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Final Update: Saturday, 05 December 2020 14:50 UTC

We’ve confirmed that all systems are back to normal with no customer impact as of 12/05, 14:14 UTC. Our logs show the incident started on 12/05, 12:02 UTC and that during the 2 hours & 2minutes that it took to resolve the issue. Customers using Application Insights might have experienced intermittent metric data gaps and incorrect alert activations in US Gov regions.
  • Root Cause: The failure was due to configuration issue in application insights .
  • Incident Timeline: 2 Hours & 2 minutes – 12/05, 12:02 UTC through 12/05, 14:14 UTC
We understand that customers rely on Application Insights as a critical service and apologize for any impact this incident caused.


Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.