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After feedback from the community and the Data Advisory Board, we’ve made a few changes. Some great updates to the Azure Data Community Landing Page went live this week.
What’s new
- Various sections are now easier to navigate.
- Little touches like new icons and descriptions for blogs, podcasts, forums, and recordings to help you identify what kind of content you’ll see.
- An updated list of highlighted blogs to bring you fresh educational content.
- New upcoming conferences highlighted, all around the world.
Check out data community events
The biggest change is to the Community Events section. There is now a link to “Explore Upcoming Events.” Here you will find links to upcoming Data Platform Community events, both free and paid. While it’s not fancy, it can act as a single source for upcoming events. We want organizers to use this resource when scheduling their own event to avoid conflicting with an existing event. We want speakers to quickly identify events when deciding where to submit sessions. We want attendees to be able to easily answer the question “Who can I learn from next?”
Organizers for Data Platform conferences should submit their upcoming event using the “Submit Your Event” link at the top of the community event page. Feel free to bookmark & share this with other organizers in your network. This is not for individual user group meetings. You can still find those at our Meetup listing of Azure Data Tech Groups. This is designed to be a list of single and multi-day conferences, free or paid, that cater to the Microsoft Data Platform either entirely or with dedicated track.
And since our entire initiative is Community-owned, Microsoft-empowered, we want you to take this information and share it via your blog, newsletter, user group meetings, etc. You can download the xml data of this list and share away!
Don’t forget, you can always submit your questions, suggestions and ideas to the Azure Data Community Board using our form at
Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.
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