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When deploying an ASP.NET Core application, encountering the “HTTP Error 500.30 – ASP.NET Core app failed to start” is the most common error. This error typically indicates an issue within the application startup process, often triggered by misconfigurations, dependencies or environment mismatches.




The HTTP 500.30 error occurs when the ASP.NET Core application fails to launch successfully. Unlike other HTTP errors that might relate to client-side or application issues, this error signifies that the server was unable to initiate the application due to a problem during startup. This failure may result from misconfigurations in the hosting environment, incorrect settings in the app configuration, or missing dependencies required for the application to run.


Since the issue could stem from various factors, it’s essential to verify all aspects. First, ensure that the correct ASP.NET Core runtime is installed. The ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle includes everything needed to run web or server apps. It contains the .NET runtime, ASP.NET Core runtime and if installed on a machine with IIS, it also adds the ASP.NET Core IIS Module. If it is not installed, download and install the correct Hosting Bundle from this link – Download ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime (v8.0.8) – Windows Hosting Bundle Installer ( If you are using previous version, use this link to get the list of relevant versions download. Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (

Note: If the Hosting Bundle is installed before IIS, the bundle installation must be repaired. Run the Hosting Bundle installer again after installing IIS.


You should also review the application event logs. These can often reveal more specific errors, such as missing configuration files, connection string issues, or runtime errors. To access these logs, go to: Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application. An error you might encounter could look something like this –


Here the application startup failed to load coreclr. CLR worker thread exited prematurely. This issue commonly occurs when an application is built for a 32-bit runtime, but the application pool is set to 64-bit. To resolve this, set the “Enable 32-Bit Applications” option to true. For more details on this setting, you can refer to this article – How to Host 32-Bit Applications in IIS: Complete Step-by-Step Guide & In-Depth Analysis (



Also be mindful while you are publishing your application. Make sure to select the correct configurations (Debug/Release). Always choose “Release” unless you special debugging need.


The target framework should match with the installed hosting bundle version. Also, ensure you select the appropriate target runtime and deployment mode.


Lastly, if your ASP.NET Core application relies on dependencies or third-party libraries, verify that they are installed on the server. If your application is 64-bit but the dependencies are 32-bit, enable the “Enable 32-Bit Applications” setting in the application pool.


Other Potential Causes

The failure to load corclr is one possible cause of the 500.30 exception. In the context of hosting ASP.NET Core applications on IIS, a 500.30 – Start Failure generally indicates that the application was unable to start correctly. There are many other factors that could contribute to this exception. Some of these include –  


Missing or Incorrect .NET Runtime

The required ASP.NET Core runtime may not be installed on the server. Ensure that the correct version of the runtime is installed. This is already discussed above.


Startup Errors in the Application

Issues in the Startup.cs or Program.cs files e.g., incorrect configurations, middleware issues, dependency injection failure or exceptions could prevent the application from starting.


App Misconfiguration

Incorrect configurations in the appsettings.json or web.config or environment-specific settings files could lead to startup failures, such as invalid database connection strings or service misconfigurations etc.


File Permission

The application may not have sufficient file system permissions to access required directories or files.


Environment Variable Issues

Missing or misconfigured environment variables e.g., ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT can cause the app to crash or behave unexpectedly during startup.


HTTP Error 500.30 signifies a failure in the ASP.NET Core application’s startup process. By investigating the stdout logs, windows application and system event logs, validating the environment, checking dependency versions, and ensuring proper configurations and tracing the startup process, you can better identify the specific cause of the 500.30 error.



Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.