The Microsoft Learn Java learning path

The Microsoft Learn Java learning path

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.


Microsoft Learn and Java

Welcome to the Java learning path. If you want to learn more about Java on Azure, you can head up to our YouTube channel, where we have interviews of Java Champions, tutorials, online conference sessions.


The MS Learn Java learning path

The Java learning path is for Java developers who want to better understand what they can achieve with Azure. It starts with the basics of Azure, and will make you discover our main services relevant for Java developers.



Here is the Java learning path on MS Learn, in which you will be able to find the following modules:

If you want to have the latest news on Java on Azure, please follow @JavaAtMicrosoft on Twitter and subscribe to the Java on Azure YouTube channel.

Service Fabric: Best Practices to preserve disk space in Image Store

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

ImageStore keeps copied package and provisioned packages.


Sequence of provision in Best Practice:

  1. Copy package to ImageStore with compress option

  2. Provision package

  3. Remove package in ImageStore

  4. Upgrade app/cluster

  5. Unprovision old version

When step 3 and 5 are missing, ImageStore accumulates files.



  • The ImageStoreService (fabric:/System/ImageStoreService) could fill up disk.

  • ImageStoreService replica may take long time in InBuild.


Option/Configuration for automatic cleanup:


How to configure cleaning up copied application package (automatic Step 3)


  • Register-ServiceFabricApplicationType ApplicationPackageCleanupPolicy Automatic

At step 2, Register (a.k.a. Provision), the application package is deleted after successfully registering the application type.


  • <Section Name=”Management”>

    <Parameter Name=”CleanupApplicationPackageOnProvisionSuccess” Value=”False” />


This configuration enabled automatic cleanup of application package after successfully registering the application type.


How to configure cleaning up automatically unused application type (automatic Step 5)

    <Section Name=”Management”>

      <Parameter Name=”CleanupUnusedApplicationTypes” Value=”true” />

      <Parameter Name=”PeriodicCleanupUnusedApplicationTypes” Value=”true” />     

      <Parameter Name=”TriggerAppTypeCleanupOnProvisionSuccess” Value=”true” />

      <Parameter Name=”MaxUnusedAppTypeVersionsToKeep” Value=”3″ />



Manual Cleanup:


When ImageStoreService must be cleaned up manually, you can follow this steps.


1. Delete copied packages

#Delete Content from Image Store

$content =

Get-ServiceFabricImageStoreContent -RemoteRelativePath “” -ImageStoreConnectionString fabric:ImageStore

foreach($folder in $content)


    Write-Host Working on $folder.StoreRelativePath

    if (($folder.StoreRelativePath -ne “Store”) -and ($folder.StoreRelativePath -ne “WindowsFabricStore”))


        Write-Host Deleting $folder.StoreRelativePath

        Remove-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ApplicationPackagePathInImageStore $folder.StoreRelativePath -ImageStoreConnectionString fabric:ImageStore




2. Unregister

Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType will remove application packages from image store as well as ImageCache on nodes (after a while).


Scenario1  :   Seeing zombie application package in the store, which taking most of the disk space.


  • Verify whether meta data for the older version  is associated with ISS  [    Get-SFImageStoreContent -remoterelativepath  ‘StoreIberFabric.App.PortalComercial.Services.AgendaType’  verify whether older package type is in the list ]

  • If the older file is not listed in the #1, you can rdp into each VM which hosting the ISS replica, and delete it manually

  • If meta data is present in #1 output, please verify the version customer wanted to delete is already in the registry by running, ‘Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType’

    • In the #3 output, If the application type is already there, please un provision by  ‘Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType’

    • If the #3 output application type detail is not present, you can run  ‘ Remove-ServiceFabricApplicationPackage -ApplicationPackagePathInImageStore “StoreIberFabric.App.PortalComercial.Services.AgendaType<<package with version number>>



Note : For 6.5+ Cluster, SFX had ImageStoreService tab in Cluster, where GetSize button to get the size of Store content.


AzUpdate: Azure Stack HCI hits GA, Azure Stack Edge supports K8s and VMs, Azure Portal drops IE11

AzUpdate: Azure Stack HCI hits GA, Azure Stack Edge supports K8s and VMs, Azure Portal drops IE11

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

What a busy week it’s been in the world of Azure.  Here are the news items the team is covering this week: Azure Stack HCI achieves general availability status, Azure Stack Edge supporting Kubernetes and Virtual Machines, GitHub Universe announcements, Azure Digital Twins now generally available, AKS pod identity offered via Azure AD in public preview, Azure Portal to drop IE11 support and the Microsoft Learn Module of the Week.



Azure Stack HCI achieves general availability status

Azure Stack HCI is Microsoft’s new subscription service for hyperconverged infrastructure and has now reached general availability. The service allows organizations to run virtual machines, containers, and select Azure services on-premises with management, billing, and support made available through the Azure cloud. Sarah Lean recently sat down with Microsoft Sr. Program Manager Matt McSpirit to discuss what Azure Stack HCI is, how you can use it within your environment and how it works with Windows, Linux, Kubernetes, Windows Admin Centre and Azure Arc.

Further details surrounding the Azure Stack HCI announcement can be found here: Starting a new era for Azure Stack HCI


GitHub Universe announcements

This week we saw GitHub host their annual conference GitHub Universe virtually. Normally this isn’t a conference IT Pros would pay attention to however, after listening to Sarah’s chat with Martin Woodward in Azure Unblogged – GitHub I paid a little more attention to it this year. And there were some cool announcements made!

The first one was that GitHub now has a dark mode, so if you are a fan of the dark mode across your applications and workstation you can turn it on for GitHub as well.


The second was an announcement was around Discussions within GitHub. This allows for your team and community to chat and work together within your project repository in a threaded format. You can mark questions are answered and over time use this as a knowledge base for the community. This feature is currently within Beta with a few open-source communities but will be available within other projects soon.


And the third announcement I want to highlight from GitHub Universe is GitHub Sponsors for companies. Individuals can already contribute money to help support open-source projects but with this new feature is companies can how do it without having to have individual procurement agreements with each open-source project. Now organizations can support those open-source projects they rely on or believe in as easy as adding the cost to their existing GitHub bill.


Further details can be found here: News from Universe 2020: Dark mode, GitHub Sponsors for companies, and more


Azure Stack Edge supporting Kubernetes and Virtual Machines

Azure Stack Edge can now manage Kubernetes environments and host Azure virtual machines to enable organizations to run VM based IoT, AI, and business applications on an Azure appliance at your location and or deploy containerized apps to the edge. Both offerings can be invoked via the Azure Portal.  Do note that hosting Azure VMs on Azure Stack Edge is currently in preview.


Learn more on how to deploy Kubernetes apps from the cloud and or host your Azure virtual machines via IoT Edge here: Purpose-built hardware-as-a-service with Azure Stack Edge


Azure Digital Twins now generally available

The now generally available Azure Digital Twins offering breaks down silos within intelligent environments by fusing data from previously deployed devices and track both past and present events to simulate possibilities to help predict future events. As an example, Bentley Systems to develop a digital twin of its wind farms allowing operators to remotely monitor equipment performance and predict energy generation based on weather conditions. They used Azure Digital Twins to combine real-time and historical IoT, weather, and other operational data with physics and machine learning-based models to accurately predict production output for each turbine in the farm.


Checkout the Azure Digital Twins technical resources available here: Azure Digital Twins Documentation


AKS pod identity offered via Azure AD in public preview

AKS applications can now access cloud resources securely using Azure Active Directory (AAD). AAD simplifies access control by using it as an identity provider to any type of resource, including cluster, node, pod, etc. Identities need to be configured and bound to a resource. Once bound, containerized applications can then access the pod and any other resources in the cloud that use AAD as an identity provider.


Further details can be viewed here: Use Azure Active Directory pod-managed identities in Azure Kubernetes Service


Azure Portal to drop IE11 support

The Azure Portal web app will no longer support IE 11 as of March 31, 2021. Internet Explorer will continue to be supported by Microsoft as a component Windows and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed. Internet Explorer mode use in Microsoft Edge will not extend IE 11 access to the Azure Portal beyond the date listed above.


Further details can be found here: Azure portal to end support for Internet Explorer 11 on March 31, 2021

Community Events

  • Patch and Switch – It’s been a fortnight…  Catch Rick Claus and Joey Snow chat about all things IT Pro related.

  • Festive Tech Calendar – Continuing this month’s content from different Azure communities and people around the globe for the month of December

  • All Around Azure – A Beginners Guide to IoT – Focus on topics ranging from IoT device connectivity, IoT data communication strategies, use of artificial intelligence at the edge, data processing considerations for IoT data, and IoT solutioning based on the Azure IoT reference architecture

  • Introduction to Cloud Adoption Framework – Sarah Lean investigates Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework offering and what is available for organizations to take advantage of

MS Learn Module of the Week


Introduction to PowerShell

Learn about the basics of PowerShell. This cross-platform command-line shell and scripting language is built for task automation and configuration management. You’ll learn basics like what PowerShell is, what it’s used for, and how to use it.

This learning path can be completed here: Introduction to PowerShell


Let us know in the comments below if there are any news items you would like to see covered in next week show. Az Update streams live every Friday so be sure to catch the next episode and join us in the live chat.

Using Service Account for Office 365 Outlook Connector

Using Service Account for Office 365 Outlook Connector

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Some of the users have a need to use service account for the connection – some other account than the logged in user. However because of SSO, this does not work – even after providing username in the credential pop up, it defaults back to the logged in user. The workarounds are documented here – Integrate with Office 365 Outlook – Azure Logic Apps | Microsoft Docs

Also as a workaround, it is possible to use HTTP action with AAD authentication to call the Graph API directly.


One of the members from dev team has found a hack to get it working. For a good number of users, it has worked. If you are are reluctant to provide contributor access to the service account, it may be worth trying.




A user logs into Azure portal as and he wants to create a logic app to send emails from logic app. He does not want the email to be sent from and instead he wants the email to be sent from  Logically he add the Outlook365 action to the logic app and then try to create the connection as  The problem is that even though he specifies on connection creation, the connection is still created with  This is because AAD has the SSO feature, where AAD notices he has already logged in as and it just uses that as the credential.  




This feature/ issue lies on the AAD SSO side – can check SSO article for more details What is Azure single sign-on (SSO)? | Microsoft Docs.   


From the Logic Apps side dev member Dan has found a workaround below. It is a hacky workaround but works most of the times: 



  • Open IE Browser setting to disable Integrated Windows Authentication under Internet Options/Advanced tab. Close the browser and open it again to verify the setting is good. 



Picture for reference: 







#DevDecember Week 2 Recap: Community

#DevDecember Week 2 Recap: Community

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.


When you’re starting a new dev project or tackling coding problemsit helps to build on the knowledge of others. In 2020 especially, a helping hand was more than welcome!  


Slide_18_1_Recap.pngSo in our second week of #DevDecember, we are taking some time to celebrate the efforts of the dev community.  


We’d love to hear how the dev community came through for you in 2020. Did you get assistance learning a new language? Did someone else inspire your project? Share your version of this week’s fill-in-the-blank and tag your thoughts as #DevDecember.  


Now, let’s review this week’s highlights: 

Live coding community 

Learn from the best on Twitch! Watch devs code live, and connect and ask questions in real time. Find out how joining Microsoft’s virtual community can speed up learning new skills and languages. 
Watch an intro video on Twitch and live coding (25 min)


The ReadMe Project 

Behind the opensource code used by millions of people are the unseen efforts of countless contributors, who put in long hours to build software, fix issues, and more. Meet some of the people making contributions, including veterans who find the teamwork required for open source collaboration a natural fit.  

Read their inspiring stories 


Remote collaboration with Live Share in Visual Studio Code 

With Live Share, you can instantly share your project with fellow developers. No need to clone a repo or set up the environment. It’s a one-stop, real-time collaboration tool for pairing, code reviews, technical interviews, boot camps, and more. 

Watch a short video on how to set up Live Share (5 min) 


From the open source kitchen 

Cooking up code is a bit like developing food recipes. The more people who test your recipe, the more it’s likely to guarantee that what lands on your plate is what you intended. 

Browse our crowdsourced cookbook with free code recipes  


Before we call it a wrap, don’t forget to check in with #DevWithABev, developer-with-a-beverage selfies. Add to the collection with a pic of yourself and a favorite holiday beverage, and tag it #DevWithABev.  


Next week, we’ll talk about what inspired us in 2020. Keep following #DevDecember, and check out our homepage for more info!