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This blogpost can support your DevOps journey to make your Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI CD) for companies and or customers. What is DevOps?
People, Process, and Technology to continually provide value to customers.
While adopting DevOps practices automates and optimizes processes through technology, it all starts with the culture inside the organization—and the people who play a part in it. The challenge of cultivating a DevOps culture requires deep changes in the way people work and collaborate. But when organizations commit to a DevOps culture, they can create the environment for high-performing teams to develop.
My name is James van den Berg and I’m a MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management on my DevOps journey as an IT Infrastructure Guy managing datacenters on-prem and in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Today It’s not only a Virtual Machine or a Website to deploy for your customers, it’s much more then that like :
- Time to market, deploy your solution fast without waiting on dependencies because you automated your process with a CI CD Pipeline.
- Security and Monitoring to keep you in Controle.
- Working together with different Teams who are each responsible for a part of the solution.
- The complete DevOps Pipeline must be Compliant
Here you can start with Azure DevOps on Microsoft Learn platform.
In the following step-by-step guide, you will see how easy it can be to Build your own first pipeline.
Before you start, you need a Microsoft Azure Subscription to start with.
1. Login your Azure subscription and type DevOps in your search bar.
Click on DevOps Starter
From here you can start with a new application of your choice or bring your own code from Git Hub.
I will choose a new dot NET application, but when you have your Own Code on Git Hub for example it will integrate in your Azure Cloud Pipeline like this :
Your existing repository on Git Hub will integrate with your Azure DevOps Pipeline. But for this step-by-step guide we will make an ASP.NET Web application pipeline in Microsoft Azure Cloud.
Here you choose your Application Framework and you can select a SQL Database for your Solution.
More information about all the quick starts in Azure DevOps Starter.
The Next step is to select the right Azure services to run on your ASP.NET solution. I selected the Windows Web App fully managed compute platform.
Complete the last step and you can change your Service Plan at additional settings when you need more resources. From here the Azure DevOps Starter has enough information to Build your first Azure Pipeline solution in the Cloud.
Pipeline in Progress.
When you Click here on the Build link you will be redirected to your Azure DevOps environment.
Here you find more information about Microsoft Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps Pipeline creation in Progress.
To monitor the creation of your Pipeline solution, you can see that in the live logs :
Live monitoring the deployment
Your Azure DevOps Starter deployment is running.
Your ASP.NET Web App running with a Pipeline.
Your Deployment in Azure DevOps.
From here is the baseline deployment of your solution done with Azure DevOps Starter and can you Configure the Pipeline environment with the other teams to get RBAC and Dashboards in place to work with.
Azure DevOps Dashboard.
Conclusion :
Microsoft Azure DevOps Starter supports you with the basic of your Pipeline Solution. It’s a good start for your DevOps journey and to configure your solution with other teams to get your compliant result for your customer or business.
You can follow me on Twitter : @JamesvandenBerg
More information :
Blog : Microsoft Azure DevOps Blog
Follow on Twitter : @AzureDevOps
Start here with Microsoft Azure DevOps
Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.
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