This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.



In this installment of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen, Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm, are joined by Erwin van Hunen (Valo Intranet) | @erwinvanhunen – MVP, Father of PnP PowerShell, and Lead Architect at Valo Intranet in Sweden.


How do you end up owning a PnP open source project?  Start by making and sharing something that makes your own life easier.  In Erwin’s case, create a little PowerShell module in 2014.   Now, 60 Million PowerShell Cmdlets are executed each day.  Subsequent discussion focuses on who, why, where, how to use PnP PowerShell.  PnP PowerShell can be used for Microsoft Teams and Planner in addition to SharePoint.  Covered off on connectivity, authentication, supportability, roadmap, and on how PnP PowerShell and Microsoft Graph PowerShell are complementary.  Future and present – a multi-Platform PnP PowerShell for Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Azure Functions, Azure Automation.  PnP.PowerShell v1.00 is releasing this week thanks to contributions from many PnP community members.


This episode was recorded on Monday, January 18, 2020.



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As always, if you need help on an issue, want to share a discovery, or just want to say: “Job well done”, please reach out to Vesa, to Waldek or to your Microsoft 365 PnP Community.


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Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.