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Hi everyone, and welcome to the MR Tech Community! I’m Nick from the MR Academy in San Francisco, and when I’m not burying my head in one of my numerous different code projects, I host events and do presentations at the local Microsoft Reactor! Or at least, I used to.


My team stopped doing in-person events towards the start of the year, and that’s turned out to be a pretty cool thing since we got to move many of our events online. It has been really awesome having easier access to amazing speakers that weren’t available in-person, and chatting with developers from all over the world is a really humbling experience as well!



Remember when we used to do things in-person? Hah! Wild. Here’s a few more people from the MR Academy onstage at the reactor: Dan Escudero, Jesse McCulloch, and myself, with Jo Ryall hanging out in the background!


But the one event I loved the most, the MR Workgroup, didn’t translate very well into an online event. Twice a month I used to host a small group of MR developers in the Reactor kitchen, and we’d just hang out and work on projects, share ideas, chat about the latest news, whatever was on our minds at the time! It was one of the highlights of my week, and I miss everyone who used to come out and join us.


So we’ve tried to make this space feel like that workgroup! It’s definitely not 1:1, but I think it’ll come close. So think of this as a place to share, learn socialize, a developer workgroup on the web!


The Mixed Reality team has also been itching for a platform to blog on, so you’ll see some great content from our developers pop up here! We’ve got a cool line-up for this week, from some incredibly talented developers!


Thank you for dropping in and being part of the MR community, and before I sign off here, I’m going to take you on a quick tour of the space!

  • Mixed Reality Blog
    We’ll be posting content here straight from our devs! We have so much cool tech, and so much great knowledge to share! This will grow into a treasure trove of MR information. Feel like you’ve got a blog post in you too? Send me a note! We’d love to feature learnings from the community too!
  • Mixed Reality General
    Do you have something to talk about, but can’t find a good spot to say it? May as well pop into General! Everything is great here, and it’s a perfect place to introduce yourself!
  • Mixed Reality Showcase
    Showcasing your projects, features, or experiments is a great way to get some visibility, feedback, or just a little ego boost from showing off! No need to be humble over here, and if you’re looking for feedback, it’s always great to clarify what type of feedback you’re looking for! Just uh… don’t leak anything secret ;)
  • Mixed Reality News
    There’s a lot happening in this industry! Share the latest developments and talk shop over here! Doesn’t even have to be Microsoft specific, everyone is welcome here!
  • Mixed Reality Feedback and Help
    While this Tech Community is a social space, not a technical support channel, sometimes you just need some guidance! Q&A sites are better for answering specific questions, but if you don’t even know what to ask, or need something a little more vague, this is a great spot to drop into! We also love to hear feedback about Microsoft MR tech, and this is a good channel for that too!
  • Mixed Reality Events
    Do you have an event? Post it here! Does Microsoft have an event? We’ll post it here too! Want to chat about an event? Park your keyboard over here! There’s a lot of fun events happening out there.

So! Make yourselves at home, introduce yourselves and say hi, maybe even share some screenshots of what you’re working on, if you can! I know I’m definitely looking forward to meeting everyone :)


– Nick Klingensmith

Brought to you by Dr. Ware, Microsoft Office 365 Silver Partner, Charleston SC.