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Get Help with Teams Issues Faster Using Logs 


We all run into various technical issues from time. When we do, we want to get help fast! One way to help ensure your support ticket gets resolved quickly and effectively is to include the debug logs from within Microsoft Teams. 


Support engineers rely on debug logs to help identify issues with significantly more speed and accuracy. Having these logs on hand to include with a support request will allow Microsoft to pinpoint where a problem may exist and troubleshoot it more effectively. 


We know that student data privacy is a top priority. The information included in debug logs does not include sensitive student data. Only data related to logins, connection requests, and call quality are provided to engineers for the explicit use of troubleshooting issues within Teams. 


Exporting debug logs within Teams is easy. Depending on the device you are working with, use the following keyboard combinations to download a debug log: 




Mac OSX 




Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1 

Option + Command + Shift+1 

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1 


The debug logs are automatically downloaded to the following folders: 



Mac OSX 








Follow browser prompts for location. 


For mobile devices, include the model of the device with your ticket and the version of Teams you are using. To find these details within teams go to More > Settings > About. 


Our goal is to provide you with the quickest support possible. Providing logs with your support requests is one of the best ways to ensure tickets are handled as speedily as possible. 


Happy learning! 




Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.