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On the 20th October at 1PM PDT, 9PM BST, Mustafa Saifee, a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador from SVKM Institute of Technology, India and Dave Glover, a Cloud Advocate from Microsoft will livestream an in-depth walkthrough of how to develop a secure IoT solution with Azure Sphere and IoT Central n Learn TV.


The content will be based on a module on Microsoft Learn, our hands-on, self guided learning platform, and you can follow along at 


You can follow along with us live on October 20th, or join the Microsoft IoT Cloud Advocates in our IoT TechCommunity throughout October to ask your questions about IoT Edge development.


Meet the presenters




Mustafa Saifee

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

SVKM Institute of Technology



Dave Glover 
Senior Cloud Advocate, Microsoft

IoT and Cloud Specialist


Session details

In this session Dave and Mustafa will deploy an Azure Sphere application to monitor ambient conditions for laboratory conditions. The application will monitor the room environment conditions, connect to IoT Hub, and send telemetry data from the device to the cloud. You’ll control cloud to device communications and undertake actions as needed.

Learning Objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Create an IoT Central Application

  • Configure your Azure Sphere application to IoT Central

  • Build and deploy the Azure Sphere application

  • Display the environment telemetry in the IoT Central Dashboard

  • Control an Azure Sphere application using Azure IoT Central properties and commands


Ready to go

Our Livestream will be shown live on this page and at Microsoft Learn TV on Tuesday 20th October 2020 or early morning of Wednesday 21th October in APAC time zone. 


This is a Global event and can be viewed LIVE at Microsoft Learn TV at these times:


UK 9pm BST
EU 10pm CEST

India 1.30am (21th October) IST

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.