Microsoft University College London IXN Project Resourcium

Microsoft University College London IXN Project Resourcium

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.



University College London project Resourcium


Guest blog by the IXN Resourcim team:

Hemil Shah –
Louis De Wardt –

Pritika Shah –

Project Introduction

To start off with, our project is aimed at students which centralises resources for them on a single portal. It also includes data collection on student sentiments and areas that they need additional help on so that the teaching and learning teams as well as course reps can see what help can be provided to students. The aim of the application is to provide as much help as possible to the students via the surfacing of resources and a Question & Answer bot.

What was the problem?

The University College London academic team, emphasized how universities had no real way of viewing/measuring student engagement due to the current situation of COVID.  The University places a strong emphasis on using a SharePoint site as the means of data storage as well as a dashboard on the SharePoint site to view this data for analysis. The University wanted the student IXN project team, to find ways in which students can be supported in their education and beyond via the provisioning of resources. According to our Universities admin team, this was an issue that many universities faced, hence we had to make the system design as generic as possible and become a open sourced scaffolded project for any institution across the globe to reimplement and build upon.


How we team approached the challenge?

Firstly, it was necessary for the team to research the existing technologies they would use to develop this application. After researching into the frameworks to use, they then had to investigate SharePoint sites which was an entirely different concept to standard web development. The key questions then came forward as to how we automate this data to SharePoint and how do we present this data to the user. It was also necessary to find resources that universities would typically provide a student with for FREE, that would be surfaced by the application. Finally, they also needed to research how to setup deployment scripts that would create the Azure resources and other dependencies that our system would have. With regards to the research about the above and more, all this information can be found at:


What technical solution did we build?

The solution consists of a React web application that is accessible to students via a student login. They have utilised live login which enables students to login to our application through their university m365 user account/details. This did not only make it easier for them as developers as it saved us time making the database for the login system, but students do not need to remember an extra set of passwords. A link on a blog post we wrote on how to make a live login can be found here: Implementing SSO with Microsoft Accounts (for Single Page Apps) – Microsoft Tech Community

The project time frame was approx. 8 weeks.


System architecture diagram that simplifies our entire system:



key technologies our system uses (this can also be seen on the architecture diagram):

  • React.js


  • Azure services (functions, QnA bot and user settings)

  • Microsoft Graphs

  • Microsoft Forms

  • Microsoft SharePoint

  • Microsoft PowerApps

  • Microsoft Flows

  • PowerBI

Site map of our entire system:



Application Demo


Microsoft technologies that we used:

  • The two-factor authentication (2FA) system: when users are registering their attendance for classes it is important that lecturers know that each student is registering themselves rather than someone else. To mitigate this concern, our client, wanted us to implement a two-factor authentication system. On the registration page if students are registering for the first time it will detect that they are yet to setup two-factor authentication. It will present a button that the user can press to generate a new secret. This method utilises Microsoft Azure functions to generate the secret and update the user’s information in Microsoft Cosmos DB. Once the secret has been generated the app will present the user with a QR code they can use to add our app to their favourite 2FA app. The user is asked to enter the current TOTP token to verify that they have setup the app correctly. If the verification token matches the Azure function will update the DB to mark the user as “verified”. From then on we are able to securely authenticate user’s registration of attendance to a lecture.

  • The Wellbeing section: This section consists of forms for students to fill out to describe their sentiments and things they would require help in. The additional help form is aimed at storing information about the student so resources can be provisioned to them via the teaching and learning team. The stress form is an anonymous form for students to describe their feelings and course blockers. Microsoft Flows automates this forms data to a centralised SharePoint site where the data is presented as a dashboard. To ensure data can be analysed to the best extent, the stress form data is sent to PowerBi using another Microsoft Flow, and reports generated within PowerBi is embedded within our SharePoint site.

  • The Student Help Page (LinkedIn Learning & MS Learn): This section aims to surface resources to students that they may not have known they have access to. We have made use of the Microsoft Learn API and LinkedIn Learning API to present results to students according to their input. Since the Microsoft Learn API cannot directly be filtered for resources, we must save a cached copy of the catalogue of results and manually filter that for the resources. This has given it an edge however, enabling almost instantaneous searching for results. The LinkedIn Learning API requires a client secret and key, which is only available for organisations and must be requested through them. In our case, we asked the UCL teaching and learning team for this access. If universities would like to deploy our application for their own system, they would need a subscription to LinkedIn Learning and would need to provide the client secret and token during deployment, this is normally a given as it falls under Microsoft.

  • The Student Help Page (QnA Bot): This subsection is aimed to allow students to ask questions that may not be solved by the other two APIS above. The QnA bot utilises a QnA maker resource from Azure and a knowledgebase. If you are interested in setting up a simple QnA Bot please visit this site:

What we have done here is enabled the teaching and learning team to easily setup questions within this QnA Bot via a SharePoint list. All they would need to do is submit a question and answer to a SharePoint list and via a Microsoft Flow we would automate these QnA pairs to the knowledgebase of the bot. We also have setup another flow that allows these QnA pairs to be easily deleted too, they just need to delete the record from the SharePoint list.

  • The Settings Page (user customisations): For the user’s customisation to persist across multiple devices, instead of storing data locally, we use Azure Cosmos DB. Once the user authenticates their Microsoft account to our Settings endpoint, we retrieve their user ID and look up their settings in the database. The app then takes these settings to change how certain pages are rendered. Similarly, when the user goes to the Settings page it communicates the desired configuration to our Azure functions which update the database.

  • The deployment of our application: With regards to the SharePoint deployment, we have written a site script that would automatically deploy the lists to a SharePoint site, but not the front-end view, this would be a limitation of the site-script itself. To make deployment for the SharePoint side as easy as possible, we have written an extensive guide consisting of videos on how the flows can be setup to work for any environment. Due to the composability and extensive API provided by Azure we can use Terraform to describe our entire Azure cloud environment including everything from the App Registration to the function’s app deployment.

What have we learnt?

We have come a long way as a team as initially two out of three of our members had no web development experience. This means we had to learn HTML/CSS/JS/React technologies from scratch which was quite time consuming. We also had to tread new depths as we learnt new Microsoft tools and technologies like MS Flows and SharePoint, again which was an entirely new concept. Additionally, we learnt how deployment of azure resources works through scripting like Terraform or ARM Templates.


How can this project be taken forward?

Our project provides the basis of a new paradigm of university centric app platforms. It solves the problem of engagement on two fronts that lecturers and other teaching staff have encountered as they adapt to online and remote learning. The first is that it provides students with direct access to information that universities already had but struggled to publicise. Secondly it provides a whole new means of understanding engagement with lectures. While what we achieved will inevitably prove useful with teaching, the current version of our app is only the first step along this path.


  • Due to the time constraints, we were unable to make truly native mobile apps while also proving a version accessible from the web. Currently we have a responsive website that works well on both desktop and mobile devices, but it is currently not perfect on either. Future work would make truly independent versions optimised for mobile and desktop individually.

  • There needs to be a way for admins to help students if they lose access to their second factor devices. Currently it is a manual process to reset them.

  • We could more deeply integrate with a student’s calendar to make it more clear which events they are registering for and even provide lecturers with live dashboards of their student engagement.

  • In future another team could implement sentiment analysis on the forms that our app directs students to which would help teaching staff understand what students need help with.

Resources/GitHub Repo

If you are interested in all the flows setup in our application as well as the deployment, please check out the following link which contains video guides on these flows and the deployment of the flows themselves as well as the SharePoint: site:


The code for how we implemented the above system and technologies is available in our GitHub repository:

Google Import API global release

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Google Import is a convenient tool for creating and managing your campaigns, ad budgets, bids and much more. By importing campaigns from Google Ads you don’t have to start from scratch to quickly expand your advertising reach. Bring over the specific features that you want, and make updates to entities such as bids, budgets, campaign names, and tracking templates – providing flexibility and control. Our customers have been able to enjoy these benefits via Microsoft Advertising online and the Microsoft Advertising Editor.


Today we are excited to announce the global release of Google Import API. Releasing the infrastructure as a service opens a world of automation and customization solutions. Develop an in-house app, or a custom import management set-up. Google Import API can also help lighten your workload as you don’t immediately have to be up to date on providing API support for all the new features. For example, you can import responsive search ads (RSA) from Google Ads even if your application hasn’t otherwise been updated to support RSA independently.


Google Import API allows you to create and delete import jobs, and get the current scheduling settings and previous import results. You can also retrieve details about the mapping between Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns to know how the import will function ahead of time for you to make an informed decision. For a more detailed picture on how to use the API, check out our API documentation and help pages to understand what gets imported.


As always please feel free to contact support or post a question in the Bing Ads API developer forum


Azure Service Fabric | Upgrade public ip address and Load balancer from Basic to Standard

Azure Service Fabric | Upgrade public ip address and Load balancer from Basic to Standard

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Use Case:

To update the existing public ip address to Standard tier in existing service fabric cluster.



The below approach helps in modifying the public ip address from basic tier to Standard tier.


To create public IP address and load balancer with standard SKU and attach to existing VMSS and cluster.

Step 1: Run the below command to remove NAT pools.

az vmss update –resource-group “SfResourceGroupName” –name “virtualmachinescalesetname” –remove virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].ipConfigurations[0].loadBalancerInboundNatPools


After the command is executed, it takes time to update each instance of VMSS. Please cross check if the virtual machine scale set instances are in running status before proceeding with next step.


 Step 2: Run the below command to delete the NAT pools.

az network lb inbound-nat-pool delete –resource-group “SfResourceGroupName” –lb-name “LB ” –name “LoadBalancerBEAddressNatPool”


Step 3: Delete Backend pool

az vmss update –resource-group “SfResourceGroupName” –name “virtualmachinescalesetname” –remove virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].ipConfigurations[0].loadBalancerBackendAddressPools


Step 4: Copy the load balancer’s resource file from resources explorer. Delete the load balancer.  This can be triggered from portal.



Step 5: Change the Sku of public Ip from ‘Basic’ to ‘Standard’ using the below command.

## Variables for the command ##


$rg = ‘SfResourceGroupName’

$name = ‘LBIP-addressname’

$newsku = ‘Standard’

$pubIP = Get-AzPublicIpAddress -name $name -ResourceGroupName $rg


## This section is only needed if the Basic IP is not already set to Static ##


$pubIP.PublicIpAllocationMethod = ‘Static’

Set-AzPublicIpAddress -PublicIpAddress $pubIP


## This section is for conversion to Standard ##


$pubIP.Sku.Name = $newsku

Set-AzPublicIpAddress -PublicIpAddress $pubIP


Step 6: Create load balancer of Standard Sku. You can modify the load balancer resource file with the below information.

  • Load balancer SKU name



"sku": {
        "name": "[variables('lbSkuName')]"



Please find the template and parameter file attached for reference.


Step 7: Create inbound Nat rules

az vmss update -g ” SfResourceGroupName” -n “virtualmachinescalesetname” –add virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].ipConfigurations[0].loadBalancerInboundNatPools “{‘id’:’/subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/{RG}/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/{LB} /inboundNatPools/LoadBalancerBEAddressNatPool’}”     


Step 8: Once the NAT rules are created, backend pool can be added from the portal. VMSS and ip address has to be updated.

To add backendpool: Select Backend pools and Click on ‘Add’


What’s New in Microsoft Teams for Education | March 2021

What’s New in Microsoft Teams for Education | March 2021

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

First and foremost, THANK YOU for being amazing. We know that this school year has had its ups and downs, and we are so grateful to you for all your hard work and dedication to not only helping students learn but supporting their wellbeing. If there is something you’d like to see more of, please let us know! We’re always listening.


Last month, we announced a number of innovations to help in and out of the classroom including PowerPoint Live in Microsoft Teams, Live Reactions in meetings, Invite-only meeting options in private meetings, downloading attendance reports, and more.


This month, whether you’re teaching remotely, hybrid, or back in person, we’re excited to share the lasts updates to the Teams experience to help you:

  1. Encourage class participation during synchronous learning

  2. Support asynchronous learning

  3. Help keep students safe with better meeting controls

  4. Create better large meeting and webinar experiences

  5. Improve collaboration and communication among school staff

  6. Train yourself on Teams with new resources created for school scenarios

Let’s dive in! (Click here to jump right into a quick list without extra description)


1) Encourage class participation during synchronous learning
Meeting recap
Access all the relevant files for the class or meeting like recordings, transcripts, notes, and files in one easy view. Students will either be able to see the recordings, transcript, and files in the meeting chat or channel, or for private meetings by going to their calendar, expanding the meeting, and clicking on the “Details” tab at the top. Those who missed the meeting, joined late, or want to revisit what was discussed, can play the recording and visit class transcripts.

meeting recap.png


Get an easily shared meeting link from the Calendar
Users can now copy a meeting link from the Calendar tab and share it out with others without starting the meeting. If you are in an email, chat, or channel conversation and agreed to meet at a certain time, this is an easy way to copy a meeting link and paste it into the conversation.

meeting link.png


Enable tenant administrators to configure masking PSTN participant phone numbers
With schools or institutions that have Audio Conferencing enabled for their Teams meetings, tenant administrators now have the ability to define how their Audio Conferencing participants’ phone numbers appear in the roster view for meetings scheduled within their organization. The options include masked to external users, masked for everyone, or off (visible to everyone). This provides flexibility in securing PSTN participants’ phone numbers. This feature is only available through PowerShell cmdlet at this time.

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Outgoing participant video in meetings in Safari
If you use Safari, now you can turn on an outgoing video so the class can see your smiling face. Just click the camera icon to turn on the video in the meeting. This requires Safari 14 or higher on MacOS BigSur.

Touch Bar meetings controls for Mac
MacBooks with Touch Bars now have Teams Meeting controls that quickly allow users to access controls without clicking into the window. Users can open the ‘view participants’ panel, open meeting chat, use raise hand, enable video, mute/unmute, open shared tray, and leave the meeting from one place.

Mac Touch Bar.png


New and dynamic meeting experiences on Android
The newly improved Teams meetings experience on Android devices now allow educators and students to see up to 20 participants on phone devices and up to 30 participants on tablets. Simply scroll to the right on your device to see all the participants in the meeting. You can also view shared content and a spotlighted participant simultaneously. This enhancement enables participants to follow along with the presentation while continuing to view the speakers’ and other participants’ video. This is currently already available in iOS.

dynamic meeting experiences android.png



2) Support asynchronous learning
Android On-Demand Chat Translation
Inline message translation helps ensure that every student has a voice and facilitate conversations across language barriers or with language learners. With a simple click, people who speak different languages can fluidly communicate with one another by translating posts in channels and chat.


250 GB file size support in Microsoft Teams
Upload file size limits for Microsoft Teams have increased from 100 GB to 250 GB. This also applies to all other Microsoft 365, services including SharePoint and OneDrive. That means educators and students can easily share large files, like 3D models or large videos for projects. Learn more


Add Microsoft Teams to your SharePoint team site
Now it’s even easier to bring SharePoint content into Microsoft Teams, and at the same time add Teams to your teams site. As you connect SharePoint to Teams, you choose what lists, libraries, and pages you want to bring into Teams as tabs in the new, default General channel. Learn more



New file sharing experience
Create a shareable link for any file stored in Teams and directly set the appropriate permissions, making it a better process to share files with the right people. Additionally, you can also set permissions for files stored in SharePoint or OneDrive while composing a private chat or starting a channel conversation. Learn more



3) Help keep students safe with better meeting controls
New bypass lobby option
For class, it’s helpful to choose who can bypass the lobby and be allowed to directly join class. There are a number of different options you can choose from, and this month you’ll be able to choose two additional options: “People in my organization” (which excludes guests) and “People in my organization, trusted organizations, and guests.” This provides another level of security and flexibility to Teams users. This is available for both private and channel meetings and provides another level of security and flexibility for schools and universities using Teams for class. Learn more about Teams meeting safety and security options.

bypass lobby option.png



4) Create better large meeting and webinar experiences
Live Event presenter for iPad
Love using an iPad for large meetings? Now it’s easy to present live in Teams from your iPad. Just open the Teams for iPad app and select ‘Join as presenter’ to start broadcasting content to your class or audience. Learn more

ipad presenter.png


Improved experience for large meeting participant lists
It can be tough to manage meetings with large numbers of participants. But now it’s now possible to review the full participant list in the lobby before admitting everyone into the meeting or webinar. During the presentation, attendees are listed in alphabetical order and those who raised their hands are elevated to the top of the participant list, making it easy to see interact with students asking questions or looking to participate.



5) Improve collaboration and communication among school staff
Viva Connections on Teams desktop
Viva Connections is your gateway to a modern employee experience. It is personalized and appears in the apps and devices your employees already use every day, such as Microsoft Teams. Viva Connections gives people a curated, company-branded experience that brings together relevant news, conversations, and other resources. Learn how you can add Viva Connections to your Teams desktop.



Create a task from a message in Microsoft Teams
Some messages result in follow-up actions. With this feature, you’ll be able to quickly create tasks right from any Microsoft Teams chat or channel conversation without having to switch apps or windows. Select More options on a Teams message to choose ‘Create task from message’ and pick which individual task list or shared plan to save the task to. Powered by the new Tasks in Teams experience, you can then track and manage the task in the Tasks app in Teams. 



6) Train yourself on Teams with new resources created for school scenarios
For educators

  1. Join us for Microsoft Store’s next, “For You, By You: A How-To Series for Educators to Supercharge Classroom Engagement.” Taking place on May 13 at 3 PM PST, the event is the 2nd part of a series to celebrate the incredible work that educators around the world have been doing. May’s event will feature how to create engaging virtual lesson plans in Microsoft Teams, and review tools to assist with accessibility and inclusion in the classroom. There will also be some surprise celebrity appearances! Sign up for the event here.

  2. Find what you need to get started on Teams all in one place at

  3. Check out this resource about how to have secure online meetings

  4. Watch the recordings from the Microsoft Teams for EDU digital readiness event which dive into common scenarios and use cases to support you this school year at

For IT and school leaders

  1. See all the latest Microsoft Teams product news from Ignite here, including education specific on demand webinars:

  2. Learn which policies to enable to keep students safe when using Teams for remote and hybrid learning with this Policy quick guide.

For parents and guardians

  1. Learn about Teams and common classroom scenarios with clickable interactive demos (in English).

  2. Quickly get up to speed on Teams Meetings and Accessibility with 1-page guides. 

  3. Find resources to keep kids engaged and learning new skills with family-led learning experiences (for children 3-12).


And for those that love lists, here’s a quick review of all the features we shared that are now generally available:

  1. Encourage class participation during synchronous learning
    Meet recap
    Get an easily shared meeting link from the Calendar
    Enable tenant administrators to configure masking PSTN participant phone numbers
    Outgoing participant meetings in Safari
    Touch Bar meeting controls for Mac
    New and dynamic meeting experiences on Android

  2. Support asynchronous learning
    Android On-Demand chat translation
    250 GB file size support in Microsoft Teams
    Add Microsoft Teams to your SharePoint team site
    New file sharing experience

  3. Help keep students safe with better meeting controls
    New bypass lobby option

  4. Create better large meeting and webinar experiences
    Live Event presenter for iPad
    Improved experience for large meeting participant lists

  5. Improve collaboration and communication among school staff
    Viva Connections on Teams desktop
    Create a task from a message in Microsoft Teams

We’re always looking to improve the education experience in Teams, and we can only do that with your support and awesome ideas. If there’ something you’d like to see in Teams for Education, please let us know!

What’s New in Microsoft Teams | February and March 2021

What’s New in Microsoft Teams | February and March 2021

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

It’s been a busy, productive couple of months. We announced a lot of exciting product updates and offerings at Ignite earlier this month, and many of these are now generally available.

For meetings you can now use PowerPoint Live, Live Reactions, Invite-only meeting options. Similarly for webinars and larger meetings, you can now host 20,000-person view-only broadcasts and download attendee reports after the webinar. When you are using a cellular connection and want to limit the used bandwidth, you can now use the low data calling mode. And if you happen to be mobile with spotty reception, you can still access your file offline. There are several updates to the Approvals app that lets you respond inline, as well as markdown and seamlessly attach files inside and outside of Microsoft 365 to your approvals. And to better manage your Android Teams Rooms devices you can now use remote device provisioning.

You can read about all Teams announcements during Ignite in the What’s New in Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Ignite 2021.

However, these aren’t the only new features and capabilities to launch in February and March. In fact, there’s a lot. So, grab a cup of something and let’s see what’s new in:

Meetings and webinars
Chat and Collaboration
Power Platform and custom development
Security, compliance, and privacy


Meetings and webinars

Live transcription with speaker attribution
Live transcription allows you to follow and review conversations (in English-US) alongside the meeting video or audio in real time. This promotes inclusivity for participants who have hearing disabilities or different levels of language proficiency. Attendees who joined late, or missed the meeting, can easily catch up by reading what was discussed and searching the transcript by speaker. Tenant admins have to turn on the Allow transcription policy to enable this feature. Learn more


Meeting recap
Meeting recap helps teams stay on track and keep their work moving forward after the meeting is over. It includes meeting recording, transcript, chat, attached files and more. The recap is shared with participants in the meeting Chat tab and viewable in the Details tab. Those who missed the meeting, joined late, or want to revisit what was discussed, can play the recording, or review the transcripts respectively.

meeting recap.png


Meet Now in Outlook client for Windows
You can now start an instant Teams meeting from the Calendar tab in Outlook for Windows by clicking Meet Now. To enable this feature, tenant admins just have to set the Allow Private Meet Now policy option to True in the admin console.

meet now in outlook.png


Get a Meet Now meeting link from the Calendar
Users can now copy a Meet Now meeting link from the Calendar and share it out with others without starting the meeting. If you are in an email, chat, or channel conversation and agreed to meet at a certain time, this is an easy way to copy a meeting link and paste it into the conversation.

meet now meeting link.png


Masking PSTN participant phone numbers
For customers who have Audio Conferencing enabled for their Teams meetings, their tenant administrators now have the ability to define how their participants’ phone numbers appear in the roster view for meetings scheduled within their organization. The options include masked to external users, masked for everyone, or off (visible to everyone). This provides flexibility in securing PSTN participants’ phone numbers. This feature is currently available through PowerShell cmdlet. Learn more

ptsn participant phone numbers.png


New bypass lobby option
The Teams meeting policy has a setting that allows certain groups of users to bypass the meeting lobby and join the meeting directly. This month’s update includes two additional options: “People in my organization” (which excludes guests) and “People in my organization, trusted organizations, and guests.” This provides another level of security and flexibility to Teams users.

bypass lobby option.png


Outgoing participant video in meetings in Safari browser
Outgoing video in web meetings is now available to Safari users. Simply click the camera icon to start a sharing your video in the meeting. This requires Safari 14 or higher on MacOS BigSur.

Touch Bar meetings controls on Mac
MacBooks with Touch Bars now have Teams Meeting controls that quickly allow users to access controls without clicking into the window. Users can open the ‘view participants’ panel, open meeting chat, use raise hand, enable video, mute/unmute, open shared tray, and leave the meeting from one place.

Mac Touch Bar.png


Dynamic meeting experiences on Android
New meeting experiences on Android devices enables participants to view content, speakers, and attendees all on one screen. Attendees are now able to see up to 20 participants on mobile devices and up to 30 participants on tablets. In addition, attendees are able to view shared content and a spotlighted participant simultaneously, and no longer have to choose between content being presented or pinned speakers. Already available on iOS.

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Live Event presenter for iPad
Sales teams, executives, and other iPad users now have the ability to present live in Teams from an iPad. Just open the Teams for iPad app and select ‘Join as presenter’ to start broadcasting content to the audience. Learn more.

ipad presenter.png


CVI support for Teams Live Events
Join Teams Live Events via Cloud Video Interop (CVI) with support for Microsoft partner meeting room devices. Contact your CVI provider to set started! Learn more.


Participant lists for large meetings updates
It’s now possible to review the full participant list in the lobby before admitting everyone into the meeting or webinar. During the presentation, attendees are listed in alphabetical order and those who raised their hands are elevated to the top of the participant list.

participant lists 1.png


Teams Live Event GoLocal Data Center Support
We are now enabling local data centers for Teams Live Events in the following countries: France, Germany, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, and United Arab Emirates. Any user with the eligible SKU and the appropriate IT admin policy is able to schedule a live event.


Voice-enabled channels
Voice-enabled channels allow connecting a call queue to a channel in Microsoft Teams. Users can collaborate and share information within the channel while taking calls in the queue. This feature is ideal for scenarios such an IT help desk or HR hotline. IT admins can quickly connect call queues to specific channels, and team owners can manage the settings. Learn more

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Survivable Branch Appliance
To support the most critical conversations in the event of an outage, a Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) allows users to place and receive PSTN calls even in the event of a network outage. During an outage, the Teams client switches to the SBA automatically and ongoing calls continue without interruptions and no user action is required. Once the Teams client identifies that network connectivity has been restored, normal call functionality is resumed, and any call data records are uploaded to the cloud. Organizations can now take advantage of Survivable Branch Appliance capabilities by following the step-by-step configuration guidance provided by their SBC vendor. Learn more

Survivable Branch Appliance 1.png


We’ve have newly certified devices for Microsoft Teams this month from EPOS and Poly.

EPOS ADAPT 100 Series
Headsets from EPOS help meet the need for increased collaboration and seamless user workflows as they transition from tasks to meetings. The series encompasses many variants that are optimized for unified communications. Using the Teams button, you can easily join your Teams meetings and calls and their easy-to-use plug-and-play functionality makes getting started simple.

EPOS ADAPT 100 Series.png


Poly Trio C60
The Poly Trio C60 is now certified for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows as USB audio peripheral. Previously certified as a Teams IP conference phone, the Poly Trio C60 can now be configured for use with a Teams Room system, such as Poly G85-T. The Trio C60 supports Poly signature audio innovation such as distraction-free NoiseBlock AI and rich 22kHz sound.

Poly Trio C60.png


Poly Savi 7300 Office
The Savi 7300 Office Series is the ultra-secure DECT™ wireless headset perfect for anywhere sensitive conversations happen. The series is designed to meet the highest-level DECT™ security Step C, with military-grade 256-bit AES encryption for maximum security. Combined with Poly Acoustic Fence technology and Microsoft Teams Open Office spec, conversations always stay clear, private and protected. A dedicated Teams button provides a seamless Teams experience.

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Poly Studio P15
The Poly Studio P15 is a personal USB video bar that gives you everything you need to look and sound your best on video calls in one sleek device. High performance 4K image sensors and automatic camera framingallow you to be seen without staying glued to your chair. A powerful speaker and microphone array deliver rich, clear audio, while NoiseBlockAI and Acoustic Fence technology keep out distracting sounds.

Poly Studio P15.png


Chat and Collaboration
Android On-Demand Chat Translation
Inline message translation helps ensure that every worker in the team has a voice and facilitate global collaboration. With a simple click, people who speak different languages can fluidly communicate with one another by translating posts in channels and chat.

Additional settings for multiple Accounts and Organizations
You can now in the Teams desktop client add a personal account, along with one work/school account, change your profile picture, and switch between accounts and orgs through Settings.

250 GB file size support in Microsoft teams
We have now increased the upload file size limit for Microsoft Teams from 100 GB to 250 GB. This also applies to all other Microsoft 365, services including SharePoint and OneDrive. You are now able to easily share large files like a 3D model of a new building, a client commercial shot in 8K video, a large dataset for a vaccine trial or research projects or large videos for educational projects. Learn more

Viva Connections on Teams desktop
Viva Connections is your gateway to a modern employee experience. It is personalized and appears in the apps and devices your employees already use every day, such as Microsoft Teams. Viva Connections gives people a curated, company-branded experience that brings together relevant news, conversations, and other resources.

Learn how you can add Viva Connections to your Teams desktop.



Balance productivity and wellbeing with Microsoft Viva Insights
Viva Insights gives individuals, managers, and leaders personalized insights and actionable recommendations that help everyone in an organization thrive. This new app – discoverable directly in the Teams app bar by selecting the ellipsis (…) – makes it seamless for users with Exchange Online mailboxes to strengthen relationships with key people, follow up on to-dos, and protect focus time to work uninterrupted. For Workplace Analytics customers, manager and leader insights provide visibility into the impact of work patterns on people and the business and can help identify where a change in team and organizational norms could improve wellbeing and business outcomes. Personal insights are visible only to the individual, and for manager and leader insights, customers can rely on safeguards like de-identification, aggregation, and differential privacy by default. Learn more

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PowerShell Support for team templates
Admins can now manage team templates at scale with templates cmdlets in PowerShell. With this new set of templates cmdlets, admins are able to get a list of all available templates within their tenant, get details of a particular template, and create, edit, and delete a team template.

Manage team templates with template policies
Admins can now choose which team templates are shown to the end user. In the Teams Admin Center, admins can create teams template policies and designate which team templates to hide or show. Once the policy was created, assign users to it so that each user sees only the team templates tailored to their role.


New file sharing experience
We have streamlined file sharing in Microsoft Teams. You can now create a shareable link for any file stored in Teams and directly set the appropriate permissions. Additionally, you can also set permissions for files stored in SharePoint or OneDrive while composing a private chat or starting a channel conversation. Learn more

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Add Microsoft Teams to your SharePoint team site
We are making it even easier to bring SharePoint content into Teams, in the same motion of adding Microsoft Teams to your team site, aka #teamify. As you connect SharePoint to Teams, you choose what lists, libraries, and pages you want to bring into Teams as tabs in the new, default General channel. Learn more



Include up to 10,000 users in an org-wide team
You can now create an org-wide team to promote collaboration and communications across the entire organization. Administrators who manage tenants that have less than or equal to 10,000 members can now create an org-wide team, which automatically syncs all the tenant’s members with the team. Learn more

25,000 person teams
Team membership limit is increasing to 25,000 per individual team. With millions of employees working remotely or in hybrid environments, it’s more important than ever for employees to feel connected. Teams makes it easier to collaborate with others, chat, meet virtually, and integrate your business solutions, all in a single platform. The increased member limit enables you to easily communicate and collaborate with larger size teams.

Out of Office
Let others know that you are not available by scheduling an Out of Office message in Teams. This helps set expectations with your colleagues, letting them know that you won’t be able to respond during this time and allows you to take the time off. During this time, your presence status is changed to “Out of Office” and your status message is displayed when someone reaches out to you via chat. Additionally, your Outlook calendar and automatic replies are updated accordingly.

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History Menu
The History Menu for Teams desktop clients displays your recently visited locations when hovering over the backward and forward navigation options. Using the menu you can quickly jump back to previous locations, making it much easier to quickly get back to nested locations like tabs or documents. The menu is also accessible via keyboard shortcut. Learn more

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Queue sent messages when offline
When attempting to send messages while offline, Teams queues messages and send these once a network connection is re-established. This help ensure that your messages get to your recipients. If the message is in an unsent state for more than 24 hours, the message fails, and the user is prompted to resend or delete the message.

More labels in Microsoft Planner
Labels are a quick, visual way to categorize similar tasks in Planner and we’ve increased the number of labels to help you get even more organized. You can now add up to 25 labels in all different colors to your tasks in Planner in Microsoft Teams and Planner across web and mobile. Learn more

Power Platform and custom development
New mobile device capabilities APIs – QR/Barcode Scanner and Location APIs
We are excited to share new device capabilities – location and QR/Barcode scanner – that you can now utilize to light up new and compelling scenarios. These high-value experiences come out-of-box in the Teams Client JavaScript SDK and can be leveraged with minimal effort, reducing the barrier to app development. Learn more


SharePoint Framework (SPFx) version 1.12 for even more flexible and comprehensive extensibility options for both Microsoft Teams and SharePoint
With the release of SPFx version 1.12, we are making it even easier to build Microsoft Teams extensibility with automatic hosting of your UX layer and we enable you to combine the SharePoint Framework pieces together with the other Microsoft Teams extensibility options. Learn more

Restricting Windows and Mac managed device sign-in to specific tenants
You are now able to restrict Teams sign-in for Windows and Mac managed devices to ensure that employees cannot sign-in to another organization’s tenant using the other tenant’s credentials from the device they are authorized to use for work. This policy can also be used to configure access to personal accounts. Learn more

Manage Teams displays in Team Admin Center
We are adding one more device category, the Teams Display, to the device portfolio that can be now managed within Teams Admin Center. This allows IT admins to simplify, customize, and automate Teams panel devices as well.

Simple Periodic review for guest users
We have added scheduled access reviews for guests across all Teams and Groups by default. The system automatically schedules periodic guest access reviews across Teams, delivering better identity security hygiene.

Assign policy package to a group
We have added the ability to assign policy packages to groups. Admins can now can easily assign a policy package to a group such as an entire retail workforce. This helps making your work more efficient in a simple friendly step. Learn more


Unifying the experiences of creating teams
We have aligned the experience of creating a team via the Teams Admin Center to the experience of creating a team in the Teams client, both on the desktop and web, to provide a unified experience when a team is added, regardless of interface.

Updated Teams table of content on
To make it easy for our IT pro audience to find the right content at the right time we have launched an updated landing page for Teams on We have made it easier to find our MSLearn content and have reorganized the lifecycle content. Finally, we have dedicated content for our government and industry customers. Learn more

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Security, compliance, and privacy
Microsoft Information Protection: changes in display of sensitivity labels for Teams
For Teams with hierarchical sensitivity labels applied, the channel headers only displays the parent label instead of showing the child label. For example, with a parent sensitivity label such as Confidential and a child sensitivity label of Finance, Teams only shows “Confidential” in the channel header.

Bounty Awards for Teams Desktop Client Security Research
We are excited to expand our partnership with the research community and introduce bounty awards for Teams desktop client security research under the new Microsoft Applications Bounty Program. The Teams desktop client is the first in-scope application under the new Apps Bounty Program and you can learn more about the Bounty Awards for Teams Desktop Client here.

These features currently available to Microsoft’s commercial customers in multi-tenant cloud environments are now rolling out to our customers in US Government Community Cloud (GCC), US Government Community Cloud High (GCC-High), and/or United States Department of Defense (DoD).

PowerPoint File Sharing
PowerPoint File Sharing allows you to share a PowerPoint file within a Teams Meeting without having to use Desktop or Window sharing. Available in DOD.

Multi-Window Meetings and Calling experiences
Multi-window experiences are coming to Teams meetings and calling. Users will have the ability to pop out meetings and calling into separate windows to help them optimize their workflow. These experiences can be turned on directly within Teams for PC and Mac clients. Available in GCC-High and DOD as opt-in.

Add a shared calendar to a Teams channel
Create and share a calendar with members of a specific channel. When a channel meeting is created, Teams automatically creates a new post in the channel’s activity feed. Users, who have notifications turned off, will see the event only when they open the channel’s calendar. Once a channel event is posted, you can add it to your personal calendar. This feature provides all members within the channel, except guest users, visibility to upcoming events. Available in GCC and GCC-High. Learn more

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Virtual Breakout Rooms
Breakout rooms allows meeting organizers to divide the meeting into smaller groups to facilitate discussions and brainstorming sessions. A breakout room can be created in a Teams meeting or a Teams channel meeting, allowing greater flexibility on how you want to meet. Organizers can easily jump in between breakout rooms, deliver announcements to all breakout rooms at once, and bring everyone back to the main meeting at any time. Any files from the breakout rooms can be shared in the main meeting and is available afterwards in the meeting chat. Available in GCC and GCC-High. Learn more


Outgoing participant video in meetings in Safari browser
Outgoing video in web meetings is now available to Safari users. Simply click the camera icon to start a sharing your video in the meeting. This requires Safari 14 or higher on MacOS BigSur. Available in GCC.

Touch Bar Meetings Controls for Mac
MacBooks with Touch Bars now have Teams Meeting controls that quickly allow users to access controls without clicking into the window. Users can open the view participants panel, open meeting chat, use raise hands, enable video, mute/unmute, open shared tray, and leave the meeting from one place. Available in GCC, GCC-High, and DOD.

Live Reactions in Microsoft Teams meetings
All attendees can now use emojis to react during a meeting. These reactions help promote inclusivity in meetings and keep things upbeat and interactive. Available in GCC. Learn more

Get a Meet Now meeting link from the Calendar
Users can now copy a meeting link from the Calendar tab and share it out with others without starting the meeting. If you are in an email, chat, or channel conversation and agreed to meet at a certain time, this is an easy way to copy a meeting link and paste it into the conversation. Available in GCC.

Masking PSTN participant phone numbers
For customers who have Audio Conferencing enabled for their Teams meetings, their tenant administrators now have the ability to define how their participants’ phone numbers appear in the roster view for meetings scheduled within their organization. The options include masked to external users, masked for everyone, or off (visible to everyone). This provides flexibility in securing PSTN participants’ phone numbers. This feature is currently available through PowerShell cmdlet. Available for GCC. Learn more

Enable tenant administrators to configure masking of PSTN participant phone numbers
If a customer has Audio Conferencing enabled for their Teams meetings, their tenant administrators now have the ability to define how their Audio Conferencing participants’ phone numbers appear in the roster view for meetings scheduled within their organization. The options include masked to external users, masked for everyone, or off (visible to everyone). This provides flexibility in securing PSTN participants’ phone numbers. This feature is only available through PowerShell cmdlet at this time. Available in GCC. Learn more

Live Event Presenter for iPad
Live Event Presenters can now join and share content from their iPad. Select ‘Join as presenter’ to start broadcasting content to your audience. Available in GCC. Learn more


Set Presence Status duration for Government clouds
Manage your availability with the new status duration option in the presence menu allows users to set a certain status for a specific period of time. For example, they will be able to set their status settings to “Do not disturb” for 30 minutes, one hour, two hours, or the entire day or whole week. Learn more

Offline Presence Status for Government clouds
You can now change your presence to appear offline, signaling to colleagues that you are not available, while having a full access to Teams. The Offline presence status comes in handy for people who want to access Microsoft Teams outside of working hours and users who simply want to focus on their work. Learn more

Location picker support for security groups and distribution lists
Data loss prevention (DLP) for Microsoft Teams will now support security groups and distribution lists as part of the Teams location picker, enabling more granular control of DLP policy scope (i.e. to include/exclude particular departments, business units, geo-specific security groups, etc.). Available in GCC.

Data loss prevention for Microsoft Teams
Data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities in Microsoft 365 government clouds will be extended to include Microsoft Teams chat and channel messages, including private channel messages. If your organization has DLP, you can now define policies that prevent people from sharing sensitive information in a Microsoft Teams channel or chat session. Avaliable in GCC-High.

Channel notification settings updates
Manage your notification settings to get only the notifications you want, and better manage your time. Through the teams and channels list or from the channel header, the users can quickly manage their notification settings by the means of a new fly-out design. Users can turn on all activity on or off with a single click or diving deep into custom to set their preferred permutations. Available in GCC.

Polls in Teams Meetings
Forms polls for Teams meetings provides an easily discoverable and seamless experience that will help you conduct more engaging and productive meetings. With Forms polls, meeting presenters can prepare, launch, and evaluate polls before, during, and after meetings, respectively, all from one place under a tab in the Teams meeting. Avaliable in GCC.


Share from Microsoft Teams to Outlook
Sometimes not all your audience is in Teams. Leverage the information discussed over Teams messages and continue the conversation, without losing context, in email. Send a copy of a Teams chat message or an entire channel conversation into Outlook. The message will include rich text support. Avaliable in GCC.

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Meeting recordings saved to OneDrive and SharePoint
Ability to save Microsoft Teams meeting recordings to OneDrive and SharePoint for improved sharing capabilities, basic governance, automatic retention labels, go local, bring your own keys and, more that comes from recording video files and storing them in SharePoint and OneDrive. Avaliable in GCC, GCC-High and DoD.

Walkie Talkie
Walkie Talkie, a push-to-talk experience that enables clear and secure voice communication over the cloud, enables teams to communicate instantly and always stay on the same page. This native built-in app in Teams turns employee or company-owned Android smartphones and tablets into a walkie-talkie, reducing the number of devices employees must carry and lowering costs for IT. Available in GCC.

Simplified Global Notification Settings
Government users can now configure and customize their notification settings through a newly designed notification settings section. Available in GCC.

Follow or Mute Conversations
This feature will empower users to have finer controls at a conversation thread level within a channel. Available in GCC.

Low data mode
Whether you want to preserve data or are just in a location with a poor or limited network connection, sometimes it’s helpful to limit the amount of data you’re using during a video call. A new low data mode is now available, allowing users to cap the amount of data that will be used during Teams video calls as well as establish different settings based on network availability so that the setting can be turned on always, or only while on cellular networks. Available in GCC, GCC-High, and DOD.

Reporting and analytics in the Teams Admin Center for GCCH
The reporting and analytic section in the Teams Admin Center was added in the left navigation bar, to enable them generating Teams usage reports. Available in GCC-High.