.txt file that I have the ability to see the different saved versions of that file.  Each version of the file is given a version ID to help you identify it.


For each version of the file I have a lot of options, I can download it, make it the current version (ultimately restoring it), delete it, generate a shared access signature (SAS) for that blob or even change the access tier that that version is stored in.

Azure PortalAzure Portal


Now you don’t just have to use the Azure Portal to interact with the versions of the files.  AzCopy supports interacting with them as well.


If I launch AzCopy and issue the AzCopy Copy command, which will copy files from one location to another.  In this case I want to copy the different versions of my “music.txt” from Azure down to my local machine.


The command starts off with the copy instruction and the source and destination locations, then I add on the switch that will allow me to download the file versions:


Azcopy copy “C:userssaleandownloadsazurestorage” –list-of-versions=”versions.txt”


Copy code snippet


For the list of versions switch to work I need to pass in a file listing the version IDs of all the versions that I want to download. Each version ID needs to be placed in a separate line.

And when I run the command AzCopy will download the relevant files for me.


Windows Terminal and commandsWindows Terminal and commands