This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.
How does accessibility fit into an MVP? | Creating Startups
Simona Cotin
This is a guest post by Obinna Ekwuno, software engineer at Gatsby and Marcy Sutton, freelance web developer and accessibility specialist. Read more about Obinna and Marcy at the end of this article. Accessibility has become a buzz word for making sure that disabled users get a fair experience when interfacing with platforms on the web or on mobile.
Ayca Bas
Use Microsoft Graph Toolkit to build a solution for Microsoft Teams that will track daily calendar, tasks and e-mails in a Teams Tab as one productivity hub. – OfficeDev/M365Bootcamp-TeamsOneProductivityHub
How to Develop Serverless Apps with GitHub Codespaces | A Cloud Guru
Alvaro Videla Godoy
Want to develop a serverless app with Codespaces? This tutorial will show you how to get an Azure Functions & Static Web App project ready.
Azure Stack Hub Partner Solutions Series – iVedha
Thomas Maurer
Aytra was borne as an ISV solution aimed at enabling partners in their Azure Stack Hub journey. Check it out!
Intro to Mobile Development
Nitya Narasimhan
Mobile app development is both a huge opportunity and a constant challenge. In this talk we’ll look at the mobile development landscape – from native apps to multi-platform development and mobile web. We’ll talk about design challenges and personalizing user experiences to match diverse contexts. And we’ll look at emerging paradigms in dual-screen and multi-posture devices (e.g., Surface Duo) and talk about how we can leverage these technological advances to rethink the modern mobile app.
Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly – Episode 100
Waldek Mastykarz
A weekly discussion of the latest news and topics around Microsoft 365
What is infrastructure as code? | Azure DevOps Blog
Jay Gordon
What is infrastructure as code? Microsoft Azure provides you with a number of options to deploy your infrastructure. In the One Dev Question series, Cloud Developer Advocate Abel Wang explains how Azure DevOps provides developer services to support teams to plan work…
Top 10 Best Practices for Azure Security
Sonia Cuff
Mark Simos, lead Cyber security architect for Microsoft, explored the lessons learned from protecting both Microsoft’s own technology environments and the responsibility we have to our customers, and shares the top 10 (+1!) recommendations for Azure security best practices.
What is Azure Hybrid Benefit?
Sarah Lean
The Azure Hybrid Benefit can help you save move when you are running your workloads within Azure by leveraging your on prem licenses, find out more in this blog post.
Automanage for Azure virtual machines
Thomas Maurer
Azure Automanage for virtual machines is a service that helps to discover, onboard, and configure Azure Management services for Azure VMs.
Running A Virtual Conference: Roguelike Celebration’s AV Setup
Em Lazer-Walker
The Roguelike Celebration conference has been running for five years, but two weeks ago marks our fir… Tagged with streaming, events, conferences, twitch.
Contribute to DanWahlin/FluidVue development by creating an account on GitHub.
Adding Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate to Azure Functions
Justin Yoo
This post shows how to generate an SSL certificate through Let’s Encrypt API and bind the certificate to the custom APEX domain on Azure Functions app.
AzUpdate: Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center, Azure Site Recovery TLS Certificate Changes and more
Anthony Bartolo
Lots to share in the world of Microsoft services this week. News includes Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center’s new inventory & monthly servicing feature currently in preview, Azure Cognitive Services has achieved human parity in image captioning, Azure Site Recovery TLS Certificate Changes, Static Web App PR Workflow for Azure App Service using Azure DevOps, and of course the Microsoft Learn Module of the week.
250 million reasons to build applications on Microsoft 365
Waldek Mastykarz
You might have heard of Microsoft Teams, Outlook, or SharePoint. But did you know that next to being some of the most popular applications from Microsoft, they are a part of a highly extensible development platform with a rich partner ecosystem?
Want to Learn JavaScript? We’ve Got a Series for You! | LINQ to Fail
Aaron Powell
Get ready to dive into all things JavaScript.
Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.
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