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Explore Azure AI Services: Prebuilt Models and Demos

Azure AI services provide a comprehensive suite of prebuilt models and demos designed to address a wide range of use cases. These models are readily accessible and allow you to implement AI-powered solutions seamlessly. We have curated and catalogued prebuilt demos available across Azure AI services. We hope this helps you infuse AI seamlessly into your products and services.


Speech Recognition


Speech to Text Scenarios


Scenario Description Link
Real-time speech to text Quickly test your audio on a speech recognition endpoint without writing any code. Explore Demo
Whisper Model in Azure OpenAI Service Transcribe and translate audio content from 57 languages into English using OpenAI Whisper v2-large model. Explore Demo
Batch speech to text Transcribe large amounts of audio in storage asynchronously. Explore Demo
Custom Speech Improve speech recognition accuracy with domain-specific vocabulary and data. Explore Demo
Pronunciation Assessment Evaluate and get feedback on speech pronunciation accuracy and fluency. Explore Demo
Speech Translation Translate speech into other languages in real-time with low latency. Explore Demo


Text to Speech


Text to Speech Scenarios


Scenario Description Link
Voice Gallery Choose from 486 voices across 148 languages and variants to create natural-sounding speech. Explore Demo
Custom Neural Voice Create a natural-sounding synthetic voice based on human voice recordings. Explore Demo
Personal Voice Create an AI voice from a human voice sample for personalized voice experiences. Explore Demo
Audio Content Creation Build highly natural audio content for various scenarios like audiobooks and video narrations. Explore Demo
Text to speech Avatar Turn your text into a video with an AI-generated avatar and realistic voice. Explore Demo


Other Scenarios





Captioning with Speech to Text

Use our sample application to learn how to use Azure Speech to automatically caption your content in real-time and offline by transcribing the audio of films, videos, live events, and more. Display the resulting text on a screen to provide an accessible experience. In this example, we leverage features like speech to text and phrase list.

Post Call Transcription & Analytics

Batch transcribe call center recordings and extract valuable information such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII), sentiment, and call summary. This demonstrates how to use the Speech and Language services to analyze call center conversations.

Live Chat Avatar

Engage in natural conversations with an avatar that recognizes users’ speech input and responds fluently with realistic AI voice.

Language Learning

Get instant feedback on pronunciation accuracy, fluency, prosody, grammar, and vocabulary from your chatting experience.

Video Translation

Seamlessly translate and generate videos in multiple languages automatically. With its powerful capabilities, you can efficiently localize your video content to cater to diverse audiences around the globe.


Vision Studio


Vision-Based Scenarios


Scenario Description Link
Video Retrieval and Summary Quickly summarize the main points of a video and search for specific moments. Explore Demo
Customize Models with Images Find specific objects within images for use cases like product placement and assembly line checks. Explore Demo
Add Dense Captions to Images Generate human-readable captions for all important objects detected in your image. Explore Demo
Remove Backgrounds from Images Easily remove the background and preserve foreground elements. Explore Demo
Add Captions to Images Generate a human-readable sentence that describes the content of an image. Explore Demo
Detect Common Objects in Images Detect and extract bounding boxes for recognizable objects and living beings. Explore Demo
Extract Text from Images Use OCR to extract printed and handwritten text from images, PDFs, and TIFF files. Explore Demo
Extract Common Tags from Images Extract tags based on recognizable objects, scenery, and actions. Explore Demo
Create Smart-Cropped Images Automatically crop images to emphasize the most important areas. Explore Demo
Detect Faces in an Image Detect the location of human faces and their attributes in images. Explore Demo
Count People in an Area Analyze video to count the number of people in a designated zone. Explore Demo
Detect When People Cross a Line Detect when a person crosses a line in the camera’s field of view. Explore Demo



Language Studio


Language Processing Scenarios


Scenario Description Link
Extract PII Identify sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) in text. Explore Demo
Extract Key Phrases Quickly identify the main points from unstructured text. Explore Demo
Find Linked Entities Disambiguate the identity of entities found in text by linking to a knowledge base. Explore Demo
Extract Named Entities Identify and categorize entities in text using Named Entity Recognition (NER). Explore Demo
Extract Health Information Extract and label medical information from unstructured texts. Explore Demo
Analyze Sentiment and Opinions Provide sentiment labels and confidence scores at the sentence and document level. Explore Demo
Detect Language Determine the language used in the input document and return a confidence score. Explore Demo
Custom Text Classification Create custom text classification projects with labeled data and trained models. Explore Demo
Answer Questions Extract answers to questions from passages of text provided. Explore Demo
Conversational Language Understanding Projects Build projects with labeled data and trained models for understanding conversational language. Explore Demo
Orchestration Projects Build and manage projects that integrate multiple language services. Explore Demo
Summarize Information Produce summaries for conversations or documents using summarization APIs. Explore Demo

Document Translation

Batch translate documents into one or more languages either from local storage or Azure Blob Storage



Document Intelligence


Document Analysis Scenarios


Scenario Description Link
Read Extract printed and handwritten texts along with barcodes and formulas from documents. Explore Demo
Layout Extract tables, checkboxes, and text from forms and images. Explore Demo
General Documents Extract key-value pairs and structure from any form or document. Explore Demo


Prebuilt Models Scenarios





Extract invoice details including customer and vendor details, totals, and line items.


Extract transaction details from receipts including date, merchant information, and totals.

Identity Documents

Extract details from passports and ID cards.

US Health Insurance Cards

Extract details from US health insurance cards.

US personal tax

Classify then extract information from documents containing any number of W2s, 1040s, 1098s and 1099s.

US mortgage

Extract information from a variety of mortgage

US pay stubs

Extract employee information, payment information including earnings, deductions, net pay and more.

US bank statements

Extract bank statements

US checks

Extract amount, date, pay to order MICR numbers, name and address of the player, and more.

Marriage Certificates

Extract details from marriage certificates.

Credit Cards

Extract details from credit cards including card number and cardholder name.


Extract title and signatory parties’ information from contracts.

Business Cards

Extract contact details from business cards.


Gen-AI Safety Solutions


Safeguard your image content





Moderate image content

This is a tool for evaluating different content moderation scenarios. It takes into account various factors such as the type of content, the platform’s policies, and the potential impact on users. Run moderation tests on sample content. Use Configure filters to rerun and further fine tune the test results. Add specific terms to the block list that you want detect and act on.

Moderate Multimodal content

Run moderation test on image and text combined contents. Assess the test results with detected severities.

Safeguard your Text





Moderate text content

Run moderation tests on text contents. Assess the test results with detected severities.

Groundedness Detection

Groundedness detection detects ungroundedness generated by the large language models (LLMs).

Protected Material Detection

Detect and protect third-party text material in LLM modules.

Prompt Shield

Prompt shields provides a unified API that addresses the following types of attacks: Jailbreak attacks and Indirect attacks.

Real-time Safety Measures





Monitor Online Activity

This will display your API usage, moderation results, and their distributions per category. You can customize the severity threshold for each category to view the updated results and deploy the new threshold to your end. Additionally, you can edit the blocklist on this page to respond to any incidences.

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.