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Azure Durable Functions and External Events

Jaliya Udagedara is a Developer Technologies MVP based in Auckland, New Zealand. Originally from Sri Lanka, Jaliya is currently working as a Technical Lead for a US-based software development company. He has found his most significant interest in the world of Microsoft Software Development Technologies and Azure Stack. He likes to write blog posts and maintains his personal blog. Follow him on Twitter @JaliyaUdagedara


How to fix the borderless window “problem” in Windows Virtual Desktop

Robin Hobo is an Enterprise Mobility MVP and Senior Solutions Architect from the Netherlands who advises companies about the modern workplace. Robin is broadly oriented and has in-depth knowledge of various solutions like Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) and Microsoft EM+S (including Microsoft Endpoint Manager – Microsoft Intune). For more, check out Robin’s blog and Twitter @robinhobo


Stay Up To Date With Power BI

Mohamed El-Qassas is a Microsoft MVP, SharePoint StackExchange (StackOverflow) Moderator, C# Corner MVP, Microsoft TechNet Wiki Judge, Blogger, and Senior Technical Consultant with +10 years of experience in SharePoint, Project Server, and BI. In SharePoint StackExchange, he has been elected as the 1st Moderator in the GCC, Middle East, and Africa, and ranked as the 2nd top contributor of all the time. Check out his blog here.


Windows Admin Center with Azure Security Center integration

James van den Berg has been working in ICT with Microsoft Technology since 1987. He works for the largest educational institution in the Netherlands as an ICT Specialist, managing datacenters for students. He’s proud to have been a Cloud and Datacenter Management since 2011, and a Microsoft Azure Advisor for the community since February this year. In July 2013, James started his own ICT consultancy firm called HybridCloud4You, which is all about transforming datacenters with Microsoft Hybrid Cloud, Azure, AzureStack, Containers, and Analytics like Microsoft OMS Hybrid IT Management. Follow him on Twitter @JamesvandenBerg and on his blog here.



Asma Khalid is an Entrepreneur, ISV, Product Manager, Full Stack .Net Expert, Community Speaker, Contributor, and Aspiring YouTuber. Asma counts more than 7 years of hands-on experience in Leading, Developing & Managing IT related projects and products as an IT industry professional. Asma is the first woman from Pakistan to receive the MVP award three times, and the first to receive C-sharp corner online developer community MVP award four times. See her blog here.

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.