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The most accurate way to model your use case is to simulate the load you expect on your own hardware. You can do this using the load generation tools that ship with Kafka


However, if you want to size a cluster without simulation, a very simple rule could be to size the cluster based on the amount of disk-space required (which can be computed from the estimated rate at which you get data times the required data retention period).

A slightly more sophisticated estimation can be done based on network and disk throughput requirements. To make this estimation, let’s plan for a use case with the following characteristics:

  • W – MB/sec of data that will be written

  • R – Replication factor

  • C – Number of consumer groups, that is the number of readers for each write

Kafka is mostly limited by the disk and network throughput.

The volume of writing expected is W * R (that is, each replica writes each message). Data is read by replicas as part of the internal cluster replication and also by consumers. Because every replicas but the master read each write, the read volume of replication is (R-1) * W. In addition each of the C consumers reads each write, so there will be a read volume of C * W. This gives the following:

  • Writes: W * R

  • Reads: (R+C- 1) * W

An easy way to model the real consumer lagging is to assume a number of lagging readers you to budget for. To model this, let’s call the number of lagging readers L. A very pessimistic assumption would be that L = R + C -1, that is that all consumers are lagging all the time. A more realistic assumption might be to assume no more than two consumers are lagging at any given time.

Based on this, we can calculate our cluster-wide I/O requirements:

  • Disk Throughput (Read + Write): W * R + L * W

  • Network Read Throughput: (R + C -1) * W

  • Network Write Throughput: W * R

Deciding Number of Disks

In HDInsight Kafka cluster you can choose the number of disks (only) during the cluster creation. The number varies based on VM SKU, the size of each disk is 1 TB.

eg : For E8aV4, once can attach up to 16 disks where as for D12V2 its 8.


Deciding Number of Brokers/Workers

If the selected VM  have a 1 Gigabit Ethernet card with full duplex, then that would give 125 MB/sec read and 125 MB/sec write. Likewise you can calculate the total read-write capacity per machine.  Once we know the total requirements, as well as what is provided by one machine, you can divide to get the total number of machines needed.


Note : This gives a machine count running at maximum capacity, assuming no overhead for network protocols, as well as perfect balance of data and load. Since there is protocol overhead as well as imbalance, you want to have at least 2x this ideal capacity to ensure sufficient capacity.

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.