This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Steps to recreate/rebuild SF cluster by retaining others resources(Eg: Load balancer, Public IP, Vnet and So on…) in the Resource Group when cluster state is lost due to some unsupported operations.


Step 1: Go to Resource Explorer, navigate to SF resource and copy the configuration content of SF resource from the right plane



Step 2: Delete the SF resource in the Resource group:



Step 3: Deploy a Custom Template:

Paste the copied SF configuration in Step 1 under the “resource : [ // Please copy here]

Remove below properties:

  • Cluster ID

  • etag

  • id


Add the API version under the type and modify the UpgradeMode to “Manual”

  • “apiVersion”: “2018-02-01”,

  • “upgradeMode”: “Manual”


Save and Create the Resource, Post which SF resource gets created under Resource group.



Step 4: Copy the new Cluster Id from Resource Explorer -> SF resource:


Navigate to VMSS resource -> Replace the Cluster ID in ClusterEndpoint



However VMSS update may result in below failure, Please ignore the Error.

If you go to Resource Group- > VMSS -> ClusterEndpoint will be updated with new Cluster ID



Step 5: Scale the instance count by + 1( In case of Reliability is None, +3 if bronze , +5 if Silver and so on)


Once Instance is created, SF Status would show as “Deploying” and newly added instances will start showing under Nodes.



Step 6: Delete the old instance:



Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.