Transform your business with automated insights & optimized workflows using Azure OpenAI GPT-3

Transform your business with automated insights & optimized workflows using Azure OpenAI GPT-3

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

OpenAI’s GPT-3 AI applications have become a buzzword in the industry. If you’re looking to boost your business operations and maximize productivity but are encountering technical barriers and resource limitations, the app highlighted in this article may be your answer.
It smoothly integrates Azure OpenAI into various business workflows, showcasing a spectrum of AI-powered demos. This demo highlight the technology’s capabilities and can help streamline your business operations while optimizing productivity.



Let’s build your business process with OpenAI


  • Azure OpenAI – Summarization & gain insights

  • Power Apps – To build front end

  • Power Automate – To build the process

Getting Started

1. Azure Open AI – Summarization & Gain insights


3. Create 2 SharePoint Lists 

  • Prompts for your custom questions (change questions & prompt types as per your business requirements)

  • Conversation insights to save Open AI generated insights from the email text (change column names as per your business requirements)



Scenario 1: Lets start with conversation insights. Assume you have an email enabled conversation. You want to get some insights from the email text.

To generate insights, PowerAutomate is used and then results are saved in SharePoint.

3. Create a PowerAutomate

  • Here are the steps to create a Power Flow:

    1. Go to and click on “Flows”.

    2. Visit

    3. Click “New Flow” and name it “OpenAI-Insights“.

    4. It has many variables for multiple prompts at once and save insights from one conversation in SharePoint List.

    5. Build the entire flow according to your requirements.SAVITAMITTAL_1-1679083168954.png

    6. When a new email arrives-Choose email trigger if email’s conversation you want to use as a source to gain insights. Else you can use any other trigger depends upon where your conversations stores. e.g. Teams chat, SharePoint, blob storage or any other storage solution.

    7. HtmlToText-Get email body as a plain text using html to text connector.

    8. Get items– SharePoint Connector to get the prompts list to run on your email text to gain additional insights

    9. Initialize Variables-# of variables are initialized based on number of prompts

    10. initialize a variable called summary to store output.

    11. Apply to each -OPEN AI step loop through each prompt question on original conversation text to get the insight and save the result via case statement in the initialized variable.
      HTTP Connector

      Method: POST
      Headers content-type:application/json
      api-key:  [Azure Portal -> OpenAI resource -> Keys & Endpoints]
      Body   {
      “prompt”: @{variables(‘promptPhrase’)},
      “max_tokens”: 1000,
      “temperature”: 1

      ParseOpenAIOutput-Parse the response from OpenAI HTTP output.
      Click Generate from sample in Parse step and paste the below sample json to parse the response from HTTP output

      “body”: {
      “id”: “cmpl-xxxxxxx”,
      “object”: “text_completion”,
      “created”: 1678909613,
      “model”: “text-davinci-003”,
      “choices”: [
      “text”: “nThe main reason of the conversation is to give credit to travel company for their gracious refund of the cost of the no-show.”,
      “index”: 0,
      “finish_reason”: “stop”,
      “logprobs”: null
      “usage”: {
      “completion_tokens”: 27,
      “prompt_tokens”: 91,
      “total_tokens”: 118

      SAVITAMITTAL_0-1679199886668.pngAfter parsing we need to loop the array and assign the text to the variable
      Apply to each action. Select Choices from parse step output as the array property.
      Set  Output – variable “Summary” 

      Switch: It has 6 case actions based on number of prompts to set the each variable based on each HTTP Post call.



       end of Apply to each -OPEN AI step #11 (loop through each prompt question and call OpenAI endpoint to get insights. Parse the response and save it in each prompt related variable)

    12. Create Item – Once all the variables are set then create an entry in the SharePoint Conversation insights list with original text and additional insightsSAVITAMITTAL_3-1679200897367.png


How to utilize insights into a process
PowerApps can be created with SharePoint list to create a business process around insights generated by OpenAI on each customer conversation.
Dashboard->Details screen-> Process each conversation with Insights

 Dashboard – Vertical galley in PowerApps with SharePoint list ‘Conversation Insights’ as a Data Source 

 Item details page with OpenAI insights to accelerate the customer service – Display form in PowerApps




Stay tuned for more exciting blog content as we explore various potential scenarios.
Effortlessly extract text from documents, audio, and video files to generate valuable insights.

How to Create Your Own Portfolio Website in Minutes with GitHub Codespaces and Blazor

How to Create Your Own Portfolio Website in Minutes with GitHub Codespaces and Blazor

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Create, customize, and deploy your own portfolio website in minutes without installing any tools. All you need is a GitHub account and a few minutes to get started. We will use GitHub Codespaces and Blazor to build the website and Azure Static Web Apps or GitHub Pages to deploy it. 


You can find all these instructions and more in our GitHub Codespaces Repository.



GitHub Codespaces 

Now, with GitHub Codespaces you can create your own portfolio website in minutes without any extra tools or lengthy environment setup! All you need is a GitHub account. Follow these instructions to create your free GitHub account. 


GitHub Codespaces is a development environment that is hosted in the cloud. This means that you can get started coding right away in your browser – we set everything up for you ahead of time! You do not need to worry about setting up the right coding editor or tools.  


.NET Portfolio Site with GitHub Codespaces  

With the .NET Blazor Portfolio Site project template, all you need to do is launch your Codespace then follow the README instructions to customize your website. The goal is to give you a template you can immediately utilize to create your own website through GitHub Codespaces. 


This template shows you how to build your website using Blazor. Blazor is a UI Framework that lets you build frontend web applications with C#. The template is within the GitHub Student Developer pack, but anyone can access and use it! 

  • Who is this for? Anyone looking to create a portfolio site, learn web development, or test out Codespaces. 

  • How much experience do you need? Zero. You decide how much you want to customize based on your experience, and time available. 

  • Tools needed: None. No need to install anything! All you need is a GitHub account and web browser. 

  • Prerequisites: None. This template includes your development environment and deployable web app for you to create your own site. 

Get Started with the .NET Portfolio Website Template 


  • Create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account. You can keep the repository name the same or change it if you would like.

  • At the top of the README, click on the Open in GitHub Codespaces buttonKatie_Savage_1-1678811758385.png

  • You should now be in a GitHub Codespace! Notice that it has the same layout as VS Code.


  • Follow the readme on how to run a simple command to start up your website. In your terminal, you will need to run swa start.


Congratulations! You just ran your portfolio website!!


Next Steps: Customize and Deploy 

From here, you can continue to follow the instructions in the README to customize your portfolio website and deploy it! 


This project is built to be easily customizable. Each section of the site is a separate component, and your information needs to be set in only one spot. For each step, open the project in Codespaces, then you can make and commit your changes while within your Codespaces.

See Using source control in your codespaces for more Codespaces source control how-tos

To deploy your website, you can use Azure Static Web Apps or GitHub Pages. The README includes instructions for both deployment options.


Learn More

Check out our learning resources and coding curriculums to take these learnings to the next level!


How to Create Your Own Portfolio Website in Minutes with GitHub Codespaces and BlazorHow to Create Your Own Portfolio Website in Minutes with GitHub Codespaces and Blazor

Manage your resource’s efforts with the new Assignments view!

Manage your resource’s efforts with the new Assignments view!

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

When a Project Manager develops a resource-loaded work-back structure (WBS), the linear distribution of effort between resources is typically acceptable as a starting point to estimate effort and costs.   However, there are scenarios where a PM will need to be more granular in the definition of effort within a given time span for each resource (day, week, month) to reflect how the work will be accurately executed.


This precision influences two key components of the project planning: Resource Requirements and Financial estimates – which can be achieved with assignments tab. To access the contour editing grid, the project manager first selects the Tasks tab on the project main page and then selects the Assignments tab.


When the grid is initially rendered, it starts at the earliest assignment contour. If your schedule doesn’t contain any assignments that have effort, the grid will be blank and won’t render anything. The minimum value of a resource contour is zero, and the maximum value permitted is 9,999,999.



How to access?


Once you have created a new project and assigned the tasks to team members, Click on the three dots, “…” -> Assignments.  


image A.jpg


  1. Unlike in the Grid view, columns aren’t configurable. The only visible columns are: Assigned To, Task Name, Assignment Start and Finish date.

  2. Supports two methods for grouping: Group by Resource and Group by Task.

  3. Two views to update the efforts required: Weekly and Daily.


How to update task effort assigned to resources:


By default, when resources are assigned to a task in the schedule, their effort is linearly distributed to each resource, based upon that resource’s working hours and the project’s schedule mode.


 A project manager can use the resource assignment grid to refine the effort estimates of each resource that’s assigned to one or many tasks across the different time scales. This feature helps project managers produce more accurate cost and sales estimates, which are driven by the resource assignment contours that are generated when a resource is assigned to a task. Additionally, project managers can easily reflect the resource demand that’s required to build the demand in a resource requirement.


  1. View effort distribution of a resource across tasks and timeline (Grouped by Resource)image B.jpg


  2. Updating efforts required for a task (Grouped by Task)

image C.jpg




Resource calendars


The ability to edit a contour for a specific day is governed by the resource’s working days, as reflected in their calendar. If a cell is disabled for a given resource, that resource doesn’t have working days during that period.


A resource’s contours can extend beyond the assigned task’s current start and end dates. If a contour is updated so that it’s after the latest end date of a task or the earliest start date of a task, the task’s end date or start date will be changed as appropriate. However, if a contour is updated so that it’s earlier than the start date of a task that’s linked to a predecessor, the update will fail because the assignment will trigger the task to start before its predecessor is completed, and that behavior isn’t currently supported.




Changes to the resource assignment grid are automatically reflected in any associated views, including the Chart, Timeline, Board, and Grid views. If multiple users are reviewing the project at the same time, any changes that one user makes will be reflected in the grid. Conversely, any changes that are made in the resource assignment grid will be shown to all other users who are viewing the project in the same session.

Introducing New Asset Management Mobile App for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Introducing New Asset Management Mobile App for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

We are thrilled to announce the public preview release of the Asset Management mobile app for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. The app is available for all commonly used mobile platforms, devices, and form factors.

The app enables maintenance workers to review their assigned jobs, mark tasks as complete, enter notes, and log the time and materials consumed. Other staff can use the app to quickly file maintenance requests by scanning a barcode, entering notes, and submitting photos.

graphical user interface, application

The Asset Management mobile app in action

Jody, a production manager at Contoso Inc., is preparing a presentation and notices that the monitor cable in the meeting room is broken. She immediately launches the Asset Management mobile app so she can report this incident. She scans the bar code on the monitor to identify it in the system. Then she fills out the required information, marks the issue as high severity, and takes some photos to document the damage. Finally, she selects Submit to file the report.

Roger, the maintenance supervisor, is working in Supply Chain Management and receives a notification about Jody’s maintenance request. He notices that it is high severity, so he immediately creates a work order from the request and assigns it to Peter, who is the maintenance worker responsible for that office.

Peter has just finished his previous assignment, so he opens the job list on his mobile app to see what his next job should be. Jody’s request appears right at the top of the list because it’s marked as high severity. When Peter selects the job, he can see the details, including Jody’s description and the pictures she took of the broken cable. Peter opens the job check list and goes through each step, marking them complete as he works. When the job is done, he logs the time it took and the materials he used. The monitor is now ready for use for Jody’s presentation.

Architecture and licensing

The Asset Management mobile app is built as a Canvas app in PowerApps, and doesn’t require any additional licenses to use. The app leverages the security roles already established in Supply Chain Management to grant the appropriate users access to the maintenance request and/or job management functions as needed.

System requirements

To run the Asset Management mobile app, you must be running Supply Chain Management version 10.0.32 or higher. The app is available for all commonly used mobile platforms, devices, and form factors.

More information

For more information about how to deploy and use the app, see Asset Management mobile app overview on Microsoft Docs.

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 Take a guided tour. to see what Supply Chain Management can do for you today.

The post Introducing New Asset Management Mobile App for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.

Azure Marketplace new offers – March 16, 2023

Azure Marketplace new offers – March 16, 2023

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

We continue to expand the Azure Marketplace ecosystem. For this volume, 103 new offers successfully met the onboarding criteria and went live. See details of the new offers below:


Get it now in our marketplace

Build customized.png Build Customized Machine Images with a GUI: This offer from RIS AG provides a wizard-guided user interface for the XOAP automation platform, which can facilitate customized images and their management. Create, configure, and build machine images fully automated across your cloud environments.
CentOS 7.9 Base.png CentOS 7.9 Base on Azure: This offer from Solve DevOps provides CentOS 7.9 on a Microsoft Azure virtual machine. CentOS is built from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). With CentOS 7.9, you can enjoy the latest features and security updates from the upstream RHEL distribution.
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CentOS Stream 9 Minimal Gen2: This offer from ProComputers provides a minimal version of CentOS Stream 9 on a Microsoft Azure virtual machine. Azure Linux Agent and cloud-init are included, Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is enabled, and Accelerated Networking is supported.

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Digital Gov Portal: Use the Digital Government Portal from Mint Management Technologies to engage citizens, streamline service delivery, and build community trust. Management and reporting tools simplify administration and help government workers improve decision-making.


Eureka: Eureka, an end-to-end DevSecOps platform for orchestrating security scanners, lets you easily integrate your scanners with CI/CD pipelines. Run the scanning agents inside your own environment and keep the scan data there for maximum privacy.


Footprints AI for Grocery: Footprints AI’s proprietary AI technology combines offline and online customer data to create a comprehensive view of customer behavior, enabling grocers to understand their customers’ shopping habits and create personalized experiences to drive loyalty.


Footprints AI for Retail Properties: Footprints AI’s proprietary AI technology combines offline and online customer data to create a comprehensive view of customer behavior, enabling retail property owners and managers to better meet their needs.


HyperExecute Private Cloud: HyperExecute by LambdaTest, a lightning-fast test execution and orchestration platform, reduces developer friction and helps businesses release features and products quicker. HyperExecute is framework-agnostic and language-agnostic.


JBoss EAP on Azure Red Hat OpenShift: This solution from Red Hat automates most of the boilerplate steps to provision JBoss EAP on an Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) cluster. This offer requires a JBoss EAP subscription and works on a bring-your-own-subscription basis.


Kafka: Intended for production environments on Microsoft Azure, this offer from Kockpit Analytics provides Apache Kafka 2.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Kockpit’s images are always up to date and built to work right out of the box.

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Kafka with WebUI, Secured and Supported by HOSSTED: This offer from HOSSTED provides a one-click deployment for Apache Kafka, a distributed event store and stream-processing platform. HOSSTED apps come with live support, built-in SSL, and integration with Azure Active Directory.


Magento, Secured and Supported by HOSSTED: This offer from HOSSTED provides a one-click deployment for Magento, a platform with built-in PHP that helps programmers create e-commerce websites. HOSSTED apps come with live support, built-in SSL, and integration with Azure Active Directory.


MongoDB 4 with WebUI, Secured and Supported by HOSSTED: This offer from HOSSTED provides a one-click deployment for MongoDB 4, a NoSQL database program. Also included are the Mongo Express administrator interface and the phpMoAdmin administration tool for PHP.

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Prime SMPP: Made for the telecommunications industry, Prime SMPP provides a reliable and efficient way for short message service centers and external short messaging entities to exchange SMS messages.

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Prime SMPP with Firewall: Made for the telecommunications industry, Prime SMPP provides a reliable way for short message service centers and external short messaging entities to exchange SMS messages. This offer includes a firewall to protect SMS infrastructure by monitoring and controlling SMPP traffic.


ProActive Discover: Revolutionize how you approach your business application evaluation journey with a cloud-based analysis platform that helps you reduce risk, cut costs, decrease time to value, analyze the fit of standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 vs. your business needs, and do more with less.


Riverbed Acceleration Solutions: Achieve fast, agile, secure acceleration of any app over any network to users, whether mobile, remote, or in the office. Built on decades of WAN optimization leadership and innovation, Riverbed’s acceleration portfolio powers cloud, SaaS, and client apps at peak speeds.


Sayura: This cloud-native low-code/no-code platform helps you wrap application programming interface (API) endpoints into smarter and more efficient APIs. Through a graphic user interface-based development studio, Sayura delivers fast deployments to any microservice architecture.


ScaleOps AKS: This resource management platform continuously optimizes Kubernetes workloads, including pod rightsizing, horizontal scaling, node optimization, and pod scheduling. ScaleOps eliminates 80 percent of Kubernetes cloud spending and frees engineers from repeated ongoing configurations.


SolarWinds Observability: Purpose-built for DevOps and IT teams, this solution from SolarWinds delivers full-stack, unified visibility for cloud-native web applications and from across the environment, including applications, infrastructure, logs, databases, networks, and digital experiences.


TerraEye: TerraEye, a cutting-edge remote sensing application, utilizes satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data, as well as data from connected ground stations, to provide a comprehensive view of land and natural resources for the mining, oil and gas, government, and energy industries.


VisionAI Toolkit for Workplace Safety: This workplace health and safety solution offers a set of command-line utilities for running Vision AI scenarios. It supports more than 60 common scenarios, each well-tested and ready for deployment, for workplace safety and company compliance policies.


WADE Data Platform Automation: WADE, a next-generation data automation and orchestration service for Microsoft Azure Synapse, Databricks Lakehouse, and Microsoft SQL Server on-premises, is an end-to-end SaaS solution that accelerates data insights and significantly shortens time to value.


WeTransact for Start-Ups: Publish your solution on the Microsoft commercial marketplace in a matter of days thanks to, which takes care of all the technical aspects of listing. This offer is tailored for start-ups, defined by as companies funded less than two years ago.

Windows Server- Mirantis.png

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter with Containers (Mirantis Container Runtime): This virtual machine image packages Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, Mirantis Container Runtime, Docker Container Runtime, and Docker Engine to enable the creation of cloud-native apps using containers and microservices.

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Windows Server 2022 Datacenter with Containers (Mirantis Container Runtime): Enable cloud-native app creation using containers and microservices via this virtual machine image that packages Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, Mirantis Container Runtime, Docker Container Runtime, and Docker Engine.

Go further with workshops, proofs of concept, and implementations

Active AI.png Active AI: Exploration & Enablement: 4-Hour Workshop: This consultation with Active Solution Sverige AB will help you identify how artificial intelligence services in Microsoft Azure, like Azure OpenAI Service, Azure Machine Learning, and Azure Cognitive Services, can benefit your business.

AS2 and EDIFACT EDI Integration using Azure Logic Apps: Architect and manage Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) electronic data interchange (EDI) integration with this INFOC solution that uses Microsoft Azure Logic Apps to implement AS2 and EDIFACT messaging to exchange data with trading partners.

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Azure Cost Calculation and FinOps: 3-Day Workshop: In this workshop, Direct Experts will cover the capabilities of Azure cost calculation and FinOps, make configurations according to Microsoft best practices and conformed to your environment, and give you guidance and hands-on training.

Azure Data Science.png

Azure Data Science Adoption: 1-Month Implementation: This Crayon consultation for advanced analysts facilitates work with large amounts of data and enables automation. Deliverables include a configured data science environment, a machine learning model, and a solution knowledge transfer.

Azure infrastructure.png

Azure Infrastructure: 3-Day Workshop: This workshop covers Microsoft Azure infrastructure and configures it according to Microsoft best practices. Direct Experts will provide you hands-on training and guide you on how to initiate your own Azure infrastructure journey.

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Azure Managed Services: A well-managed Microsoft Azure cloud is critical to maximizing investment and remaining competitive. In this managed service, PwC experts can offer administration, engineering, and integration support to enable continuous innovation on your digital transformation journey.

Azure Migration.png

Azure Migration: 4-Month Implementation: Japan Business Systems (JPS) will design and build your Microsoft Azure environment based on the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework, migrate your servers to Azure, and operate the environment after migration. This service is available only in Japanese.

Azure Modern Data.png

Azure Modern Data Warehouse: 6-Week Implementation: This Crayon consultation helps you effectively use data to make business decisions. It includes environmental assessment, Microsoft Azure Landing Zone configuration, a migration plan, a data warehouse implementation, a data model build, and more.

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Azure Sentinel Monitoring Proof of Concept: Zenith & Company Ltd. will use Microsoft Sentinel to detect threats across your organization and respond to them with automation in this security information event management (SIEM) proof of concept, available only in Korean.

Azure SQL.png

Azure SQL Database Tuning: 1-Week Implementation: This consultation is designed for organizations that want to improve the efficiency of their database environment. Experts from Crayon will tune your Microsoft Azure database to stabilize the environment and reduce the risk of downtime.

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Azure Virtual Desktop: 5-Month Implementation: In this consultation, available only in Japanese, Japan Business Systems (JBS) will build your organization an Azure Virtual Desktop environment provided by Microsoft Japan. By utilizing this framework and established processes, JBS reduces time and effort for its customers.

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Azure VMware Solution: 4-Week Proof of Concept: In this consultation with CompuNet, you will learn the benefits of Windows virtualization and see how Azure VMware Solution combines the VMware software-defined data center (SDDC) with Azure BareMetal Infrastructure.


BigData Workshop: Learn about big-data use cases and best practices in this scenario-focused and hands-on lab, available only in Korean. Zenith & Company Ltd. data engineers will lead a practice-oriented Q&A around services available in Microsoft Azure and Azure Machine Learning.


Cerberus Security Service Implementation: Noventiq experts will implement Cerberus Security Service to provide your organization with security information and event management (SIEM) to detect, analyze, and respond to threats before they impact business. This service is available only in Spanish.

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Cloud Migration Implementation: DataArt will deliver an end-to-end migration to Microsoft Azure. Depending on the specific project goals and migration options, deliverables may include proofs of concept, IT infrastructure layout documentation, a security assessment, and more.

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CloudXper ProOps Managed Service (1 Year): LG CNS Co. Ltd.’s CloudXper ProOps service helps companies make a smooth transition to Microsoft Azure. Integrated operation consulting services are available in the areas of infrastructure, applications, and security. This service is available only in Korean.

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Data Analysis Platform for Azure: 1-Month Implementation: Japan Business Systems (JBS) will build a data analysis infrastructure to support your business on Microsoft Azure. A data mesh architecture will allow coordination of governance tools and environmental separation for each subscription. This service is available only in Japanese.

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Data Estate Modernization and Managed Services: Let Kyndryl modernize your legacy systems and enable scalable data and AI solutions to propel your business. Kyndryl will design and execute an enterprise data estate modernization strategy using Microsoft Purview, Azure Synapse, and other Azure services.

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Database Migration to Azure: 2-Month Implementation: Crayon will analyze your database environment and prepare an SQL Server migration plan, then migrate your environment to Microsoft Azure so you can benefit from high availability, increased performance, and scalability.

Database Modernization.png

Database Modernization: 4-Month Implementation: Softtek will design an operational model to help you process information and answer business questions, then deploy a solution on Microsoft Azure. This service is available only in Spanish.


Datacenter Transformation: 3-Week Proof of Concept: Softtek will simplify your migration to Microsoft Azure, reduce your costs, and help you manage the platform. A pilot will precede the migration. This service is available only in Spanish.


DRaaS: 10-Day Implementation: IFI Techsolutions will implement and manage a disaster recovery solution to protect your critical data and applications. Annual failover testing will be conducted, along with reporting and health monitoring.

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Entra Permissions Management: 8-Week Proof of Concept: ITC Secure will deliver a proof of concept of Microsoft Entra Permissions Management to demonstrate value. ITC Secure’s consultants will help you deploy the tooling in your Azure or multi-cloud environments.

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Hybrid Security: 2-Week Implementation: IFI Techsolutions will evaluate your organization’s security landscape, then implement a security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution with Microsoft Sentinel.


Lemongrass Rise+: 2-Month Implementation: Lemongrass Consulting will implement Lemongrass Rise+, a rapid, low-risk migration path for ancillary SAP and non-SAP systems. It’s most suitable for customers seeking minimal functional change along with Azure-native tooling and services.

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Linux on Azure: 2-Week Implementation: Want to implement Linux on Microsoft Azure? IFI Techsolutions will assess your servers and applications for cloud readiness and dependencies, then migrate them to a production environment using Microsoft tools. Testing and knowledge transfer will follow.


MLOps on Azure Machine Learning: 1-Day Workshop: Lingaro’s workshop will teach attendees how to use Azure Machine Learning for effective MLOps, addressing common challenges and improving the efficiency of machine learning projects.

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SCC Cyber MDR for End User: SCC’s managed detection and response service combines Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, and the Microsoft 365 Defender stack with SCC’s experienced security operations team to protect your hybrid workforce.

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SCC Cyber MDR for Infrastructure: SCC’s managed detection and response service combines Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, and the Microsoft 365 Defender stack with SCC’s experienced security operations team to protect infrastructure across your multi-cloud estate.

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SCC Hyperscale Cloud Managed Services (1 Year): Through the SCC Hyperscale managed service for Azure, SCC establishes long-term relationships with customers built on trust. Benefit from Azure’s incredible range of services while utilizing SCC to deliver management and continuous innovation.

SVA Workshop.png

SVA Workshop: Azure Kubernetes Service Basics: In this workshop, SVA will present an overview of the functions of Azure Kubernetes Service. Particular attention will be given to the differences between Azure Kubernetes Service and self-managed Kubernetes clusters. This offer is available only in German.

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The SME Workplace: Jongen van Beheer’s services are intended for organizations with 10 to 300 employees. In this engagement, IT specialists from Jongen van Beheer, part of SLTN IT Services B.V., will ensure the optimal function of your ICT environment. Migration of servers and data to Microsoft 365 and Azure will be handled on a project basis. This offer is available only in Dutch.


UST 8-Week Proof of Concept: UST Global will deliver a proof of concept of, an AI/ML application lifecycle management platform with built-in MLOps capabilities. facilitates the development and deployment of AI/ML models by enterprise data science and analytics teams.

VMware Azure migration.png

VMware Azure Migration: 4-Week Rapid Implementation: RSM helps organizations improve efficiency and cost optimization by migrating on-premises applications, infrastructure, and data to Microsoft Azure. RSM’s VMware service can help you plan your path to Azure VMware Solution.

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Windows and SQL Server Migration: IFI Techsolutions will create a comprehensive plan to migrate your SQL Server databases to Microsoft Azure, then execute the plan using tools such as the Azure Data Migration Service or the Data Migration Assistant. Management and support will follow the migration.


wMCHS: Wragby’s Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Security: Wragby Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Security (wMCHS), Wragby’s managed advisory service, helps organizations secure their assets and services in multi-cloud environments. wMCHS is powered by Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

Contact our partners

2-Week Azure Security Assessment

Application Modernization

Automation for Marketing and Sales Using Dialogue AI

Azenix AzLand CAF Landing Zone IP Offer

Azure Cost Calculation: 2-Day Assessment

Azure Cost Calculation: 2-Hour Briefing

Azure Infrastructure: 2-Day Assessment

Azure Infrastructure: 2-Hour Briefing

Azure Landing Zone: 2-Day Assessment

Azure Landing Zone: 2-Hour Briefing

Azure Migration: 2-Day Assessment

Azure Migration: 2-Hour Briefing

Azure Virtual Desktop: 1-Day Assessment

BlueCat DNS Edge Service Point v4: Advanced Setup

CAF Strategic Assessment for Microsoft Azure

Cloud Readiness Assessment

Code Intelligence

Data Warehouse Modernization Assessment

DevOps as a Service by CodeValue

DevOps at Production Scale in a Week with Azure

Digital Platform for Water and Utility System

Digital Transformation for M&A and Divestures

HCL Compass on Azure

ImmuniWeb Continuous

ImmuniWeb MobileSuite

ImmuniWeb Neuron

JBoss EAP on Azure

MDR for Microsoft for Education

Medis FHIR

MLOps Platform: 2-Week Assessment (Chinese Version)

One Identity Starling Connect

Predictive Maintenance: Advanced Offer

Protect Your Organization from Fraudulent Hires

Rierino Core Low-Code Platform

Risk Management with Microsoft Azure: 2-Week Assessment

Spike Digital DE Cloud Security Consulting

Spyglass Cloud Security: 6-Week Assessment

Transparity Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR)

Trustwave MailMarshal Email Security


zblocks Platform