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Log Analytics time picker is an easy way to scope and control the query’s time scope – directly from the UI without composing or altering your query code.
Time picker is also a great way to narrow down queries and zoom into the specific time where issues occurred.
The Log Analytics team has improved the way our time picker works.
We are happy to announce that that time picker now supports changing the query’s time span – even if a time scope has been specified in the query!
How it works:
If your query doesn’t contain a time scope – simply use the time picker to define the scope of time for your query.
Note that the default is 24 hours.
If your query specifies time – you can use the time picker to further narrow down the time scope:
Note: time scope will work in tandem with the time defined in the query. For example, If you defined a time span of 24 hours in your query and then used the time picker to define a 2 hour time span – your query result will show results from the last 2 hours.
You can always go back to the time set in query by selecting this option from the time picker:
Advanced options:
Log Analytics allows the selection of a specific time span, using the time picker.
You can click the ‘custom’ option in the time picker and specify your desired time:
This functionality makes specifying exact periods of time a breeze.
Time picker is a great and easy way to specify time ranges for queries in Log Analytics.
Using the time picker saves a lot of time when composing queries and the fact that the time is a dynamic part of the UI makes time based exploration a breeze.
Let us know what you think! please share your thoughts and comments about this enhancement in the comments section of this blog!
Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.
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