Generative AI with Microsoft Fabric

Generative AI with Microsoft Fabric

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Microsoft Fabric seamlessly integrates with generative AI to enhance data-driven decision-making across your organization. It unifies data management and analysis, allowing for real-time insights and actions.


Main - Fabric.png


With Real Time Intelligence, keeping grounding data for large language models (LLMs) up-to-date is simplified. This ensures that generative AI responses are based on the most current information, enhancing the relevance and accuracy of outputs. Microsoft Fabric also infuses generative AI experiences throughout its platform, with tools like Copilot in Fabric and Azure AI Studio enabling easy connection of unified data to sophisticated AI models.


Check out GenAI experiences with Microsoft Fabric.


Fabric - pic 1.png


Unify data across multiple clouds, data centers, and edge locations at unlimited scale-without having to move it.



Classify and protect schematized data with Microsoft Purview.


Fabric - Purview pic 2.png


Ensure secure collaboration as engineers, analysts, and business users work together in a Fabric workspace.



Connect data from OneLake to Azure AI Studio.


Fabric - pic 3.png


Build custom AI experiences using sophisticated large language models. Take a look at GenAI experiences in Microsoft Fabric.



Watch our video here:




00:00 — Unify data with Microsoft Fabric
00:35 — Unified data storage & real-time analysis
01:08 — Security with Microsoft Purview
01:25 — Real-Time Intelligence
02:05 — Integration with Azure AI Studio


Link References

This is Part 3 of 3 in our series on leveraging generative AI. Watch our playlist at


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Video Transcript: 

-If you want to bring custom Gen AI experiences to your app so that users can interact with them using natural language, the better the quality and recency of the data used to ground responses, the more relevant and accurate the generated outcome. 


-The challenge, of course, is that your data may be sitting across multiple clouds, in your own data center and also on the edge. Here’s where the complete analytics platform Microsoft Fabric helps you to unify data wherever it lives at unlimited scale, without you having to move it. 


-It incorporates a logical multi-cloud data lake, OneLake, for unified data storage and access and separately provides a real-time hub optimized for event-based streaming data, where change data capture feeds can be streamed from multiple cloud sources for analysis in real time without the need to pull your data. Then with your data unified, data professionals can work together in a collaborative workspace to ingest and transform it, analyze it, and also endorse it as they build quality data sets. 


-And when, used with Microsoft Purview, this can be achieved with an additional layer of security where you can classify and protect your schematized data with protections flowing as everyone from your engineers, data analysts to your business users works with data in the Fabric workspace. Keeping grounding data for your LLMs up to date is also made easier by being able to act on it with Real Time Intelligence. 


-For example, you might have a product recommendation engine on an e-commerce site and using Real Time Intelligence, you can create granular conditions to listen for changes in your data, like new stock coming in, and update data pipelines feeding the grounding data for your large language models. 


-So now, whereas before the gen AI may not have had the latest inventory data available to it to ground responses, with Real Time Intelligence, generated responses can benefit from the most real-time, up-to-date information so you don’t lose out on sales. And as you work with your data, gen AI experiences are infused throughout Fabric. In fact, Copilot in Fabric experiences are available for all Microsoft Fabric workloads to assist you as you work. 


-And once your data set is complete, connecting it from Microsoft Fabric to ground large language models in your gen AI apps is made easy with Azure AI Studio, where you can bring in data from OneLake seamlessly and choose from some of the most sophisticated large language models hosted in Azure to build custom AI experiences on your data, all of which is only made possible when you unify your data and act on it with Microsoft Fabric.


Copilot for Dynamics 365 Commerce revolutionizes retail with AI

Copilot for Dynamics 365 Commerce revolutionizes retail with AI

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Discover how Copilot for Dynamics 365 Commerce can help you deliver personalized customer experiences, optimize product management, and streamline retail operations for store associates, managers, and back-office staff with AI.

Transformative AI in Dynamics 365 Commerce

The retail industry is facing significant challenges and opportunities in today’s digital world. AI can help you create value for your customers and stand out from your competitors. It can help you solve critical challenges such as improving customer service, refining product management, increasing store associate productivity, and simplifying finances.

Dynamics 365 Commerce now includes Copilot, which helps you improve customer satisfaction, boost sales, increase profit margins, and enhance workforce productivity with automated insights, validations, and summaries that reduce the clicks and searches needed to find information, creating a near “one-click” retail experience.

Watch this brief video to see Copilot in action.

Video of Copilot in Dynamics 365 Commerce announcement on YouTube.

Customer insights

Copilot simplifies the process of understanding your customers. It aggregates data on customer preferences from Dynamics 365 Commerce, giving you an in-depth and comprehensive view of your customers, such as their favorite product categories, preferred price ranges, and lifetime value based on recency, frequency, and monetary metrics. You can view their previous interactions with a quick glance, making it easier to resume conversations or give customized follow-ups for better customer relationships and more personalized and effective engagement. Learn more about Copilot customer insights.

Screenshot of Copilot customer insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Copilot customer insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Product insights

Whether you’re introducing new products or welcoming new store employees, keeping everyone informed and prepared is essential. Copilot provides comprehensive product insights, including clear and concise descriptions, key benefits, inventory levels, and discount details, empowering your staff to elevate product sales. Additionally, employees can access information on related items like accessories and bundles, promoting a cross-selling environment that enhances the shopping experience and boosts sales. By equipping store employees with the knowledge and confidence to engage customers effectively, Copilot turns interactions into opportunities, increasing customer satisfaction, sales, and the all-important average order value.

Screenshot of Copilot product insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Copilot product insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Report insights

Envision a scenario where synthesizing insights to assess the performance of your retail channels becomes seamless. With Copilot, it’s easy. Copilot provides instant insights, generating narrative summaries for channel reports. You’ll receive a precise and succinct overview of critical metrics such as sales, revenue, profit, margin, and overall store performance—right at your fingertips. Copilot’s real-time analysis keeps you ahead, updating summaries as new data arrives, empowering your store associates to communicate results effectively, accurately, instantly. Embrace the future of retail intelligence with Copilot and revolutionize the way you interact with your data. Learn more about Copilot report insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Screenshot of Copilot report insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Copilot report insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Retail statement insights

Copilot can summarize posted and unposted retail statements, highlighting key insights such as the number of affected transactions, total sales amount, and risks like returns without receipts, expense transactions, and price overrides. These insights into retail statements allow for straightforward and efficient management of financial reports and help you detect and correct discrepancies and risks in your retail statements by providing a clear summary of anomalies in transactional activity. By using Copilot-powered insights, you can identify issues without wading through numerous forms, promptly take corrective measures, and reduce the need for support inquiries to solve problems. Learn more about Copilot retail statement insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Screenshot of Copilot statement insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Copilot statement insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Merchandise more efficiently

Merchandising is a complex and time-consuming process that involves configuring products, categories, catalogs, and attributes for each channel. Merchandisers need to ensure that their products are displayed correctly and accurately on the online store, and that they comply with each channel’s business rules and policies. However, manual configuration is prone to human error, and it doesn’t scale for businesses that have millions of products, thousands of attributes, and hundreds of categories and catalogs across hundreds of stores.

Copilot enhances merchandiser efficiency by streamlining merchandising workflows, summarizing product settings, and automating data validation by checking for errors and inconsistencies in your product merchandising data. From the Copilot summaries, you can navigate to a list of issues and act without losing context to address problems promptly and efficiently. Your products are always correctly configured and displayed, enhancing customer satisfaction and boosting sales. Learn more about Copilot merchandising insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Screenshot of Copilot merchandising insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Copilot merchandising insights in Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Ensuring the ethical use of AI technology 

Microsoft is committed to the ethical deployment of AI technologies. Through our Responsible AI practices, we ensure that all AI-powered features in Dynamics 365 adhere to stringent data privacy laws and ethical AI usage standards, promoting transparency, fairness, and accountability. 


Copilot features for Dynamics 365 Commerce are revolutionizing the retail experience by bringing AI to store associates, store managers, channel managers in the back office, and merchandisers. They’re simplifying complex data analysis, personalizing customer service, optimizing product management, and driving business growth by improving customer loyalty, increasing sales, and enhancing profitability.

If you’re ready to take your retail business to the next level, contact us today to learn more about how Copilot can help you transform your retail business.

Copilot functionalities in Store Commerce are available starting with the following versions:

  • 10.0.39, from Proactive Quality Update 4 (PQU-4) onwards (CSU: 9.49.24184.3, Store Commerce App 9.49.24193.1)
  • 10.0.40, from Proactive Quality Update 1 (PQU-1) onwards (CSU: 9.50.24184.2, Store Commerce App 9.50.24189.1)

Copilot functionalities in back office (Headquarters) are available starting with the following versions:

  •   10.0.38 from Proactive Quality Update 5 (PQU-5) or subsequent updates
  •   10.0.39 from Proactive Quality Update 3 (PQU-3) or later versions
  •   All editions of Commerce version 10.0.40 onward

Next steps

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The post Copilot for Dynamics 365 Commerce revolutionizes retail with AI appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.

Meet a recent Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador graduate Flora Oladipupo

Meet a recent Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador graduate Flora Oladipupo

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

This is the next segment of our blog series highlighting Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors who achieved the Gold milestone, the highest level attainable, and have recently graduated from university. Each blog in the series features a different student and highlights their accomplishments, their experience with the Student Ambassador community, and what they’re up to now.


Today we meet Flora who recently graduated with a bachelor’s in biotechnology from Federal University of Technology Akure in Nigeria.

Responses have been edited for clarity and length.


When did you join the Student Ambassadors community?


July 2021


What was being a Student Ambassador like?


Being a student ambassador was an amazing experience for me. I joined the program at a crucial time when I was just beginning my tech journey and was on the verge of giving up on a tech career, thinking it might not be for me. Over the three years I served as an ambassador, I not only enhanced my technical skills but also grew as an individual. I transformed from a shy person into someone who could confidently address an audience, developing strong presentation and communication skills along the way. As an ambassador, I made an impact on both small and large scales, excelled in organizing events, and mentored other students to embark on their own tech career paths.


Was there a specific experience you had while you were in the program that had a profound impact on you and why?


One significant impact I made as an ambassador was organizing a Global Power Platform event in Nigeria, which is presumed the largest in West Africa, with around 700 students attending. During this event, I collaborated with MVPs in the Power Platform domain to upskill students in Power BI and Power Apps technology. Leveraging my position as a Microsoft ambassador, I secured access to school facilities, including computer systems for students to use for learning. This pivotal experience paved the way for me to organize international events outside the ambassador program.


These experiences aside helped me develop skills in project management, networking, and making a large-scale impact.


Tell us about a technology you had the chance to gain a skillset in as a Student Ambassador. How has this skill you acquired helped you in your post-university journey?


During my time as an ambassador, I developed a strong skillset in data analytics. I honed my abilities using various Microsoft technologies, including Power BI, Excel, and Azure for Data Science. I shared this knowledge with my community through classes, which proved invaluable in my post-university journey. Additionally, I honed my technical writing skills by contributing to the Microsoft Blog, with one of my articles becoming one of the top most viewed blogs of the year. This experience helped me secure an internship while in school and side-gigs via freelancing, and ultimately landing a job before graduating.


What is something you want all students, globally, to know about the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program?


I want students worldwide to know that the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador program is for everyone, regardless of how new they are to tech. It offers opportunities to grow, learn, and expand their skills, preparing them for success in the job market. They shouldn’t view it as a program only for geniuses but as a place that will shape them in ways that traditional academics might not



Flora and other Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors in her university.


What advice would you give to new Student Ambassadors, who are just starting in the program?


I would advise students just starting in the program to give it their best and, most importantly, to look beyond the SWAG! Many people focus on the swag and merchandise, forgetting that there’s much more to gain, including developing both soft and technical skills. So, for those just starting out, come in, make good connections, and leverage those connections while building your skills in all areas.


Share a favorite quote with us! It can be from a movie, a song, a book, or someone you know personally. Tell us why you chose this. What does it mean for you?


Maya Angelou’s words deeply resonate with me: ‘Whatever you want to do, if you want to be great at it, you have to love it and be willing to make sacrifices.’ This truth became evident during my journey as a student ambassador. I aspired to be an effective teacher, presenter, and communicator. To achieve that, I knew I had to overcome my shyness and embrace facing the crowd. Making an impact on a large scale requires stepping out of my comfort zone. Over time, I transformed into a different person from when I first joined the program.


Tell us something interesting about you, about your journey.


One fascinating aspect of my involvement in the program and my academic journey was when I assumed the role of community manager. Our goal was to elevate the MLSA community to a prominent position within the school, making it recognizable to both students and lecturers. However, through collaborative efforts and teamwork with fellow ambassadors, we achieved significant growth. The community expanded to nearly a thousand members, and we successfully registered it as an official club recognized by the Vice-Chancellor and prominent lecturers. I owe a shout-out to Mahmood Ademoye and other ambassadors from FUTA who played a pivotal role in shaping our thriving community.



Flora and her mentor Olanrewaju Oyinbooke

You can follow Flora here:



New Microsoft Copilot Dashboard Features Now Available – August 2024

New Microsoft Copilot Dashboard Features Now Available – August 2024

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Introducing exciting new features to help you better understand and improve adoption and impact of Copilot for Microsoft 365 through the Copilot Dashboard. These features will help you track Copilot adoption trends, estimate impact, interpret results, delegate access to others for improved visibility, and query Copilot assisted hours more effectively. This month, we have released four new features:


Updates to Microsoft Copilot Dashboard:

  • Trendlines

  • Copilot Value Calculator

  • Metric guidance for Comparison

  • Delegate Access to Copilot Dashboard

We have also expanded the availability of the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard. As recently announced, the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard is now available as part of Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses and no longer requires a Viva Insights premium license. The rollout of the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard to Copilot for Microsoft 365 customers started in July. Customers with over 50 assigned Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses or 10 assigned premium Viva Insights licenses have begun to see the Copilot Dashboard. Customers with fewer than 50 assigned Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses will continue to have access to a limited Copilot Dashboard that features tenant-level metrics.


Let’s take a closer look at the four new features in the Copilot Dashboard as well as an update to more advanced reporting options in Viva Insights.


Trendline Feature

Supercharge your insights with our new trendline feature. Easily track your company’s Copilot adoption trends over the past 6 months. See overall adoption metrics like the number of Copilot-licensed employees and active users. Discover the impact of Copilot over time – find out how many hours Copilot has saved, how many emails were sent with its assistance, and how many meetings it summarized. Stay ahead with trendline and see how Copilot usage changes over time at your organization. For detailed views of Copilot usage within apps and Copilot impact across groups for timeframes beyond 28 days, use Viva Insights Analyst Workbench (requires premium Viva Insights license).

Learn more here.




Copilot Value Calculator

Customize and estimate the value of Copilot at your organization. This feature estimates Copilot’s impact over a given period by multiplying Copilot-assisted hours by an average hourly rate. By default, this rate is set to $72, based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can customize it by updating and saving your own average hourly rate and currency settings to get a personalized view. This feature is enabled by default, but your Global admin can manage it using Viva feature access management. See our Learn article for more information on Copilot-assisted hours and value.





Metric Guidance for Comparisons

Discover research-backed metric guidance when comparing different groups of Copilot usage, for example, Copilot active users and non-Copilot users. This guidance is based on comprehensive research compiled in our e-book and helps users interpret changes to meetings, email and chat metrics. For the best results, compare two similar groups, such as employees with similar job functions or ranks. Use our in-product metric guidance to interpret results and make informed decisions with confidence. Click here for more information.



Delegate Access to Copilot Dashboard

Leaders can now delegate access to their Microsoft Copilot Dashboard to others in their company to improve visibility and efficiency. Designated delegates, such as the leader’s chief of staff or direct reports, will be able to view Copilot Dashboard insights and use them to make data-driven decisions. Learn more about the delegate access feature here. Admins can control access to the delegation feature by applying feature management policies.



Go Deeper with Viva Insights – Copilot Assisted Hours Metric in Analyst Workbench

For customers wanting a more advanced, customizable Copilot reporting experience, Viva Insights is available with a premium Viva Insights license. With Viva Insights, customers can build custom views and reports, view longer data sets of Copilot usage, compare usage against third party data, and customize the definition of active Copilot users and other metrics.


The Copilot assisted hours metric featured in the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard is now also available to query in the Viva Insights Analyst Workbench. When running a person query and adding new metrics, Viva Insights analysts will be able to find this metric under the “Microsoft 365 Copilot” metric category. The metric is computed based on your employees’ actions in Copilot and multipliers derived from Microsoft’s research on Copilot users. Use this new available metric for your own custom Copilot reports.



We hope you enjoy these new enhancements to Copilot reporting to help you accelerate adoption and impact of AI at your organization. We’ll keep you posted as more enhancements become available to measure Copilot.