Modernize Windows Server Apps on Microsoft Azure using Containers with Windows Admin Center and AKS!

Modernize Windows Server Apps on Microsoft Azure using Containers with Windows Admin Center and AKS!

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Today we are looking at how you can modernize Windows Server Apps on Microsoft Azure using Containers with Windows Admin Center and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). We will see how we can create a new custom Docker container image using Windows Admin Center, upload that to an Azure Container registry and deploy it to our Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.



In the video, we have a quick intro about Windows and Hyper-V containers in general. After that, we are using Windows Admin Center with the new Container Extension to manage our Windows Server container host and create a new Docker container image.


Windows Admin Center Container Extension and Windows Server Container Host


 @Vinicius Apolinario and his team just released a new version of the container extension for Windows Admin Center in November 2020, which will help you to simply create a new Windows Server container host. You can find more about the latest new features here.



Create a new Docker Container Image using Windows Admin Center

You can use the Windows Admin Center Container extension to create a new Docker container image. This will help you to easily create the necessary basic Docker file for your container image.

Create a new Docker Container Image using Windows Admin CenterCreate a new Docker Container Image using Windows Admin Center


Push Windows Container Image to Azure Container Registry

After you have created your custom container image, you can now upload it to your container registry. This can be an Azure Container Registry (ACR) or another container registry you want to use.


Push Container image to ACRPush Container image to ACR


You can now find your container image on your container registry.



Azure Container Registry ACRAzure Container Registry ACR

Now you can deploy your Windows Server container image to your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster or other container offerings on Azure, AKS on Azure Stack HCI, Azure Stack Hub, or any other container platform which has access to the ACR.


Windows Server Containers on AKSWindows Server Containers on AKS


I hope this blog was helpful to show some of the tooling available to modernize Windows Server applications on Microsoft Azure using Containers with Windows Admin Center and AKS! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.

All Around Azure A Developer Guide to IOT 19th Jan 2021

All Around Azure A Developer Guide to IOT 19th Jan 2021

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

AKS on Azure Stack HCI December Update

AKS on Azure Stack HCI December Update

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Hi All,


The AKS on Azure Stack HCI team has been hard at work responding to feedback from you all, and adding new features and functionality.  Today we are releasing the AKS on Azure Stack HCI December Update.


You can evaluate the AKS on Azure Stack HCI December Update by registering for the Public Preview here: (If you have already downloaded AKS on Azure Stack HCI – this evaluation link has now been updated with the December Update)


Some of the new changes in the AKS on Azure Stack HCI December Update include:


Workload Cluster Management Dashboard in Windows Admin Center

With the December update, AKS on Azure Stack HCI now provides you with a dashboard where you can:

  • View any workload clusters you have deployed

  • Connect to their Arc management pages

  • Download the kubeconfig file for the cluster

  • Create new workload clusters

  • Delete existing workload clusters


We will be expanding the capabilities of this dashboard overtime.


Naming Scheme Update for AKS on Azure Stack HCI worker nodes

As people have been integrating AKS on Azure Stack HCI into their environments, there were some challenges encountered with our naming scheme for worker nodes.  Specifically as people needed to join them to a domain to enable GMSA for Windows Containers.  With the December update AKS on Azure Stack HCI worker node naming is now more domain friendly.


Windows Server 2019 Host Support

When we launched the first public preview of AKS on Azure Stack HCI – we only supported deployment on top of new Azure Stack HCI systems.  However, some users have been asking for the ability to deploy AKS on Azure Stack HCI on Windows Server 2019.  With this release we are now adding support for running AKS on Azure Stack HCI on any Windows Server 2019 cluster that has Hyper-V enabled, with a cluster shared volume configured for storage.


There have been several other changes and fixes that you can read about in the December Update release notes (Release December 2020 Update · Azure/aks-hci (


Once you have downloaded and installed the AKS on Azure Stack HCI December Update – you can report any issues you encounter, and track future feature work on our GitHub Project at


I look forward to hearing from you all!




Auto start/stop Flexible Server using Azure Automation Python RunBook

Auto start/stop Flexible Server using Azure Automation Python RunBook

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Flexible Server is a new deployment option for Azure Database for PostgreSQL that gives you the control you need with multiple configuration parameters for fine-grained database tuning along with a simpler developer experience to accelerate end-to-end deployment. With Flexible Server, you will also have a new way to optimize cost with stop/start capabilities. The ability to stop/start the Flexible Server when needed is ideal for development or test scenarios where it’s not necessary to run your database 24×7. When Flexible Server is stopped, you only pay for storage, and you can easily start it back up with just a click in the Azure portal.


Azure Automation delivers a cloud-based automation and configuration service that supports consistent management across your Azure and non-Azure environments. It comprises process automation, configuration management, update management, shared capabilities, and heterogeneous features. Automation gives you complete control during deployment, operations, and decommissioning of workloads and resources. The Azure Automation Process Automation feature supports several types of runbooks such as Graphical, PowerShell, Python. Other options for automation include PowerShell runbook, Azure Functions timer trigger, Azure Logic Apps. Here is a guide to choose the right integration and automation services in Azure.


Runbooks support storing, editing, and testing the scripts in the portal directly. Python is a general-purpose, versatile, and popular programming language. In this blog, we will see how we can leverage Azure Automation Python runbook to auto start/stop a Flexible Server on weekend days (Saturdays and Sundays).





1. Create a new Azure Automation account with Azure Run As account at:


NOTE: An Azure Run As Account by default has the Contributor role to your entire subscription. You can limit Run As account permissions if required. Also, all users with access to the Automation Account can also use this Azure Run As Account.




2. After you successfully create the Azure Automation account, navigate to Runbooks.

Here you can already see some sample runbooks.




3. Let’s create a new python runbook by selecting+ Create a runbook.


4. Provide the runbook details, and then select Create.




After the python runbook is created successfully, an Edit screen appears, similar to the image below.




5. Copy paste the below python script. Fill in appropriate values for your Flexible Server’s subscription_id, resource_group, and server_name, and then select Save.




import azure.mgmt.resource
import requests
import automationassets
from msrestazure.azure_cloud import AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD
from datetime import datetime

def get_token(runas_connection, resource_url, authority_url):
    """ Returns credentials to authenticate against Azure resoruce manager """
    from OpenSSL import crypto
    from msrestazure import azure_active_directory
    import adal

    # Get the Azure Automation RunAs service principal certificate
    cert = automationassets.get_automation_certificate("AzureRunAsCertificate")
    pks12_cert = crypto.load_pkcs12(cert)
    pem_pkey = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pks12_cert.get_privatekey())

    # Get run as connection information for the Azure Automation service principal
    application_id = runas_connection["ApplicationId"]
    thumbprint = runas_connection["CertificateThumbprint"]
    tenant_id = runas_connection["TenantId"]

    # Authenticate with service principal certificate
    authority_full_url = (authority_url + '/' + tenant_id)
    context = adal.AuthenticationContext(authority_full_url)
    return context.acquire_token_with_client_certificate(

action = ''
day_of_week ='%A')
if day_of_week == 'Saturday':
    action = 'stop'
elif day_of_week == 'Monday':
    action = 'start'

subscription_id = '<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>'
resource_group = '<RESOURCE_GROUP>'
server_name = '<SERVER_NAME>'

if action: 
    print 'Today is ' + day_of_week + '. Executing ' + action + ' server'
    runas_connection = automationassets.get_automation_connection("AzureRunAsConnection")
    resource_url = AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD.endpoints.active_directory_resource_id
    authority_url = AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD.endpoints.active_directory
    resourceManager_url = AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD.endpoints.resource_manager
    auth_token=get_token(runas_connection, resource_url, authority_url)
    url = '' + subscription_id + '/resourceGroups/' + resource_group + '/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/' + server_name + '/' + action + '?api-version=2020-02-14-preview'
    response =, json={}, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth_token})
    print 'Today is ' + day_of_week + '. No action taken'




After you save this, you can test the python script using “Test Pane”. When the script works fine, then select Publish.


Next, we need to schedule this runbook to run every day using Schedules.


6. On the runbook Overview blade, select Link to schedule.




7. Select Link a schedule to your runbook.




8. Select Create a new schedule.




9. Create a schedule to run every day at 12:00 AM using the following parameters




10. Select Create and verify that the schedule has been successfully created and verify that the Status is “On“.




After following these steps, Azure Automation will run the Python runbook every day at 12:00 AM. The python script will stop the Flexible Server if it’s a Saturday and start the server if it’s a Monday. This is all based on the UTC time zone, but you can easily modify it to fit the time zone of your choice. You can also use the holidays Python package to auto start/stop Flexible Server during the holidays.


If you want to dive deeper, the new Flexible Server documentation is a great place to find out more. You can also visit our website to learn more about our Azure Database for PostgreSQL managed service. We’re always eager to hear your feedback, so please reach out via email using the Ask Azure DB for PostgreSQL alias.


Top Reasons Your On-premises SQL Server Instance Can Benefit from Azure | Data Exposed

This article is contributed. See the original author and article here.

Learn how to leverage SQL Server on Azure virtual machine to improve your elasticity and business continuity for your on-premises SQL Server instances. Discover how the new benefits allow you to reduce your overall TCO while improving your uptime ONLY on Azure on this episode of Data Exposed with Amit Banerjee.