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We are pleased to announce the Visual Studio Code Notebook support for HDInsight clusters in the HDInsight Spark & Hive Extension. The new feature facilitates you to perform Jupyter like Notebook operations and boosts collaborations with one-click conversion between IPYNB and PY files. 


The Visual Studio Code Notebook supports working with Jupyter Notebooks natively, allowing you to create a new IPYNB Notebook, open an existing Notebook, and perform cell level operations for code and markdown cells. Moreover, you can fully enjoy the language service for Python, debug your Notebook, and watch variables. 


The HDInsight Spark & Hive extension also delivers seamless integration with HDInsight clusters. You can quickly access to HDInsight standard Clusters, ESP Clusters and HIB clusters through Azure sign in or link to a cluster manually for PySpark interactive query and batch job submission.  


Key customer benefits   

  • Single Azure sign-in to access HDInsight clusters including ESP and HIB clusters.

  • Create, open, and save a Jupyter Notebook (IPYNB)

  • Work with cells in the Notebook Editor

  • IntelliSense support in the Jupyter Notebook Editor

  • View, inspect, and filter variables through the Variable explorer and Data viewer

  • Debug a Jupyter Notebook

  • Run Notebook against HDInsight clusters for PySpark query.


How to get started


First, install Visual Studio Code and download Mono 4.2.x (for Linux and Mac). Then, get the latest HDInsight Tools by going to the Visual Studio Code Extension repository or the Visual Studio Code Marketplace and searching Spark & Hive Tools.

Spark & Hive.png

For more information about the HDInsight Spark & Hive Tools for Visual Studio Code, please see the following resources:

If you have questions, feedback, comments, or bug reports, please send a note to

Announcements Big Data HDInsight Spark Hive Visual Studio Code

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