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Following a concise summary of some tips for troubleshooting Synapse Studio:
Troubleshoot Synapse Studio connectivity – Azure Synapse Analytics | Microsoft Docs
Troubleshoot Synapse Studio – Azure Synapse Analytics | Microsoft Docs
1) I am trying to load SQLDW on Synapse Studio and it shows not accessible. Keep in mind make questions to investigate the issue:
- Do you in fact have permission to open SQLDW?
- Is your SQL DW pause?
- Can you connect from SSMS or Azure Data Studio?
- Does the issue affect only your user or Any User?
Script to check permissions:
SELECT, 'has the '
, permission_name
, 'permission on the item described as class = '
, class, 'id = '
, major_id
FROM sys.database_permissions AS DP
JOIN sys.database_principals AS DPUsers
ON DP.grantee_principal_id = DPUsers.principal_id
--where like 'nameoftheuser'
You are trying to use SQL Serverless and the database is unreachable.
Almost the same questions:
- Can you connect from SSMS or Azure Data Studio?
- Does the issue affect only your user or Any User?
- Does this issue affect only your user or any user?
- If you switch browser can you connect?
In one of the cases, we had a situation while the customer was using firefox when he hit this CORR Issue documented here:
He was able to get by capturing the console log:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at….
(Reason: CORS request did not succeed). 2
Har trace available on the developer tools can be a strong allied to get those very specific case scenarios and behaviors.
Another good post to take into consideration while troubleshooting this kind of issue:
Synapse Workspace Pools and On Demand Inaccessible – Microsoft Tech Community
That is it!
Liliam Leme
UK Engineer
Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.
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